#i dont mind if you unfollow over this id simply prefer softblocking for whenever i get back
apostlc-a · 3 years
okay, i wasn’t entirely sure if I would say something or not, but: i genuinely don’t know when i’ll be back here. I thought taking a week or two off would help, and don’t get me wrong — Miles is still my baby and I love him very dearly — but being here hasn’t been healthy for me, that much has been extremely clear in the time i wasn’t here. Also, I had several mental and physical health issues in that time and it just really felt like a signal I need to take better care of myself.
(And no: remaking wouldn’t solve most of the issues I have here.)
So, yeah. I’m still on Discord, and I’m still on tumblr, and if you wanna keep in touch, great! But being on Miles lately doesn’t work out for me and I’m way more miserable when I’m around here.
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