#i don't think i've had a watermelon fruit tea before but it sounds so yummy!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‹
134340am ยท 2 years
Konoha and watermelon fruit tea.
"i don't get why you'd go to a starbucks just to get that," your best friend says with a scoff, finger pointed accusingly at the vibrant raspberry red of your drink. "you go to coffeeshops for coffee, not forโ€” fruit water, or whatever that is."
you raise an eyebrow at that and take a long sip of your drink.
"it's a watermelon fruit tea, you idiot, and it tastes infinitely better than your bitter-as-hell bean water."
"at least my bean water tastes like something. watermelons just taste like water."
that made you stop in your tracks. "watermelons taste like water?"
"do they not?"
"well, either way, they're pretty much flavourless." konoha shrugs, and he reaches out to tug you back to his side. on any other way, you'd be distracted, flustered even, at the warm hand he keeps at the small of your back as he ushers you across the traffic junction.
but today, you're bewildered by the fact that your childhood best friend thinks that watermelons taste like water.
"aki," you start, "watermelons are named after their high water content, notโ€” not their taste. they don't taste like water, you know that right?" you take a sip of your drink, rolling the liquid around your mouth in an attempt to convince yourself. "...right?"
konoha stops this time, whirling around so fast you nearly collided with his broad chest. "hmmm," he says, obviously pretending to be in deep thought. "i guess."
before you could question him further, he leans in to peck the corner of your lips.
"y'know what, i think you've proved me wrong." his hand is wet from the condensation on his coffee cup, but you donโ€™t fight back when he reaches out to intertwine your fingers. "watermelons are actually pretty sweet."
send me your drink order + a character for a short little drabble!
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