#i dont do full.pieces but
goldenguillotines · 2 years
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@ambivalence-and-torpor // these gay people really do be on the train
Riding on the train wasn't really something Nakaou did.. he much prefered car rides.. or even riding there on his bike- much easier.. less hassle.. but maybe it was better- a few too many drinks.. probably shouldn't of accepted whatever the fuck that teal offered him in that cigarette. But here he was. Cross as shit and hardly standing as he waited for the train..Leaning on the person who had agreed to come with- Aitreo. He could hear him talking.. but Aitreos words didn't reach his ears, the colors and sound blurring together.. he only clung closer to him. Giggling incoherently as he tried to slip his hand under his hoodie to try and chase the warmth he had... he always really liked that. How warm and welcoming he always felt. Like a giant stuffed bear...
Yeah.. a giant teddy. That's how he's always seen him.. a giant fuckin softie. Even the first time he saw him.. talked with him.. shit.. the first time he talked with him was a blast. He felt like a stupid little wiggler the whole time.. and his heart felt like it was actually beating at a normal rhythm with how overjoyed he was at the guy *finally* coming up and talking with him. He knew the guy would fold eventually!  His cheeks burn.. remembering.. those words..
'You're cute..'
He can't help but grin like a fucking tool up at him, hardly even able to make out the shape of his face, it was in and out.. one moment he thought he could focus in on his eyes.. then the next.. the only thing in focus was his nose. But no matter what came into focus.. he could only thing about how fucking handsome he was. How pretty.. how gorgeous this man was. Any time he saw this guy he was always a solid ten outta ten. Not because he was just- truthfully fucking hot.. because of how pretty his heart and soul was. Shit.. he knows he's not perfect.. for sure not innocent and never done wrong. but man. That guy was so.. nice. caring.. kind.. generous.. literally no matter what he's been there for him. Even now.. he didn't ditch him and is helping him back.. err.. home maybe? Most likely. His hand slips under the shirt underneath, feeling the guy tense and flex.
"Pfffff... mMMMan.. youre such pretty guy lMfao x3"
The warmth under his hand was gone- the sea dweller removed his hand and instead elected to hold onto it. Keeping him from slipping it back under.. the purple laughed loudly.. He felt all over the place, Weakly trying to shove the other free hand into his sweatpants pocket- no dice.. Caught. His head was dizzy.. And his eyes felt heavy.. and he felt good. Happy. Safe. Content.
Everything was moving in a blur, one second they were waiting for the train.. the next he was hugging the fucking dude.. snuggling up close as he thinks he can hear the train getting closer? ... and the next? He was sitting down, playing with his sleeve as he was fighting to keep his eyes open. Working his way closer, he grabbed the man's further wrist- his intoxicated mind wanting to pull it closer.. to kiss his knuckles.. to thank him for being there.. for being alive! Being his friend.. but it never left his mouth. Instead, he felt himself start to slip into sleep.
"Aitreo. paaaallll lol..."
He chuckled, shifting himself in the shitty seat, lower half barely on the seat, upper half in the sea dwellers buisness.. every time he blinked his eyes.. time had passed. he could tell.
The first blink.. he remembers a giant sigh and a few grumbles..
The second.. his head was leaned against his.. nuzzling into his hair..
The third.. an arm wrapped around him.
The fourth? He was being pulled a bit closer, no longer obstructing other riders.. but he certainly wasn't letting anyone get access to the seats next to him.. hogging the area for himself.. and the next?
He shot up,a loud noise echoing out and his skin claims and his body shaky.. he almost missed the loud thwack from above him,
"OW what the fuck!?"
It took him a few seconds to register what he did, lack of pain and sensations makes things harder.. and being as fucked up as he was didnt make it any easier.. His eyes went wide as he turned and looked up at his friend rubbing at his chin-
"Ah-Awh s-sorry shit fuck.. sorry. gahhh.."
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