#i know a trans woman who's seen shit in baeddel spaces and talked about it. i know what i am talking about
craycraybluejay · 3 months
its rly fascinating that when i want to talk about a specific brand of transphobia im an asshole for not phrasing it like a PR team.
but when baeddels are actively transphobic its "just talking about the transmisogyny they face" and its actually just fine that they use slurs meant to degrade and misgender to refer to trans men + use porn terms to talk about us despite saying that using porn terms to talk about them is transphobic and evil + oh they didn't mean it like that.
if i try to talk about transphobia its immediately "piss on the poor website" where every word is under criticism. but on the opposite end even using slurs or being openly transphobic earns some cheers and, well, rare opposition.
i didn't even tag my post with common searchable tags,, y'all just want to be mad because it's a lot more comfortable to see trans men under attack.
if you criticize a few trans women for transphobic behaviour that makes You transphobic for criticizing them. if they call you slurs and other above mentioned things they are not transphobic bc ofc its impossible to be transphobic to trans men.
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thebutchtheory · 9 months
I've seen people say 'antitransmasculinity doesn't exist its just white transmascs being pussies' which. Fucking. What's your problem??
long post ahead.
long story short, the people that say that are trolls and/or a minority of people who don't represent the entire argument, so please don't take arguments saying that transmascs don't experience any problems for being trans seriously. they're not arguing in good faith. also, i have a lot of nuanced opinions on these subjects, lol.
when it comes to the whole discussion of talking about transmisogyny and anti-transmasculine transphobia, there's too many people with obsessively strong opinions on the subject and take absolutely no nuance to the discussion, and that's personally what i find irritating.
i don't believe the people saying that the transphobia transmascs/FTMs experience doesn't exist are a large enough crowd to really be worth paying attention to. sure, they'll make you mad, but that's not what the majority of the discussion is about, but most of them are either trolls or baeddels or some other form of person with a huge victim complex and/or a lack of nuance to the forms of oppression in place against transmasculine people.
yeah, transmisogyny is very blatant because people see men in dresses as jokes, and transfems are constantly treated as predatory men trying to force themselves into the spaces of "real innocent women". there are systems in place directly perpetuating these violent belief systems, which are usually more visible than the systems in place oppressing transmascs.
but there's a whole discussion to be had about the blatant misogyny transmascs experience by virtue of being born/perceived as women. you can't say that we don't experience misogyny because we're men/etc, or that it's "misdirected misogyny" because that's not how this works when you live in and move through the world as a woman whenever people don't know that you're trans. almost every argument toward, especially pre-t, transmascs is rooted so deeply in misogyny that the two cannot be separated.
we are treated as objects because women are treated as objects. the feminine beauty they project onto us is not something that we have control over, they are pushing this concept onto us because to them, our beauty belongs to them. women are (sexual) objects for cisgender heterosexual men and even other women to ogle at, and that's why trans men existing is such an unbelievable concept to them.
patriarchal beauty standards force women to pluck and groom and color themselves into something unrealistic to be seen and treated as vaguely a person, and the second we stop, they lose their shit over it. if we do it in a way they don't like, they lose their shit over it. if we realize that we're men and we don't want to do that all of that extremely particular grooming and makeup stuff anymore, they lose their shit. if we can only reclaim and truly feel our femininity in the context of being a man, they lose their shit.
literally every argument about pitying and saving the poor, generally pre-t, transmascs and saving us from mutilating ourselves is directly rooted in misogyny because no matter who they are, they believe that perceived women are too stupid to know what they want, so we need other people to tell us what we want for us.
but it's disingenuous to act like transmascs who pass are not treated as predatory groomers tricking "young girls" (pre-t transmascs) into believing that they're dirty disgusting trannies who will ruin their bodies and fertility and become no longer sexually attractive to cisgender heterosexual men who want to treat them as objects or cisgender heterosexual women who want to project themselves onto every (perceived) woman they see.
like, the transphobia that transmascs experience, i feel, is a lot more about misogyny than about being trans itself, or otherwise deeply intertwined with misogyny such that the two cannot exist without the other when a transmasculine person experiences transphobia.
and to be clear--this isn't me saying that trans men are trans men because of the patriarchy. this is a discussion about bodily autonomy and how (perceived) women aren't allowed to step outside of the boxes we're given by society without people telling us that we don't know what we want because (to them) we're women, or because we'll no longer be sexually attractive or sexually envious to them if we do something they don't like, from not shaving our legs to transitioning.
when we do this, we've been beaten, raped, sent to psych wards, lobotomized, cut off from the world, murdered, and more. in the experience of myself, a lot of my friends, and literature i've read, it's butches and transmascs that experience quite more violence related to being masculine and stepping outside of the lines of femininity in comparison to other cisgender queer people.
that's why there should be more solidarity between transmascs and butches, because we're not being treated this way specifically because we're trans as much as we're being treated this way for being perceived women stepping out of line of what the patriarchy wants us to do with ourselves.
this is also where the solidarity between transmascs and transfems needs to grow further, because transfems experience the very same thing, in the reverse.
they're not respecting what society wants from them as perceived men, and they experience misogyny directed at them specifically for daring to choose to be women, (because in the eyes of the oppressors, they're men and being a woman is the worst thing that a perceived man can be). they're stepping out of line for what the patriarchy wants for them and getting beaten down for it.
the people saying that the issues of transmascs aren't to be taken seriously lack any kind of reading into what transmasculine people experience and aren't worth arguing with because like i said, they're often trolls or part of the very small minority of people who don't believe transmascs have real problems, and that minority is a group of people not worth arguing with because they're essentially trans doomers and aren't open to having actual discussions on these topics.
they're not representative of the majority of people involved in the discussions surrounding transmisogyny and transandrophobia/anti-transmasculine transphobia, and i'm tired of seeing their takes being represented that way. there is a genuine discussion to be had, but i think a lot of problems from the transandrophobia side stem from people being unwilling to see that those arguments come from a small group of people that don't represent the whole argument and becoming vitriolic, whereas a lot of the arguments that the anti-transandrophobia side come from seeing those misdirected takes poorly trying to argue with said minority opinion and arguing against that, and/or seeing bad takes from people who straight up haven't read any queer literature or even people who straight up haven't experienced the genuine or truly vicious transphobia that i and many of my other friends have, because they come from accepting environments and blue states, so they have no idea what they're talking about in comparison to many of the transfems i know of or older queers i know of.
dose that many any sense?
there's a lot of things i have to say about what's largely white, middle class, blue state trans people (particularly transmascs) from accepting families dominating the conversations around being trans(masculine) and the oppression that comes with it, and how that will very much affect the way that they feel entitled to oppression, but that's a conversation for a different post.
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