#i love him hes literally my ishwara ok
snekdood · 9 months
ok so,my favorite emo-goth-punk-scene couple in the world has like. the most tragic backstory??? basically she was a girl, he was a boy, can i make it anymore obvious? she was a princess, he was a guy who lived in the woods, what more can i say. and they like totally fell in love? but like. the girls stupid crazy controlling dad was like really annoying about it all? he got all fussy bc the emo bf didn't know her dad was important enough to give him whatever respect he thought he was owed when they first met, so like ever since her dad has been against her cool edgy boyfriend with a snake tattoo and rides a badass motorcycle with a cow skull on it and went so far as to like. not even invite him or her to his party that he invited everyone else to, but she found out about it and decided to confront her dad but her dad was being a real dick about it and being super degrading to her and her boyfriend and being really shitty about it all and she was totally like "omg fine if you hate him then you hate me too!!!" and then she fucking killed herself by pouring gasoline on herself and setting herself on fire in front of them all?? it was like. one of the biggest and most saddest testimonies to her love for him. but then the sceneemopunk guy totally found out and became fucking furious and like went on a whole fucking rampage and started fucking killing people at the party for his gf and then literally took a chainsaw and cut off her dads head and totally took the corpse of his gf with him and cried under the moonlight holding her, it was like a scene in twilight or something. so like his friends come and calm him down and eventually convinced him to like totally heal and revive his gf's dad (oh yeah btw this is a supernatural fantasy story i watched on netflix so they can totally do that kind of stuff) and he did but thought it would be so so funny if he gave her dad a goats head to like rub it in since hes was always accusing them of being satanic for liking screamo and metal (listen parents!!! its not at all!!!). but then the emo guy went to jail for like 1000+ years (oh yeah also hes immortal and like super powerful and everything but he still has to abide by the laws n stuff bc like....., they might be punk but like. that doesnt mean you get to avoid the law and stuff?) but in that time his gf totally resurrects into this cooler more badass version of herself and he finally gets out on parole and she finds him but hes like. sooo traumatized by being in prison and like basically dissociating from life bc he spent the entire time in there alone in the dark in his thoughts basically and he doesnt recognize her like at all and starts to just go through the motions of life ignoring everything and everything is like grey and boring now for him and he does the same thing every day and then one of his old friends comes along to talk to him about his gf but the emo bf gets like? really really angry for no reason?? and like. totaaally shoots a lazer beam into his friend (oh yeah he can do that too he has a lot of cool powers like that like fire powers and lightning powers n stuff) and then goes back to being like a drone basically?? but his friends gf convinces him to revive his friend he just killed for no reason too and then they obviously stopped being friends bc what the fuck?? but he was probably still just really sensitive about the subject and just didnt wanna talk about it ig. so his gf like. decides to enter into his dreams and communicates with him that way instead and then he totally realizes its his gf and they totally fall in love again and get married bc fuck her dad and also she was resurrected into a body of a different girl anyways so its not even her dad anymore but her new mom is kinda weird about her bf but its fine as long as he comes to her special dinners wearing a tuxedo for her and covers up his snake tattoos.. ...
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