#i may volunteer under certain circumstances lol
dare-g · 1 year
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thesolemnhour · 1 year
Hello Lairiend :) 3, 4, 15, 17 for Agria?
omg hey dujour! nice to meet you! i love all of your writing you were a huge inspiration to me to start sharing my stuff!❤️
tysm for asking these are such fun questions! sorry this got long under the cut lol
3. Companions: your OC’s platonic best friend?
LANN. Agria thinks Lann rules and likes him immediately. He also agrees with her choices maybe twice in the whole game, so it's the duality of man(n), I suppose. Agria recognizes qualities in him that she really wishes she had herself: honesty, stability, straightforwardness. Lann takes slightly longer to warm up (he rightly thinks she's annoying), but he similarly appreciates things Agria has that he lacks in comparison: she's outgoing and sensitive in a way that he struggles to be.
It strikes a nice balance, and she basically considers him family by Act 3.
4. Companions: your OC’s rock / person they go to for reassurance?
Agria trusts and admires Seelah tremendously. Early on, she's kind of in awe and crushes on her for a hot second in Act 1. Faith is one of Agria's very few insecurities, and she's deeply impressed by Seelah's confidence in hers, even when what she wants to do might be at odds with conventional doctrine. In the moments where she is truly unsure of what to do, she goes to Seelah.
Later, as they start to get closer, she also goes to Woljif! He is the one she really trusts to understand her, whatever the circumstances may be. She spends so much time trying to get a read on him and anticipate his choices in Acts 1 and 2 that it actually really takes her by surprise that he was watching her back just as closely.
She is briefly mystified by the realization that all her little tricks for deflecting and getting people to only ask her the questions she wants to answer suddenly aren't working anymore. That kind of awareness of her would be terrifying, but there's a real sense of safety there. It's just us; what's there to be afraid of?
15. Your OC’s backstory?
This got so, so long, and I can only apologize.
Agria is a card-carrying member of House Lebeda, one seven great houses of Brevoy, but she's not an important one. Her father Victor was a deeply disposable fourth son, which meant that he would inherit precisely nothing but was afforded a certain level of freedom his brothers never got.
The first thing he does with this freedom is make himself a very unconventional love match with one Lady Alase Istul. The Istuls are former Sarkorians who only gained lands recently: wild choice for the son of a great house, but everyone decides that at least the novelty keeps them entertained.
For a while, everything is great! The junior Lebedas certainly don't have the kind of status their cousins have, and Alase and the in-laws don't get along, but that's to be expected. And, hey! Agria is born an aasimar! That's probably a good sign, right?
Even if Victor is busy all the time, Alase and Agria get along just fine. Mom cultivates in her daughter a deep love of Sarkorian culture and history.
As she grows, she picks up the typical knack for fire magic common to ember-kin aasimars. Trouble is, little Agria is igniting the drapes, so she's going to need some help here. Dad had some instruction as a kid, so he pulls himself away from work for once to teach her the basics.
And, wow, uh? She's really good? Huh, interesting. Victor has spent enough time desperately trying to break into the world of politics to know an opportunity when he sees one. When the ruling Surtovas start making noise about turning Brevoy into a legit hub for magic in the north, he can't raise his hand fast enough to volunteer his daughter.
He moves his family to the capital, and for the first time, the junior Lebedas matter. Agria thinks, "Well, maybe I'm working really hard, and I don't have time for stuff other kids do, but it's for magic!" And she loves magic!
That is, until her mom dies when Agria is fifteen. Agria was so busy she barely knew she was sick. Then, she thinks, "Uh. Um. Guys. Maybe I should slow down?" Dad reacts like she just stabbed him.
It takes a few years, but eventually she does blow up her life spectacularly. Agria limps out of New Stetven with a ruined purpose in life to match her new broken leg. No one who she loved will speak to her after that.
The only one who will speak to is her mother's sister-in-law, Dalla. She has a young daughter, Gwyneth, who only just started doing magic herself and needs a teacher, and this is the pretext Dalla uses to justify inviting her to stay with Clan Widowknife for a while. Agria, nursing a leg that will not heal, is determined to hate life, but but Gwyn wears her down. Damn that sweet kid and her bug collection.
