#i literally have more seashells in my home than cutlery
ebbpettier · 1 year
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thank-you @shrekgogurt @artsyunderstudy and @imagineacoolusername for the tags!
you all cannot fathom how utterly excited i am for mermay. so excited that i've started another WIP, and if luck's a lady this month i might even get all the way through it before real life grabs me by the scruff. here's a little smackerel of simon POV from it!
It clatters to the floor and the sound is excruciating and immediate. Baz jerks away from me with a hiss, clapping his hands over his ears as I swear and scramble for the button to turn it off. The piercing tone echoes all the way down the staircase, still ringing long after I tip the switch.
“Nereus, what was that?!” he snarls, staring wide-eyed at the radio like he thinks it might jump out and bite him.
“It’s alright!” I tell him, throwing my jacket over it and stowing it back on the shelf, “It’s fine. That’s the emergency-button, it’s just an alarm you can set off if you need to be heard from really far away. Like if you got stuck under debris, or something.”
“That was horrific, Cadwallader.”
@stitchyqueer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe TAG YOU'RE IT
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