#i like doing this post stream doodles it makes my brain settle down
agoddamnsupernova · 6 years
So, I started this shortly after I wrote the first part but I finished it because @emotionless81idiot08 replied to the original post saying they needed more and it kind of kicked my ass into gear. So please enjoy this emotional roller coaster. 
When Maggie arrives at the hospital, it takes a bit of lying before she can even make it to the floor where the ICU is located, but once she reaches the main waiting area, she realizes that she doesn’t have any personal information to give that will get her through the locked doors.
She sits down in one of the empty chairs toward the back, picking at her jeans as she tries to think of some way to see her soulmate. After what seems like hours, she’s hit with an idea and pulls her pen out of her pocket. I can’t get in to see you. I know someone wrote that message for you and if they can see this...got any ideas?
Another hour goes by before she gets a response that makes her heart jump. Tell me what you’re wearing and what you look like, I can come and get you.
Maggie doesn’t hesitate to scribble down as detailed of a description as she can before waiting. She’s buzzing with anxiety as she waits, her eyes glued to the the double doors. After a few moments a man in blue scrubs emerges, his eyes flickering across the chairs until they settle on Maggie’s tense figure.
He smiles a bit as he walks out, talking to the receptionist for a moment before he comes to grab her. “Let’s go,” He says, holding a hand out to her.
She nods, awkwardly taking his hand. “Alright,” she murmurs, allowing him to lead her through the locked doors. The ward smells of astringent, the acrid scent making Maggie’s nose crinkle.
She’s lead down a few hallways before they stop, the man glancing at her for a moment before he pushes the door open. “She’s still recovering from her surgery, we don’t expect her to wake up for a few hours. I can only give you a few moments, I’m kind of risking my ass right now as it is so...”
Maggie nods, looking between the man, Aaron, she finds after a quick look at his nametag. “Thank you,” she says softly before walking into the room.
It’s quiet save for the constant beeping from the heart monitor and in the bed is her soulmate. She’s beautiful, even with the bruising on her jaw and the gauze wrapped around her head. Tears stream down Maggie’s face as she moves slowly toward the girl, afraid she might break her more.
“Oh honey...” She breathes as she finally stands over her, taking in the girl she was in love with. “Tara...” she murmurs, her fingers brushing against the medical tag on her wrist.
“I’m so sorry we didn’t meet before this,” Maggie sniffles, gently taking Tara’s hand. “But I promise, I’ll be here for you....always,” she says firmly, jumping a bit when Tara squeezes her hand.
Maggie’s eyes flicker up to Tara’s face, finding the girl still sleeping. “Just rest, I’ll be back,” she whispers, leaning down to brush the softest of kisses to Tara’s warm cheek.
She looks around the room for a moment for something to write on before settling for a paper towel from the bathroom. She scribbles down her name and her phone number and a plea for Tara’s family to call her when she wakes up.  She tucks the note into Tara’s hand before heading out, sparing her soulmate one more sad look before closing the door.
“You okay, kid?” Aaron asks, offering her a small pack of tissues from his pocket.
She takes one, blowing her nose gently before nodding. “Yeah, I just wish out first meeting was different, you know?” she says softly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’m Maggie by the way.”
“Nice to meet you,” Aaron smiles softly before nodding down the hall. “Here, I’ll take you to the nurses lounge so you can collect yourself, okay?”
She just nods and lets him lead the way, her heart clenching in her chest as she walks away from her soulmate. “Not that I’m complaining, but why did you help me?” she finds herself asking as they walk into a room with a few couches, a tv and a small kitchenette.
“I just know what it’s like to not know what’s happening to your soulmate,” Aaron replies, leaning against the wall. “No one should have to go through what you’re going through. It happens more than we’d like to acknowledge, but I wish it didn’t.”
Maggie nods, biting her lip as she wraps her arms around herself. “I didn’t even know her name until now. We both agreed that we’d exchange numbers and stuff when we met up, which was supposed to happen soon and now...”
“Hey, she’s going to be okay, the doctors caught the brain bleed in time and they’re confident that there shouldn’t be any lasting effects, okay?” Aaron says softly, moving to put his hands on Maggie’s shoulders.
“I...I didn’t know there was a brain bleed,” Magge breathes out, her entire body shaking like a leaf. “I just...I know her... I know almost everything her and yet...it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t...”
“Maggie, honey, breathe,” Aaron murmurs, pulling the girl into a hug. He may not know her well, but he knew how she felt. “My husband...my soulmate, got shot during a bank robbery. I was out of town helping my parents out when it happened and because this state didn’t recognize domestic partnerships...I wasn’t called, but I knew something had happened...his doodles kept flickering out...”
He pauses and Maggie can’t help but hug him tighter. “I found out what had happened thanks to a mutual friend of ours and I made it in time to say goodbye...and for a long time I was lost but then it sort of hit me. Eric wouldn’t want me to throw my life away just because he was gone,” He lets out a sad sort of chuckle before pulling away a bit, shoving his sleeves up. “So I went through his sketchbook and made myself reminders that even though he’s gone, he’ll always be with me.”
Maggie’s eyes trail over the tattoos, his left arm is a sleeve made up mostly of nature sketches with words strewn between them like “this is your fault, because I love you.” and “I’m always right.” One the right arm, she can see the bottom of what appears to be a pair of intertwined hands and on his wrist in a neat script says. “You know I love you.” and there’s something about it that makes Maggie smile a little.
“I’m sorry Aaron,” she whispers, looking up at the man, seeing him in a whole new light. He had helped her to try and spare her from what he had to go through. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you for what you’ve done to help me today.”
“Just love her with all your heart.” He says with a sad little smile.
“I already do.”
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