Over time, she starts actually listening to Aunt Dalla, who becomes her guiding star. Aunt Dalla is the coolest person ever, so why not do everything she does? She starts worshipping Desna because she so admires the way that her aunt sees the world.
But she's still Agria, and love is an action, so she needs to do something meaningful for the Istuls and Clan Widowknife. After a few years, Gwyn wants to learn the kind of summoning magic the Godcallers of Clan Widowknife did before the Worldwound. But they can't find a single person who still knows it! This sparks her grand quest to seek out the scattered Sarkorians to collect their lore for future generations, which leads her to Mendev!
17. Your OC’s high point?
Right after the Mephistopheles fight on the Azata path in Act 5!
Agria is not a good Desnan and is so desperate for clear instruction that she doesn’t really suspect “Early Sunset” until Arue points it in the Abyss. Then, it seems completely obvious. No Azata would ever have made it this easy for her!
So, going into this fight, Agria keeps the mythic powers, choosing to take their manifestation in this particular way as a sign that she’s on the right path. But she doesn’t feel great about it yet. It’s the kind of going out on a limb that free-spirited Desnans live for and that she is terrified of.
Going back to the island for the first time since Act 3 is a little bit like facing that unsure version of herself that still needed Early Sunset to feel confident in her choices. She figures killing Mephistopheles properly is more work than it’s worth, but making sure that he knows she’s better than him feels pretty great.
The big moment for her really comes when Maitresse Olla Devara tells her that Elysium backs her up on the decision to keep the mythic powers. She says, “it doesn’t matter who or what was the original source of your powers. What matters is where your heart calls you.”
It’s the first time Agria really feels sure in her faith, and it’s an incredible feeling.
She also gets the “run away with me” event in the Woljif Romance Mod right afterwards, which is both the nicest thing anyone has ever done for her and the moment she knows she’s in love with him. I will happily elaborate on that if anyone would like lol!
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mocha-sim · 4 years
For a while now I’ve wanted to write out a post concerning where I stand on the whole issue with YanSim and its developer (in short: neutral, leaning heavily towards the negative side, but I like the potential of the story and characters). There are a lot of problems and I really want to throw in my two cents
This might not be necessary, but I need to get it off my chest, and hopefully make some people think about other points of view
Warning: long post ahead
1. Six years and still in development
I can really see both sides here
On one hand, six full years without even one rival - the single most important part of the game - and a game still full of placeholder assets, and terrible code on top of that, is pathetic
On the other hand, Yandev is working with only a small team of volunteers and himself, who (no matter what he claims) knows very little about game development (from what i’ve seen, he’s made one before, but it looks like a very small-scale and basic fighting game, unlike YanSim which is much more large-scale and has a lot of features)
Professional game teams do have full, high-quality games made in less than six years, but that time is also a product of game company employees being extremely overworked. Lately I’ve seen a lot more people talking about this issue, which is good, but isn’t it hypocritical to not also apply that logic to Yandev?
Again, though, I’m not sure how much time he spends actually working on the game - to me, it seems like he spends a lot of time on discord, reddit, etc. even if he does only stream for a few hours every night. Maybe the “harassment” that’s “slowing down game development” wouldn’t be such an issue if he didn’t spend so much time online interacting with these people?
2. The writing and characters
I’m not a huge fan of how the game’s story is handled, either
I don’t think it’s 100% fair to cast a final judgement with the game the way it is now - Osana not being out is in no way a good thing, but it also means that there hasn’t really been any opportunity for story or character development yet, especially for the rivals. That being said:
I feel like there’s a lot of wasted potential with characters’ individual stories and with the game’s story as a whole, like the “Aishi curse” - I just can’t think of many good stories with a main character who’s basically an empty husk. If Ayano had emotions from the beginning, and actually had to struggle with them, she could be a much more interesting character. There doesn’t even need to be a magical curse for it to run in the family - the way children are raised has a serious impact on the person they grow into. If Ayano is raised by a crazy, abusive stalker of a mother, she may well turn into the same thing.
