#i can’t wait til born lucky actually it’s such a good ep apart from the adhd stuff
riverstardis · 2 years
the quiet man (couldn’t watch live today because uni boooo👎🏼 so i’m watching from the drive rather than uktv play):
oh this is the ep with the questionable adhd rep
the shots focusing on connie and zoe’s heels as they get of their cars sjskfkfk
and then their super awkward conversation
that guy running on to the train tracks and just narrowly avoiding a train… lev flashbacks
connie moving the sofa out of zoe’s office to move another desk in and implementing a tannoy without telling her
cal and fletch betting over lofty… and so it begins
ethan finding lily hiding out in a cubicle (because she’s still having issues with the other staff not wanting her there) and asking her if she’s treating a patient for invisibility lmao
ethan’s such a good friend to lily🥺
“i prefer the tannoy to the pager, it’s more publicly accountable”
eurghh there’s so much vomiting in this episode i’m trying to eat here
ohh just realised the reason he wasn’t hungry at the start was because he was taking his daughter’s ritalin which reduces appetite
lmaooo the girl calling connie “the old witchy one” over the tannoy after stealing louise’s headset and zoe looking satisfied until she calls her “the frumpy one”
aww and she says the only decent doctor is “the chinese one” and lily looks so happy and she tells security to go easy on her
ethan smiling listening to the tannoy going “i wonder what she’ll do next” to charlie sjskdkkf
he’s been taking his daughter’s adhd medication because he thinks it’s like a load of coffee and he doesn’t get much sleep because of her but her symptoms wouldn’t be so hard to manage if he let her take her own medication rather than stealing it for himself??? and now he’s talking about the kind of label adhd is it some bs
lily shouting at him for trying to deny his kid’s adhd THATS MY GIRL!!
yikes her mum left because of her adhd and he lied to her and told her her mum was dead
LMAO the girl asking lily why she’s a doctor because she doesn’t seem to like people very much
“you don’t have to like someone to help them”
“adhd eh?. great. labelled again.” “we all have labels” tell him lily!
awww she wants to become a doctor, lily inspired her🥺
ethan being the only person to notice lily coming into the pub and offer her a drink, even though fletch was the one who invited her after she saved the girl🙄
connie sitting at zoe’s desk imagining herself as clinical lead
this episode doesn’t do anything to challenge any harmful adhd stereotypes, the girl with adhd is just portrayed as difficult and annoying, but hey at least it was a little white girl rather than a little white boy
now we await born lucky for the next in the ‘casualty vs doing adhd rep as well as they do literally every other disability’ saga
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