#i know matt chose vax because that allowed him to weave orym's backstory into the main plot of the campaign
kerosene-in-a-blender · 10 months
I've been thinking since I brought Vespin up in another post, what made Ludinus decide to go after Vax specifically to use as the final lens in the Malleus Key, since there do exist other former mortals who now serve as semi-divine hands of gods?
Is it because Vespin (and Zerxus as well, though it's also possible Ludinus doesn't know what became of him) were explicitly transformed into fiends, and that makes them useless for whatever Ludinus needed that sliver of divinity for?
Was Ludinus originally going to go after one of the hands of Asmodeus but then he learned about the Champion of Ravens and decided he would be easier to draw out? Did Ludinus think it would be easier to force the hand of the Matron than the Lord of the Hells?
Someone needs get up to that moon and ask Ludinus about the thought process behind his plan, because I am very curious
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