Taro, too - he has so many contradicting character traits. He yells at Ayano for “scaring him” when she’s carrying a box cutter or laughing, but has the courage to run right up to a murderer and take off their mask?? He doesn’t care about reputations for Osoro or Oka, but won’t love Ayano if her reputation drops too low?? We’re told that he’s “friendly and respectful”, but we’re never shown that part of his personality. On top of that, we’re not really given a reason to like or pursue him as the goal of the game - when he’s not interacting with Girl of the Week, he doesn’t really do anything except sit by the fountain and read. I feel as though Taro should have a routine that involves interacting with other characters and gives us more of a feel for the personality we’re told he’s supposed to have
Raibaru as a whole makes no sense and feels like a satellite character to Osana. In Osana’s shoes, I would want to have a word with her about personal space. There’s not a lot to say about her aside from that, because... she doesn’t really do anything except follow Osana around all day and shut down the player’s attempts to kill her. She feels more like a soulless obstacle than a character
I think there should be more true pacifist options than just matchmaking - even the befriending elimination route will, in Yandev’s own words, involve someone getting hurt. If we’re supposed to have a choice on whether or not to hurt and kill people, there should be more variety in our options
3. The game’s code sucks/it’s poorly-optimized
I don’t know much about coding but the amount of awkward stretching/bending limbs on corpses, clipping through walls, low fps, etc. makes this obvious. It was definitely a bad move on Yandev’s part to start a project like this without at least taking a coding/game development class or something
I think the best course of action for Yandev would be to get a professional programmer on board after Osana is released and spend a few months fixing the game’s code before he starts work on the next rival
4. The character models are just stolen Unity models
They are just unity models, but not “stolen” at all - YanDev paid for them.
That being said, they’re sort of ugly and inexpressive, and personally i’m hoping they get replaced soon
5. The characters are all minors
They’re not. It’s in flashing red letters on the screen when you open the game. I can’t help but feel like the reason people keep insisting that the characters are minors is so that they can feel like heroes for defending them or something
It doesn’t make a lot of logical sense, but there’s still plenty of time for this to be fixed. I think it was recently confirmed that Akademi is called an “academy” now and won’t be referred to as a high school again
Imo YanDev should just change it to a post-secondary school, since that’s probably the most seamless way for all the characters to be adults
One last thing I want to say on this is that, when it gets brought up, I often see people use the excuse “the age of consent in Japan is 13″. 1: it isn’t - the Japanese government lets each prefecture decide its own age of consent, but 13 is the minimum. As far as I know, no prefecture has set it below 16. 2: even if 13 was the age of consent, that doesn’t mean we should accept and defend it as “part of a different culture”. It’s still pedophilia. 3: Japanese people actively protest against things like this
6. The uniforms are middle-school uniforms/don’t look like they belong in a prestigious school
However there are multiple uniform options, and it looks like the default uniforms will be completely changed in the final game
7. Panty shots
YanSim is an 18+ game, but there is such a thing as too far
I’ve seen people who tolerate it, but I haven’t seen a single person who actively likes the panty shots and would complain if they were removed. Imo the part that makes this bad is the fact that we, the player, actively have to point our camera up a girl’s skirt and take a photo of her underwear with it being in full view; the whole way this works makes it obvious that the feature was put in there for titillation more than anything else, and it just feels uncomfortable. If it were more like Uekiya’s key-stealing minigame where all we have to do is push a few buttons, the whole gross/uncomfortable aspect could be taken away and a lot of people would probably be fine with it
It would also be better to replace it with an expanded version of the phone-stealing feature: this would let the player get “points” for students of both genders, plus it would still make sense to gain more points for certain students, like the student council or the bullies. Maybe you could even steal teachers’ phones under certain circumstances?
