#i close my eyes and see sunflower nj
namchyoon · 2 years
those namjoon airport pictures have changed me as a person i think
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taekookficrecs · 4 years
Hi! Could you recommend me the top/your favourite Taekook fanfics? I’m finding the BTS fandom so much bigger than other fandoms I’ve been in I don’t know how to find myself 😫 Thank you !!
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hello friends :) i have answered some of my faves before but i’ll do it again cus it’s fun haha hope you like these !! there are a ton of different aus so enjoy
Kiss With a Fist - byeolguk (( 30/? | M | 187,718 ))
“Need a little help, love?” Jungkook asks, teasing him.
“Nah I had it all under control, sweetheart,” Taehyung answers with a smile, blood oozing from his split lip. Goddamn even smiling hurt now. Fuckity fuck fuck. Jungkook only rolls his eyes, his cocky smirk never slipping and Taehyung almost forgets how much pain he’s in.
(taekook prison au!! i started reading it forever ago but it remains in my top 3!! the plot and pet names make it so fun to read. be patient with updates though!
maybe we’re all just fools - airplanewishes (( 1/1 | G | 52,675 ))
Jeongguk likes to run. He’s never wanted anyone to run with him before.
(college fake dating au!! a definite classic, their relationship is just the cutest ;-;)
Where The Wind Blows - Kavbj (( 1/1 | T | 12,932 ))
Sunlight licks at the side of his face, warm and comforting and so fucking happy - just like the boy beneath him, who grins into the kiss and continues to hold Jungkook’s hand tightly to his chest.
(college friends to lovers! honestly the softest, their relationship before even dating makes this a 10/10 alone)
summer; blue - batman (( 1/1 | M | 66,024 ))
More than you can manage, more than you can hide: a study in light.
(modern w magic, enemies to lovers!! this is THE fic!! my number one of all time, there are so many layers to this one. the plot, the writing, all of it is heavenly)
what do you fight for? - flywithtaetae (kimtaehyungs) (( 1/1 | M | 10,001 ))
Taehyung has only ever known to keep his guard up. But that was before he knew Jungkook.
(high school bad boys au :) so so cute, i’ve read it so many times)
All’s Fair in Coffee and War - expplipo (( 1/1 | T | 6,898 ))
“Goddammit, Kim Taehyung,” Jeongguk moaned, “I thought I’d get you with the soy.”
(established relationship au!! fluffy, domestic, and pure for the heart <3)
King of the Library, Knight of His Trade - madigraye (( 1/1 | T | 47,430 ))
Moral of the story? Don't fuck with Jeon Jungkook or else you'll end up ruining your perfect attendance to chase his coattails.
(college au!! a total classic that is just so fun to read)
Speed Demon - lethallergic (( 1/1 | E | 50,082 ))
Pick up the pace like danger and ride.
(this one!!! criminals/thiefs au! masterpiece if i do say so myself, it’s definitely in my top 3. this author writes amazingly and the slow burn is just !!! perfection)
Ghost Story - mindheist (( 1/1 | E | 19,729 ))
It was an untold story with no ending, until now.
(ghost au!! super cute and made me cry lol but i love it all the same)
take an inch (i’ll give you a mile) - thestarsabove (( 1/1 | E | 44,705 ))
In which Taehyung has to put his post-graduate identity crisis on hold because he keeps getting distracted by the hot, sweaty guy installing a pool in his parents’ backyard.
Or: a fluffy, horny summer starring Taehyung and Jeongguk.
(will never get over how fun this one is!! so entertaining and immersing)
ELLIPSISM - haruday (( 11/11 | N/R | 72,456 ))
If you slap a jester's hat on the monster in the closet it ceases to be scary but to itself, it will still be a monster. If Jeongguk opens his palms he closes them instantly because he doesn't like the ugliness he sees. The neon light leaks through his pores and he ceases to be bright.
Pain changes people. It certaintly changes Jeon Jeongguk.
