#i loved writing a deep dive on my shaymien thoughts!!
shaynetopps · 5 months
shayne & damien | the archer × not strong enough
i stumbled across this audio and couldn't resist giving it the shaymien treatment! shaymien's an interesting duo, and this mashup really gets to the core of my thoughts on them. there's shayne, the put-together golden boy. except, he's only seen that way because he works at maintaining that image. and most people "see right through" him because it's hard for shayne to let anyone see chinks in his armor. then there's damien. he's seen shayne be vulnerable and still thinks the world of him. but that's the problem. damien's put shayne on a pedestal too high for him to reach. they’re almost inverses of each other. what happens when you put someone who thinks he's unlovable with someone who loves him too much? (obligatory disclaimer: this is all based on internet personas, fanon, fanfics, and my own silly goofy mind)
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