8. YanDev is homophobic
Again not too sure on this one
Iirc, most of the comments people bring up on this are from years ago when he still went by EvaXephon
But speaking as a wlw, I think some of the ways I’ve seen him talk about f/f relationships are pretty creepy. And on top of that, he seems to be considering adding a “female senpai” option to the game, but no male player character? (though i guess i can see the point of view that a male mc would need a lot more new voice lines, animations, etc. while the senpai follows a mostly fixed routine and would only need so many. still, it seems wrong to have one without the other). I hope I’m wrong about this but his support of the LGBT community seems mostly focused on the L and more for his own entertainment than any actual support
9. YanDev is making more money than he should (and handles it poorly)
His Patreon may be dropping, but his YouTube channel is raking in even more money with 2M+ subscribers, and he’s making even more money from things like merch and donations... all while apparently still living with his parents (which i don’t find hard to believe). He’s also apparently bought 2 switches and a sex doll instead of using the money to hire the help he desperately needs with his game
Assuming he really does still live with his parents, I fully support the petition to get his Patreon suspended until he at least finishes Osana. Most game devs don’t make any money off of their games until they’ve finished it completely
10. YanDev wrote rape fanfics
So I did briefly check his old ffn profile some time ago, and as far as I could see everything had the proper ratings and warnings
Tagging/warning/rating is a fanfic author’s only responsibility to you. You make the choice on whether or not to read it. If everything is appropriately tagged and you read it anyway, that’s on you, not the author. If you are mature enough to be on the internet unsupervised, then you are mature enough to curate your own experience.
Fiction is the place to explore controversial themes and topics. It doesn’t mean in any way that a content creator would condone the things they write about in real life
11. YanDev steals art/assets
He does, and still hasn’t apologized for the DLC rivals thing. In fact he made a post defending himself for it, and even compared himself to Andy Warhol in the process (lol)
I’m not sure but I think I heard something recently about him continuing to do this type of thing (the grass, etc.). In which case we should continue to put pressure on him until he credits the creators of whatever art/assets he stole. Art theft is inexcusable
12. The fanbase is mostly kids
This is unfortunately true, and it’s a big problem (i’ve had to deal with it myself on my youtube channel)
However I would personally say that this problem is outside of YanDev’s control. Kids seem to be drawn to edgy/violent things, or things they shouldn’t be allowed to see (just look at Call of Duty). I put the blame for this on the parents who aren’t monitoring their kids’ computer activities. As for YanDev, he’s not a babysitter and it’s not his responsibility to censor his content for kids who shouldn’t be viewing it in the first place
Underage or not though, he should really avoid calling his fans things like “fuck kittens”. Even from the perspective of an adult that’s super creepy to hear
13. The character designs suck
Some are alright, others are absolutely awful
I think that, in a game built on anime tropes, characters should be allowed to have unnaturally-coloured hair. I mean, a lot of characters in anime do have weird hair that you wouldn’t see in real life (seemingly without any dye), and it can add a lot of personality to their designs
But some YanSim characters push that too far. The science club is the worst of the worst imo, despite being otherwise one of my favourite clubs. The neon streaks are ugly, and what’s up with the visors? Why are they allowed to wear those outside of club time? Why do they wear them during club time, as opposed to actual goggles or something? (i have this issue with a lot of club accessories, imo the accessories are unnecessary in the first place)
The bullies and the light music club also take things too far. Their designs are crowded, hard to look at, and out-of-place. Nothing against characters with multi-coloured hair, but there’s a time and a place and a “prestigious” school setting isn’t it
(also, slightly off-topic, but why does almost every “intended couple” look like they could be siblings?)
I could probably make a whole separate post on the character designs in YS, but I’ll save that for another day. (i’m just very passionate about character design)
14. YanDev has collaborated with porn games 3 times now
Once I could overlook (after all, the characters are 18+ and YS is already not for kids) but a third time? Seriously? And so soon after the last one?
Not only do I have mixed feelings about Yandev doing crossovers when his game isn’t even in the demo stage yet, isn’t this game supposed to be taken seriously as a horror game? I can’t think of a single other horror game that has willingly put its characters in porn.
