#i don't really post analysis anymore either bc i swear ppl intentionally misunderstand what i'm saying
mybrainproblems · 6 months
i just wish literally ANY of my debunking posts made it past a handful of likes/reblogs. i'm not looking for plaudits or brownie points on this stuff, but i've spent a not-insubstantial amount of time tracking down the source of some popular rumors/conspiracies and have managed to piece things together by crowdsourcing info from ppl who were There in addition to my own internet dives.
i'm not even really begging for notes tbh, i just that i wish the info could get out there. it just gets annoying to see the same things that are honestly not that difficult to debunk keep getting spread around and see new people latch onto them and spread them, bc repeating conspiracies is more fun than fact checking (unless you're a freak like me who loves a good internet spelunk)
i'm not even mad at ppl or anything bc i get it! conspiracies are fun! i've even bought into a couple! but then when i went to source them, i realized that oop! there's not a good source or it's been taken out of context! sometimes it's stuff that's been distorted via fandom telephone! and sometimes it's a complete fabrication or intentional misinfo, which is wild!
i guess i'm just bummed that The Truth Is Out There and yet we're still seeing the same debunked things circulate within the fandom.
maybe i'd get more traction if i was confrontational about this stuff but i try to come from a place of curiosity and good faith and give ppl benefit of the doubt and assume that others are coming from a place of good faith as well unless/until proven otherwise. i'm also happy to revise my stance if folks can offer a decent rebuttal - for all the research i may do, i can still be wrong! i encourage other ppl to fact check what i'm saying!
there's plenty of stuff that i have theories about that are wholly vibes-based and don't even have anecdata to back them up, so i just... don't talk about those publicly so as not to spread them. or i make extremely clear that i am just spitballing or spinning a word salad conspiracy as a joke.
and yeah, this is specifically about spn fandom but it applies to the real world as well. misinfo spreads so easily and it's extremely hard to stop it spreading or debunk it once it reaches critical mass and/or it gets the illusion of truth by coming from mainstream news sites (or popular blogs). it just feels like ppl are becoming more and more fundamentally un-curious and refuse to exit the echo chamber both in fandom and irl.
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