#i do try to keep sekido as canon as i can ๐Ÿ™
georgette-mademoiselle ยท 1 month
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Sekido: you irritate me!
Georgette: and yet you havent left my room
georgette: well when you put it that way now im not leaving!
Sekido: w-what!? And why the hell not!
Georgette: because my sweet, the more you shout the more youll only strain your throat the more you shout the more you yell your just increasing anxiety within you and most of all...your hearts health can barley take it.
Sekido: why do you care about my well bieng so much!? God your nurtuting instincts is INFURIATING! im a demon! None of these things matter to us anymore! So why do you insist on doing so!?
Georgette: *sigh* perhaps that's true, but still...i deeply worry that youll over do it to the point it gets in the way of your next coming battles or worse your shouting can distract the others from what there doing your a good leader ill give you that but your patience and self control needs work
Sekido: woman i am the embodiment of anger itself! It is in my nature to do so! Stop coddling me with your lecture!
Georgette: and like i said previous your still in my room.
georgette *she puts her finger onto his lips*
Shhh...you find comfort in bieng around me right?
Sekido: i-i...
Georgette: its hard for you to be kind i get it but know that the fee instances that youve shown me ive treasured it in my memories...the rose garden...the hair admiration ...and of course *wrapping her arms around his neck* when you insisted in stayin by my side when the voices became to much to bear...your kindess has not been overshadowed my love....
Sekido: i remember...*he almost felt warmth in his heart, despite who he was there was some form of softness in him that many dont see and in rare occasions when he did it was because he deeply cared about you in a way* and despite all the foulness that comes out of my mouth you favor me out of everyone here...why?
Georgette: do i have to say it?
Sekido: .....
Georgette: because your special sekido, not only because you harber a deep softness despite your intense emotion but your also the most mature one here plus really intelligent *taps his forhead* and...*blushing almost looking away* y-your beautiful...the color red captivates me so much that i cant take my eyes of you...
Sekido: Georgie...
Georgette: long ago i knew someone with the exact hair color as mine and your eyes...he was the sweetest person ever, sometimes your frustration and stress reminds me of him whenever he couldnt figure out a spell or because his past would crept behind him
And now hes gone...but despite that...theres hope...and that hope is you bieng my next chapter.
Sekido: *all these positive words where things he wasn't used to hearing nobody dared love somone like him yet here she was completely drawn to him* i see...so im your crimson haired beauty in demon form hm?
Georgette: *bashful* hahaha kinda!
Sekido: Kinda!? Tck! What is he more beautiful than me!? Hes lucky that hes no longer with us or else i would marched in his home with the audacity! *Oops maybe he shouldnt have said that last line*
Georgette: *as horrible as that sounded she laughed* awww your jealous! Its ok sekido you and him have a very completely different beauty that makes each and both of you stand out.
Sekido: whatever! Trying to save my pride by saying hes different from me pathetic!
Georgette: ahh sekido...that was the past this is now, this new chapter is all about you and the rest of this houshold. And while im here i do mean it i want to help you control yourself i understand you cant help it at times and i cant blame you bieng a personification of an emotion must be the hardest thing ever
Sekido: oh you have no idea...
Georgette: oh i do ive been here for a couple of weeks now and trust me it feels like im in an asylum *laughs*
Sekido: *ah how true* then welcome to our insane asylum i hope you contenue enjoying your stay my crimson rose *very slightly smiles and pats her head*
Sekido: now come join us downstairs to feast.
Dividers by @/elryisia
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