#i dont entirely support ai writing and art but this was too savage not to share omg
zirawrites · 1 year
Chat GPT wrote a Deacon/Barbara fan fiction
I’ve never used an AI before, and was messing around asking it to write me a short fan fiction about Deacon and Barbara from Fallout 4. So tell me why it decided to break my heart with:
Deacon sat alone in his makeshift shelter, his eyes fixed on the lone candle flickering in front of him. He had been thinking about his wife, Barbara, a lot lately. It had been years since he had seen her, but her memory remained fresh in his mind. He missed her more than he could ever express.
Deacon had always been a loner, never really settling down in one place for too long. But when he met Barbara, everything changed. She was the light in his life, and he would do anything to keep her safe.
He lit another candle, and whispered a prayer to whatever god might be listening. "Please, let me be with her again."
Chat GPT.... wtf.
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