#i apologize in advance if youve already been tagged!
(tagged by: @mazeloved ) thanks so much! 💗
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people who you want to get to know better.
name: antonio
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: 5'0" i think?
languages: english and spanish (and some chinese, though i'm not fluent)
nationality: hispanic
favourite fruit: mangoes, strawberries, and blackberries!
favourite scent: for candles and stuff i guess it's scents like 'ocean breeze' or 'midnight' but for natural scents i'd have to say jasmine, roses, and the earth after a good rain
favourite color: all of them except for certain shades of yellow and orange and every shade of green
favourite animal: i have a whole bunch but if i'm gonna narrow it down my top 4 are - bats, cows, bees, angelfish
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: both hot chocolate and tea depending on my mood. i can't have coffee or anything with caffeine so there's that.
favourite fictional character: um, maybe from films and stuff it'd be coraline, mia wallace, all the characters from scott pilgrim vs. the world, and every character in every ghibli movie
dream trip: i really want to visit hong kong and other areas of europe and asia, and i also really wanna go back to my hometown in mexico
when blog was created: about two or three years ago i think?
last movie seen: train to busan and 100 days in solitude
favourite candy: i don't really eat candy to be honest
favourite holiday: halloween and christmas
songs on repeat: airplane - jhope / peach scone - hobo johnson / your english is good - tokyo police club / source decay - the mountain goats
song one: will he - joji
song two: sleeping powder - gorillaz (2D solo)
song three: bananas and blow - ween
i tag: @kooksnovio @13hyunjin @shittyteen @yoonloveclub
@vinylgoth @skizzorlover @glossknj
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