#i do wonder if anyone elses going thru this who DIDNT regress before so they dont recognize it
princeminnow · 2 months
hiii realized i should tell u guys cuz u might think its interesting cuz i told some ppl in private but is not a secret, putting a cut cuz its post-covid recovery and disability stuff 🫰 just a health update
so it looks like covid hurt my brain um. physically some. like brain damage. and its gonna take a while to fix itself, at least a couple months hopefully, and i noticed that bc it hurt me cognitively ive been rarely my oldest? or at least rarely only my oldest... which is kinda scary for a couple reasons but especially cuz my neurological disability's the big reason why im high risk and is too soon to tell but getting sick mightve taken a couple years of how it was affecting me that level of not-that-bad from me cuz its progressive which means is gets worst with time (is benign tho, not dangerous just.... disabling. the symptom is the disease.) so idk if it seeming worse is just cuz im not as strong or if is sticking around. too soon to tell. thats just... reality of this kinda thing. sucks! but not world-ending, just kinda sad. but the good news is um. randomly dropping like this usully means i just wanna cuddle and play and be social, cuz my capacity drops especially halfway through the day and i get fuzzy and silly instead of there being a trigger good or bad... so is not painful waiting, just til then not feeling as grown up or even smart as much as i did a lot
shrug! it is what it is. guess im picking sudoku back up
anyway ily guys i been running on a queue (which i usually do but i usually also am more active active) but yea if u reach out to me i love to talk!! but might not be all there or at least not all big. super fluid, super super fluid. also sometimes im full big (i think) and still fuzzy so ya, just some weird stuff goin on with minnow i wanted to share to keep u in the know and also cuz i think disability and esp disabled folk that survived but got hurt by covid needs to get talked about more bc i dont want how i live and am to be moralized or used to scare able bodied ppl into behaving, is just a fact that needs compassion but not mythologizing the way ppl do
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