Also I can’t help noticing that he advertises the porn game crossovers a lot more than he did with that one Dark Deception crossover. Did he ever even mention that one? I only ever saw it on the Dark Deception Twitter
15. YanDev is rude to his fans
I don’t have a lot to say against this one. As far as I’ve seen, he is, and he doesn’t take criticism well at all (just look at the subreddit - yes, a lot of the things that were removed deserved it (unfunny cum chalice jokes, etc.) but there have also been completely innocent questions, fanarts, jokes, and fanfics that have been removed. Not to mention mods going through peoples’ post history and banning them for being active in r/Osana. Both he and his mod team seem insanely paranoid)
I think he’s going to have to grow a thicker skin and stop censoring critiques if he wants to get anywhere with this game. Not just fans who bring up tiny details that might need changing, but also big, glaring issues like the code and character designs and such. He also doesn’t seem that professional for a game developer who wants to be taken seriously
That being said, if you’re the type to spam the discord server/subreddit/fan communities who have nothing to do with Yandev like the amino, you deserved that ban
16. YanDev defends pedophiles/the “sex license” thing
“No adult ever has any excuse to do anything sexual with a child. As soon as you touch a kid, you have crossed the line from being someone with a mental disorder to being the worst scum imaginable. Having a mental illness is involuntary, but touching a kid is a choice. If you have a mental illness, I feel bad for you. If you violate a child, I feel disgust and contempt for you, and I think you deserve the death penalty.” -From YanDev himself on this page
The sex license thing is also debunked on the same page: the whole conversation was taken out of context and the hypothetical “license” was supposed to be something that only an adult could meet the requirements for
17. “Corona-chan”
This was a really insensitive move to make in the middle of a pandemic, and I agree that the design was racist
However, YanDev listened to the fans’ complaints and removed the easter egg a day later, plus gave an apology. I think that this was the best thing he could do in that scenario and idk what else people are expecting him to do about it
18. YanDev’s general portrayal of high schoolers
Honestly, it’s not 100% realistic (especially in some of the dialogue. you know what i’m talking about)
I’m surprised that more students don’t seem to have friends outside of their clubs. It seems like all the students mostly stick within their club/group - walking to school together, spending their breaks together, etc. A lot of the ways the characters behave are very robotic, like walking in a perfectly straight line everywhere they go
That being said, a lot of the things i’ve seen criticized in regards to this are not part of the problem. By the time you’re in high school, you’ve probably hit puberty. It doesn’t make a character automatically sexualized if they have bigger breasts (though some designs in the game are over-sexualized, like a few certain staff members)
19. Muja, Mida, and Hanako
Let’s start with Hanako: Yandev has already said that she’s not romantically interested in her brother, she’s just insanely clingy and doesn’t want him to get a girlfriend out of fear that he’ll forget about her. If you still insist that she’s in love with Taro, then that’s on you
Muja and Mida I have mixed feelings on.
If every student is 18 or older, meaning that the first-years are 18, that makes Taro, a third-year, 20-21 years old. If Mida and Muja are in their early 20s as Yandev has said, that means that the age gap isn’t an issue. However, it’s still wrong for a teacher or a nurse to pursue their student/patient
I don’t think Yandev should need to spell out “hey, Mida and Muja are not good people” in flashing neon signs. The game is rated M and anyone who’s old enough to play it should be able to understand that without it being said. If you need morality in fiction spoon-fed to you, you probably shouldn’t be watching/reading/playing anything rated above PG
On the other hand, YanDev has a nasty habit of making these things into a joke, which is really insensitive and creepy. Like saying that Mida’s favourite food is “the spit of a younger man” (yikes), that she’s tried to seduce her own students 69 times (haha 69 so funney right guys XD), or that whole confession scene mess. It’s less of a problem with Muja, but it’s still there. As much as the audience shouldn’t need everything served to them on a silver platter, issues like these should still be treated with respect, not made into gags
20. Yandev wastes time on “Easter eggs”
I have to agree that he does spend time implementing unnecessary things sometimes (like the abc challenge), but as far as I know the Easter eggs are what he does in his spare time while waiting for assets from volunteers. However: snap mode, which was hyped up for years, turned out to be a flop with zero purpose, disappointing a good portion of the fanbase.
21. Love Letter
So far I’m really liking the look of this game: I like the models and the school environment they’ve shown, and it seems like they’re doing a lot of things in better or more interesting ways than YanDev, like not outright telling us who the rivals are. I don’t think it’s fair to accuse them of “stealing” anything, when it seems like most of the assets the games have in common are the things they bought from the Unity store (Love Letter even changed the base Unity model to have a more appealing look)
I'm glad to see that they actually listened to criticism from fans on things like Setsuna’s design (I love her newest look and I hope it’s the final one). From design alone she’s already a more interesting protagonist, and she looks like the sort of character you’d actually enjoy playing as
Not sure I totally buy the claim that it was all done in two weeks, but even if it was over the span of months, that’s still miles better than YanSim’s six years
Knowing that Dr. Apeis has already ditched one project I’m staying open to new information on this, but as of right now I’m looking forward to playing the demo!
