#i fell asleep after writing this stuff so forgive me if theres any spelling or grammar errors im not proofreading this
orioncore · 1 year
I wanna talk about Hikaru more bc I think she's very neat
he enrolled in yumenosaki during the ! era, and joined the producer course alongside anzu and the other 3 producer ocs my friends made, quickly becoming friends and working together to help out however possible (I'm very unfamiliar with the ! era though so don't expect much content in regards to that haha)
Hikaru is semi-secretly a vocaloid producer under the online name lightcatcher! He wanted to be an idol when he was young but his fears got the best of him whenever he tried to sing in front of an audience and he was barely able to squeeze out a few notes
during his first year he is similar to anzu, being quiet and polite, but he learns to open up and be more outgoing especially with all the other idols beginning to rub off on him
he is a big fan of valkyrie and is heavily inspired by their music and aesthetic (I don't know if they ever find out why nazuna actually left or not, we'll see)
Hikaru is in the handicraft club, and makes outfits for himself on occasion (hiding idol uniform concepts in his sketchbook)
despite being a student at Yumenosaki, she still had quite the interest in the idols of Reimei and Shuuetsu (he has very limited information on the Reimei revolution but is aware of it)
he is a BIG fan of Eden as well (and may or may not have a celebrity crush on a certain viper) (poison strategy awakened something in him /hj)
in !! era, he becomes a lot more outgoing and even snarky to his peers, but overall still reserved
she joins cospro and works there as a producer, not really assigned to a specific unit yet, and then crazy:b happens.
he is assigned to work with the new unit and is. Worried, to say the least
main story stuff happens you get the point eventually Hikaru grows attached to them and gets pretty sad when rinne runs off
oh and as all this happens she also begins to work with the other units of cospro, but more with 2wink rather than Eden and valk (sadly I am not a 2winkP so I can't really go into their potential dynamic). Hikaru begins to be seen as a better producer as time passes, and he gets trusted with harder jobs
idk when this would happen, probs after main story 1, but ibara sends them off to work with Valkyrie for a live and Hikaru freaks the fuck out
he knew mika a little bit during his 1st year but otherwise only has fan knowledge abt the two, and he nearly reverts back to his very quiet and polite persona in the presence of shu (I mean why wouldn't he when all of Valkyrie's production team gets scared off constantly). he does however see this as a chance to prove himself and the live ends up going very well! he gets to live another day under cospro! a similar thing happens with Eden as well, and she gains a lot of confidence, but still
eventually stuff happens and he begins to work with Eden and Valkyrie a lot more often, trying to balance his personal hobbies with work and school (he gets teased by rinne about him having favorites)
wow I wrote a lot I'll end it here for now haha
I hope this is like. comprehensive LMAO
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