#i feel like i'm spoiling cordelia's survival but hell i didn't tag her death
crown-ov-horns · 4 months
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Now that I started writing Hellfire, this gifset makes me think of Cordelia and Lucy...
Lucy's nature is the same as her father's (though, she wouldn't be referred to as the Antichrist until Michael retires or dies). Her powers are dark, destructive and hardly measurable. Even as a young adult, they may be difficult to control, especially in a rage, or some other emotional outburst.
I can easily imagine Cordelia cradling her in a sea of bodies.
"I don't know what happened... Mommy, I didn't mean to-..."
"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay."
She has always been hard on Lucy, knowing her violent tendencies must be curbed. The world might not survive otherwise... But, in the end, no matter how much blood she spills, nor what she renders to ash, Cordelia will always protect her daughter.
Question is, whether Lucy's wrath was deserved or not.
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