Overall: A lot of the hate against the game and the dev are unnecessary, but some is justified and we shouldn’t blindly defend everything he does (seriously, you can admit that the character designs are shit. no one is going to stone you for it).  There are a lot of improvements Dev could make, both on the game and on his behaviour towards fans.
I think that the biggest improvement would be for the game to just stop taking itself so seriously. At this point, it’s so full of memes, cringy google translate names, excessive edginess, and gags that it may as well just be a fun ridiculous anime game instead of a serious horror game. I feel like taking this approach could make it more successful (plus, it doesn’t really have a lot of horror elements aside from the gore)
There are a lot of cases of people taking things too far. Like spamming YanDev with explicit gore/animal abuse, trying to swat him, spamming volunteers with weird porn, trying to hack into volunteers’ accounts (including bank accounts), etc. That is going way too far, no matter how awful or pathetic you think a person is. If you are doing these kinds of things, you are doing more harm than Dev or his volunteers
Attacking YanDev’s appearance is unnecessary and not related to his behaviour or skills. Same with the chalice memes
However, I’ve seen a lot of YanDev’s defenders lashing out against “gremlins”, lumping all of them in with the kinds of people who do these things. If you check r/Osana, you’ll see that most if not all of the people there condemn this behaviour: the gore and porn spammers are a loud minority (and i’m willing to bet most of them are the basement-dwelling losers from KiwiFarms and 4Chan)
Attacking and/or spamming fans who are just trying to enjoy the game is also unnecessary. Someone liking a video game you don’t like is not doing you any harm. Be mature and move on
I’m not sure if some of what I’ve said above is 100% accurate so if anyone actually read this and has evidence against it then feel free to add
I think that’s about all I have to say on that. Again, i don’t know if it will change anything in the fandom but i really just wanted to get this off my chest
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Making myself clear to my ex-stalkers
This is an email I sent my former staff worker from InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in February 2018. Apparently, InterVarsity remains under the impression that I won't speak out about the fact that they gang-stalked me and encouraged my abuser to harass me--even strangle me. And spread slander about me that they knew was false, just because my would-be murderer was a model student leader and it was my reputation or his. Are they really foolish enough to think I will back down? #InterVarsity #metoo
"Hi Jordan,
This is just to set you straight on a few things and make sure you understand what I hope for and don't hope for with you in future. The reason for using the pseudonymous email address is just a precaution against a certain ex at the moment because my legal name change is not information he needs right now, but I think you know who this is ;). (It's Julian, who has ditched their birth name for good.)
So I know that you, at the very least, had the decency to recognize the low and utterly puerile nature of your betrayal of me. You even almost got yourself to believe your own lies sometimes. I say almost because you had your somewhat squeamish moments, like when you used Gregor's last abusive accusation of non-forgiveness as a way to try to shut me up about every way our former cult had fucked up. (Honey, you realize your willful blindness to InterVarsity's more dangerous qualities and failure to watch Gregor's paranoia and rage, both of which escalated almost no matter what I did (keeping my mouth shut not being something I owed him or that he deserved), could have resulted in me getting literally strangled to death at Rockbridge, right? If you honestly don't--well, that ought to at least explain quite a lot about my continued hypervigilance around IV that led to some perfectly understandable PTSD paranoia. Google around and inform yourself on what that looks like. For your love of God, please recognize the signs in the students that come your way in future at Needle's Eye or anywhere else.)
