#i even read the aphrodisiac powder piece and i still got sucker punched in the feels to the moon
leeloolumiwhisp · 3 months
Why is the Twiyor smut like. So good. (Ao3 reader here) I rarely read smut, I rarely enjoy reading smut, but on the rare occasion I do dip my toes in, it's either "I am a changed person. The journey of discovery lies not with seeing new lands but with seeing through new eyes. I have been changed as a person at my very core. The world is a vast and strange place, but what a place to be. I am blessed to be alive and I am alive with hope and love. Despite everything I've loved that I've lost, I am excited and joyfully looking forward to heal and love again. And when I love, I shall pour all my emotions and devotion unto them that they may feel even a fraction of my love's depth and kindness" or "what the fresh hell. Can I bleach my eyes." And every single damn Twiyor smut fic is ALWAYS ALWAYS the former.
I ain't never seen a bad Twiyor fic. At its very worst, it's mediocre. Whether in writing skill itself or character writing or whatever. LET THE TWIYOR SMUT FF WRITERS COOK 💥💥💥💥💅💅🫦😍😍😍🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💕
Anyway, I recently discovered that it is now Twiyor nsfw week. I shall be feasting upon gourmet food. Thank you chefs (writers and organizer -- I won't be looking so much for any other nsfw media, but shout-out to all the artists and creators making or who have made Twiyor content too!!) mwah mwah ily all
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