#i have work int he morning tomorrow and am unhappy
shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
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posting the banners so i can use them when i do mobile replies lol 
anYWAYS look at the pretties, all from cassiaslairs deviantart bc they’re beautiful and amazing, did use cavalierfou’s coloring to adjust it (also the psd bein used for icons!) and edited size for the icons but that’s it did nothing else all their beautiful work! pretty things but i can see them thus meaning i feel better slightly and can maybe write today we shall sEE
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mycomori · 11 months
laundry is in took my big time meds and set out my morning meds as well as big time meds for tomorrow. because of the way our meeting is scheduled i have to go to work a full shift and then drive and hour home to go back for the meeting and since they work lay me fire gas or my time i’m spending hours in my car in the library parking lot working on art and such. gonna bring my laptop and tablet to work on cleanup art as well as chargers a blanket and pillow so i can set up to chill in my car. also a change fo clothes cause i am not staying in my work clothes. i’m no happy about this situation but i’m not happy about any situation w work in general right now or for as long as i can rember basically i am incredibly unhappy at work and it’s constantly being slapped int he face with it. i’m just tired. i’m tired of trying just to fail i’m tired fi trying so fuckjng hard for it not to be enough i’m tired of working so hard only to be blamed for everything am j really to blame or does everyone just do this to me cause they know they can? and then apparently IM the one people feel the need to walk on egg shells around? how is that the case? it astonishes me. any time any situation comes up i back down and try ri make it better for the other person. why is it framed the opposite. why does my job make me feel like i’m crazy. i hate this i hate it here i feel like i’m loosing my mind.
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