#i just am so annoyed at ppl acting like tswift is a goddess for still looking young
hepaidattention · 1 year
people really be cracking me up because I've realized recently most people don't understand how aging works. the amount of people on the internet that won't get over how little like Taylor Swift has shown age or like Anne Hathaway.
if you study the life cycle of a human, you would learn that most people don't really start showing age until they hit their 40s. yes in their 30s is when women start to lose collagen (actually by 25), but it doesn't start to really show till 40, and if you're rich and have the money to buy products that help produce collagen, then you really will appear not to be aging because your body truly just isn't really.
if you take care of your skin and hair and body in general, then your body is going to remain healthy and lively. I will say that people that grew up in the 80s did age faster because they didn't take care of their body. they tanned like crazy and permed their hair and smoked, so yeah they're going to look older by the age of 30. but the human body should not be aging that fast.
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