(very well known college au! it deals with heavy stuff like depression and suicide so proceed with caution but it’s a beautiful story!!)
i forget to breathe (when i’m with you) - locks (( 14/14 | E | 111,780 ))
"Do we have a deal, angel," Taehyung repeats, and Jeongguk can hear that he's losing his patience, hands resting on his hips.
Jeongguk lifts his head, snapping the lid closed. "Pleasure doing business with you, daddy," he nods, sending a grin up to Taehyung who just narrows his eyes at him.
"You're lucky I like you," Taehyung mutters, sounding mildly threatening as he steps over to him and tilts Jeongguk's chin up, leaning down to press a kiss against his lips.
Lucky doesn't even come close.
Or, Jeongguk's trying to figure out how he ended up with a sugar daddy when all he wanted was a couple packets of instant noodles.
(sugar daddy au!! this one is beyond iconic, i could go on for days about how sweet their relationship and this story is!!)
real worlds can be manic too - drawingspaces (( 18/? | E | 234,531 ))
Sex and love are not one and the same but they tend to feed the same animal.
Taehyung doesn’t want much. The Universe, for one. The rest he can take or leave.
(this one is beyond beautiful!! deals with themes of addiction and healthy relationships and it is so so real and raw and i love it!!)
sonámbulo - batman (( 5/5 | E | 57,314 ))
One painting, one mission, one hundred days.
(based on the movie inception!! super intriguing plot and the writing style is just amazing!! definitely deserves more credit)
to always follow the sun - thruspring (( 1/1 | E | 36,019 ))
In which Jeongguk upgrades from being his boss' frazzled and overworked assistant to prospective future step-parent practically overnight.
(ceo + secretary au & single parent!! honestly so cute it makes my heart hurt)
sunflowers still grow at night - merelypretty (( 2/2 | M | 17,684 ))
On the side of the shop by the floral coolers, the boy is peering in as he pushes his hands into the pockets of his letterman. Taehyung takes a deep breath before approaching him, unsure what to do except walk up to the football player. He coughs, alerting Jeongguk of his presence, only to startle when Jeongguk whips around with a wide eyed glance.
“Oh my god, sorry-”
“No, no. I was just shocked-” Jeongguk starts, breath hitching in his throat. “Oh. You’re the guy who got knocked out by a football.”
“Your friend threw it at me,” Taehyung corrects, lifting a brow as Jeongguk blushes and tries to get a sentence out only to shut his mouth with a snap.
(Or: No one has ever given Kim Taehyung flowers. He doesn’t expect that Jeon Jeongguk, with his cold reputation, will be the first person to do so.)
(college + florist au !! the fluffiest, most adorable thing ever ;-;)
They Can See Us - mindheist (( 1/1 | E | 31,554 ))
There are two things that you should hope always follow you. Number one: your shadow. Number two: your reflection.
(horror au!! writing style and plot was so captivating!! definitely had me on the edge of my sweet w the horror but was so so fun to read)
admin nj - i have read all of these multiple times and they never cease to entertain me!! i usually don’t add commentary to my recs but i just had to let you know how i much i love these lol pls enjoy!!
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athedemonsqueen · 6 years
I Found You, Again #9 (Finn/ Seth story)
Hello and Happy Fourth of July week! hehehe It is offically the summer month and it is HOT, HOT, HOT! It is nearly a 100 degrees in NJ right now!
It has been a week and I have not heard from Finn or hear of him. I’m a nervous wreck. It has come to the point where I would secretly sleep with a piece of clothing (particular a dirty one) that belonged to him. I would pray every night for him and through my prayers I would call for him, hoping he could hear me.
I felt utterly alone and broken as if I lost my husband in some form. At this point, no one could give me a striaght answer, and since the WWE has some of their best wrestlers over there, they are suffering in ratings. Now that Seth has broken his leg, they are suffering even more. I have to admit, Seth’s strength inspires me to keep going. I’m in love with it.
“Mama…” Liam called, “Yes, darling?” I asked.
