#i don't want to scroll too far down his tag bc i know there's sophomore year spoilers everywhere but like. yeah
aq2003 ยท 2 years
i want to save more of my thoughts on fabian until after i finish fhsy and see where his character goes but i truly can't stop thinking about the scene where he fistfights his dad in the jail cell bc like. at his core he isn't fighting out of rage, he's fighting bc that's what he thinks will make bill happy. the whole "act of rebellion" isn't even rebelling it's him trying to shape up into the person his dad wants him to be on every possible level. the dynamic between them is so. ugh. it's complicated and messy and So fucking good like. it's so clear they care abt each other but also bill puts so much pressure on fabian to be like him and fabian has tied his self worth entirely to his dad's approval. it makes me want to chew rocks
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