#i bet his tenure as avatar was the catalyst for the unrest in lok
the-badger-mole · 10 months
You made a good point about Aang in the western air temple. Playing around and goofing off literally after over half of his team sacrificed themselves for him to escape was pretty insensitive. I understand the writers wanting him to deflect but they could have had Aang overtrain himself or refuse to sleep because of guilt like in Nightmares and Daydreams.
I would have love to have him act the exact same way, but have his friends confront him over it. I don't mind that Aang is a spoiled little brat who just wants to play. What I hate is the narrative treating him like he isn't. Katara and Sokka should've gone off on him. You mean to tell me that Sokka- who just a couple of episodes later goes off on a suicide mission to free his dad- and Katara -who just a few episodes earlier was processing her grief and feelings of being abandoned by her father- had absolutely nothing to say to him? You mean to tell me Toph- who for as gruff as she is, really cares for her friends and has a bond with Katara- didn't smack him around for his callousness? Aang is written to be a horrible person. If you change some of the framing around him, he could easily be an antagonist, maybe even the villain of the story. Maybe there's a reason the Equalists weren't super impressed with the idea of having an Avatar.
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