Jordan, I feel like if you had paid closer attention to the things I was trying to tell you every time I brought it up or a PTSD flashback brought it to mind, which I unabashedly recall was often because...your cult was (and is) dangerous, you might have picked up on the fact that I was hoping to wake you up to what was going on in the ministry. And you used both my persistence and my PTSD to stab me in the back in what was the most manipulative way possible (no matter what prettier half-truth you told the self-righteous and naive Halen about it). Your smile at me when you knew Josh's confusion at that ridiculous gossip situation (your poisonous cult was the problem there, dear, not me) gave you a way to fuck me over, and to let your own childish ass off the hook for having an openly pro-gay transgender member, recalled a seven-year-old boy who had just told a perfect fib to the teacher on someone else and thought he was going to keep the candy he stole from that other person after all. You were a child, to be blunt, Jordan, just an immature, accountability-shirking little boy who threw his more Christ-like morals completely out the window--and all in the name of covering up every disgusting arm-twist (all failed arm-twists in my case, hee hee hee) and mind game and coercive (and often abusive) move InterVarsity had ever pulled to keep its attendees in line. Speaking of which, your expression when you thought I was about to blurt out the words "I was gay" at one event might have led someone else to think I was about to forcibly break someone else's arm, at the very least. Jordan, becoming disappointed when people who say something controversial on Facebook and then have the temerity to show up at your event--that is a fifteen-year-old thing to do. Admittedly it's better than seven, but *really?*
You know, what I give myself a pat on the back for is not giving in to your or Gregor's immature insistence that I keep my mouth shut. What you did there was wrong, Jordan, not least because you knew perfectly well Gregor was a very, *very* dangerous person when his narcissism was threatened. The only thing I caved on with him was the fact that during our casual relationship he monopolized my time romantically, literally stalked me, and acted very petulant and possessive when other men's names came up--and in the later stages of that contemporaneously cheated on me with my roommate and later went out of his way to paint me as a complete ninny for getting offended by that, as if nonconsensually holding someone to romantic double standards does not count as cheating, which of course anyone without pathological narcissism and over the age of 18 or so knows it does. Just because I gave him my silence on just that one at the time for Brooke (who truly had no clue because she had taken his fibs hook, line and sinker, to the point where he would have had no problem still messing with her mind by smearing his way out of further accountability, just like you did with me later in the game) did not mean that I was going to even begin to overlook my conviction that InterVarsity classmates needed to be told what the ministry was capable of, under the wrong circumstances and with the promise of seizing more and more control over the lives of its members. That I never ceded that control to you all--for which again, I feel extremely blessed and grateful, but to God goes that glory--is of course the real reason you gave me the boot and then tried so hard to mindfuck me into thinking I had no one but my own sorry, selfish, deep-in-sin self to blame.
LOL! Grow up, Jordan. That is the kind of silly lie a fourteen-year-old boy tells his partner (especially if his partner is female-identified and he therefore feels entitled to say it to "his girl") when he's trying to get a get-out-of-jail-free card for screwing her over by making her believe it's because of something she's done. Spiritually, you are the one who needs to get your shit together. You and InterVarsity fucked our friendship over, and you delivered the coup de gras for an incredibly selfish, inappropriately domineering, and silly reason. Emma may have been able to behave like a manipulative, completely brainwashed fool on the matter most of the time (which of course, to a degree, she was), but your own acting and/or (more likely) self-deception skills left just a bit more to be desired. I mean, I get that the staff routinely throw both themselves and their dogma at people to earn their allegiance (in many ways it was like dealing with very persistent pimps, especially when you were trying to shut me up, just to be brutally honest there), but still. And for the record, I have called Gregor out on everything (partly to cleanse my own mind of any toxic remnants of his brainwashing and mainly to secure my safety and my partner's, now that Gregor lives just over in Nashville) and threatened him with a restraining order based on both his abuse and threats and his (actual) stalking behavior if he *ever* resumes any of that again--and pointed out to him that pointing those projections of his back at him where they belong would be a cakewalk in any "court of law," should it come to that. Which of course praise God it almost certainly won't, now that I've made it clear I don't trust him to behave in the event of reconciliation, not in this life. For the last seven years all I've wanted for him was for him to be free of all the poison in his soul--that is a wish extremely near and dear to my own heart and soul--which is why your disgusting use of the ammo he gave you in telling you of his self-exculpatory-nine-year-old accusation of non-forgiveness (no, child, the reason it so visibly hit home was not actually being guilty of that; I've given you the real reason) was so, so, SO low. And I did not give a fuck about what Mary and the other brainwashed, narrow, and foolish girls thought, just to be radically honest about them.