“Is daddy home yet?” Liam asked.
I sighed, Liam knows daddy is in trouble and he may not be coming home for awhile. I closed my eyes knowing I have to lie to my son, “Soon…”
Liam groaned, “You said that yesterday…” I sighed, rubbing my eyes.
“Liam, come down stairs don’t harp on your mother…” Seth called. I heard Liam sigh as he made his way downstairs.
Liam likes Seth around it helps fill the void of daddy not being around. Finn is Liam’s playmate. Seth has been a big help with Liam. He likes to read to Liam and talk wrestling. Liam has told Seth ‘secretly’ he would like to be a wrestler just like daddy. Seth encourages Liam to follow those dreams. I spend my time at night with Seth when Liam is asleep.
I feel better around Seth. My worries go and I feel happy. I haven’t felt so happy in awhile. I laid next to Seth as we talked about work and watched RAW. We are struggling. Seth laid his head on my shoulder as we watched the roaring sand from across the world. I sighed, remembering my Finn.
I remember his warm smile, his strong, comforting hugs. The way he plays with Liam in the garden outside. Our happy life together gathered around holidays. The way he looks at me when I wear my sunflower dress. I miss his cuddles at night and how he greets Liam when he comes home from work. It’s always Liam first. The memories pierced my heart like a jagged edge. Leaving tears going down my face.
“(Y/N)...” Seth said, as I wiped my tears away. “What’s wrong?” Seth cooed, sitting up. I couldn’t hide it from Seth.
“I miss Finn…” I cried, putting my head to my hands.
Seth pulled me to him as he pushed my head to his chest to let me cry out my stress and worry. I tried to sob quietly for Liam not to hear. Seth caressed the back of my head. Caressing it lightly, hoping to calm me down.
“It’s ok…” He whispered to me, his voice soothing me. I lifted my head up to Seth who looked sad for me.
“It’s ok.” Seth said, repeated. He took his thumb and removed my tears with just one swipe. He gave a small smile as his thumb kept caressing my cheek.
I coughed before saying, “Im not crying anymore.”
“I know…” He said, indicating he just wants to touch my face.
He pulled my face to him and placed a soft and caring kiss on my lips. He pulled away then went back for more, going deeper into my lips.
I forgot why I was crying and an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness came over me. I had not a care or worry in the world. Seth has taken that all away. He slowly pulled my leg to him, gripping tightly.
“Oh, you have no idea how long I wanted that…” Seth said.
“I bet…” I whispered. I glared at him. Seth placed a kiss on top of my head. I fell asleep in his arms, sleeping the entire night with him.
The next day, when I woke up, I had not a care in the world. I felt stronger like I can conquer the world. I had a small hint of guilt in me, but I pushed it aside. It was a one time thing sleeping and kissing Seth and I won’t let it happen again.
I manage to work with the creative team to make alternative storylines. We have to make this work as much as we could. I did it for Finn.
I ate lunch at my desk, I looked at the pictures of Finn and Liam like they were moving pictures. I sighed placing one of them down. I couldn’t look at Finn’s face. The guilt from last night has set in and I felt like all of my vows towards Finn had no meaning. I’m the biggest slut in the world and I deserve to feel like this.
“(Y/N)?” A soft and fimiliar voice came.
I looked up to see Seth walking with crutches. I was happy he was able to come today despite his limitations.
I got up, grasping him to me, I looked up and said, “Wow, you came today.”
“Yeah, um the doctor dropped these off right around the time I picked up Liam…”
My smiled disappeared as I said, “You picked up Liam?”
“Yeah, well I had to show I.D. and stuff but they let Liam go home with me...I hope that’s ok?”
“Yeah, um if you don’t mind you can have him until I come home” I said, feeling unsure leaving Liam with Seth.
“Really?” Seth said, with a smile.
“Yeah, I mean he can be a handful, but if you are up for the challenge?” I said.
