#i feel like my arts been stagnant so im just drawing Different stuff and focusing on backgrounds or lighting or Something
batz · 1 year
silly funy wip
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impossibilitygirl · 7 years
Four years ago i was genuinely terrified my art would never improve and that i’d reached the pinnacle of my supposed “talent”, mostly because i was 18 and convinced that i wasn’t as good as i shouldve been for my age. But like i focused on my lineart especially, faces and anatomy and while im not 100% where I want to be, im??? happy???? most of what im producing rn looks good and im proud of it!!! 
i want to start focusing and have been trying to focus on color n backgrounds (even simple ones...anything is better than my old practice of using like...parchment paper textures and calling it a day) and stuff....and more dynamic poses, too. so like yeah, i have a lot im still striving to work on but comparing my old art to current art makes me feel that working on stuff and actually fucking practicing DOES make a difference. for a long time i had a really fatalistic view on practicing, because i really didn’t think it could change anything. Like, instead of avoiding stuff im not comfortable with drawing, ive started looking at references and continuing to draw until im really, really satisfied. Learning not to just give up on my art has been really beneficial to improving which seems so obvious lol. But like for instance i used to find ways to hide hands or to only draw “types” of hands i was already comfortable with. its such a relief to know that if i just keep trying i can actually get it!!!!
idk its radical to, in the past few months, finally feel like i’m moving forward after being stagnant for what felt like 2-3 years or so. 
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