“It’s not a problem, I’ll treat him like my own…” Seth glared down at me, his brownie eyes turning slightly gold. It didn’t frighten me, but trances me.
His hand went to my cheek and pulled me close, I thought he was about to kiss me, but he just smiled as if he just got the biggest approval in the world.
“Seth, about last night…” I said, I felt my lips trembling craving his again.
“It was the most memorable moments of my life…” his voice trembled. “I got to kiss the woman of my dreams…” I realize now I’m too deep into and all I did was dip my toe in. He smiled as he ‘walked’ away. I sat down at my desk in shock, I opened a can of worms.
My desk phone rang as I answered it, “Hello this is (Y/N)...” there is a lot of static in the background. Then suddenly through the static for a short moment I heard his voice. My Finn. My heart dropped to the heart as I stood up.
“Finn?!” I cried.
“(Y/N) you need too….can you….” then it went to voice tone.
“Finn! Finn!” I cried, pressing on the dial key. I sat in my chair feeling better, but also worried.
“(Y/N)” came Nattie’s voice, I looked up at her. “Did Finn call?” She sounded hopefully, but also confused.
“Yeah, it seems it.”
She sighed, “Lucky, I wish I heard from T.J.” She said, looking down. I nodded.
As I sat in traffic I fought back tears of heartache and I began to wonder of the strange occurrences that are happening around me. There are to many recall the one that sticks out the most is Liam’s drawings. Flashbacks of Balor erupted in my head, but quickly interrupted when the sound of horns came. Green light it’s time to go.
The house is filled with a Mexican smell, something we are not use to having. It’s always Irish food, always. The smell was a little unsettling to my nose as the spices burned it. I walk into my kitchen to find Seth cooking and feeding Liam. I’m in shock. Seth is cooking in my kitchen and I kind of like it. I sighed placing my keys down.
“Hi, mommy!” Liam cried hoping off the chair and hugging me.
It’s the first time I saw Liam so happy.
“Hi, darlin’” I said. I looked over to Seth who only smiled. I went over to him and said, “I guess your leg is all better?”
“Well, the last time I broke it I didn’t like spending time in bed, and I know you got your hands full with Liam…”
“I’ve played single mother before” I said.
“Yeah, but not for two weeks or more…” He said in a matter-a-fact way.
I sighed.
“Come on you must be hungry, please eat.” Seth begged as he placed a plate of food next to me. I’m hungry and I use to love Mexican food before Finn. It’ll be a change. I sat quietly for the most part next to Seth as we ate together.
“Do you like it?” Seth asked, with his mouth full.
“It’s delicious!” I said. I really liked it as a swarm of memories from my college years came back. It reminds me of the time when I was doing my Masters and I was pulling projects and papers out of my ass, hardly no sleep and any food in my stomach. Finn asked me what I wanted to eat, at first I declined his offer, but if I went on any further I was going to starve. I asked for a burrito, maybe Chipotle.
“A burrito it is!” He said. Finn went out in search of a Chipotle and brought me home a burrito. I smiled to myself still hearing his sweet voice in my head.
Seth standing on his leg was too much for him today as I helped him crawl to bed. He was in a lot of pain. “Maybe it’s best if we limit your mobility…” I said, sitting him on the bed. I reached over to the night stand. Seth put his head to his hand and sighed deeply.
I turned with curiosity, “What is it?”
“I’m just so tired.” He mumbled. “It is to be expect…” I said softly, as I helped his remove the leg brace. As I removed the leg brace he removed his shirt, exposing himself to me. That’s when I noticed the bruise.
The bruise was on his upper right shoulder, it look like someone took him and slammed him into something.
“Oh my God!” I gasped, caressing my fingers against the bruise, he flinch the moment my fingers grazed it. He quickly put on his shirt, obviously he didn’t want me to see it.
@igobypoet @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @finnbealor @finnabonthesinnabon @tina679 @soulofaravenheartofawolf @devitts-brat @calwitch @meremaidqueen @squirrel666
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