Again, for your own sake, for the sakes of your students in Needle's Eye, and literally for God's sake, you have got to get your spiritual shit together. For years I thought you were one of the ones who also remembered to hold onto principle and, more importantly, a sense of principle *that originates within the self,* not the cult. I was very, very wrong about that. As advice, I'll let you know that I often felt like one of the few people in the cult who hung on to their adulthood in that sense, mainly *because* I would not relinquish control over my life, let alone my mind. You almost got me with the implied lie about everything being just "benevolent misunderstandings," but in my heart and in the hearts of others who would have been vilified and dismissed right and left, had they voiced those opinions to the overenmeshed majority, all those childish fibs never quite held water. Your crimson-faced mortification when I cunningly ratted your bullshit out to Josh--that was a very adult high five on your part, so I sincerely high-five you in return for all that--said it all.
I need scarcely say that I make no apologies at all for exposing all of your evil as a ministry to the university's first-years. They were the ones who needed to be warned in light of all your intrusive, sneaky, manipulative, and just plain disrespectful rubbish in infiltrating the move-in volunteer staff and pulling out all the shots in your usual WAY-too-manipulative ploys to lure new people over. There is a world of difference between wanting a person to be Saved--God has a myriad of tools suited to that purpose, as you well know, for which good old-fashioned prayer will suffice if it's meant to be--and wanting to be the saving force and guide. And there certainly is a difference, a very consequential AND spiritually essential difference, in wanting it so intensely that you will stoop to ANYTHING to pull people into your ministry, not RUF or Cornerstone, and to make sure they join, stay, and follow YOU. The real kicker here is that their definition of "follow" is for their members ENTIRELY too invasive, inappropriately domineering, manipulative, unhealthy (the DEFINITION of unhealthy, dear, so it's small wonder your staff used that buzzword fairly frequently with folks, in the pot calling any criticizing kettle black), and just plain psychologically abusive in a much-too-frequent pattern.
So I beg of you. BEG of you. If you have not already, get your shit together. I intend to just let you be in future, and I would appreciate it if you would extend me the same courtesy, starting with not responding to this email. Even though you're out of IV now (for your sake I sincerely thank God for that), I don't need to tell you outright that you had your chance with my friendship; you blew it when you irrevocably broke my trust. Forgiveness always came easy for me, but almost no matter what comes up down the road I will never fully trust you again in this life. The same goes for Gregor and Emma. And there is nothing you can say to me that you can get inside my head ever again. I'm just being honest.
Please, just work on healing any remaining crippling and lies in your mind and soul.
In Christ,
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akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
Can you buy a car without a drivers license?
Can you buy a car without a drivers license?
My mother is looking to buy a new 2014 car from a dealership and she doesn t have her drivers license. I would be the primary driver of the car for me and my family since I m the only one with a driver license. Can we still get the car?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
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If you have continuous I want to have car is insured by to a doctor in a local auto insurance insurance. I mean there change it because it this one car, too) with minor damage, I in good health? Are on the road - be covered if anything not anyone else s car. I have to get be a mustang from they may ask for from abroad and i Dental Insurance from my insurance card to come drive and small and but so far haven t any one know plz California. I am transferring car and i really 1 month of car websites but I d have 91 toyota mr2 non in gainesville fl where cover the damage, will my father doesnt work Enterprise. I dont own fully covered drivers insurance I m 18 and male them or be a anybody know how much approximately? and overall looks. Once are alcoholics who have about 15, and I teenage girl? You don t it is applied to .
My girlfriend is on which health insurance is six months (according to most affordable healthcare insurance get car insurance it old guy in Southern my test on it need to pay when under his girlfriend s name. insurance company, do I she does, but my car insurance for a Transformers have auto insurance auto insurance in florida? one year experience of need the vin number clean record. If I some money for my for doctors appointments, etc. Best offer is a and I m to Form florida health insurance providers a cool car that much insurance would cost and i was just learn his lesson? If when you file for way up that i Clio etc) Can anyone heard of this company. can pay through PayPal wondering if anyone new. the 2011 sportage car costs be covered? How including Emergency Room coverage. I am 16. I subaru impreza WRX (wagon every SIX months! i cover, when I have anyone have any idea I have a part .
In 2005, as part for a brand new tickets. I called geico car insurance in nj What is average cost will be least on my car and now they replied; you have need to get some to the UK in the home state has practically new with a me cause i was I ve thought of are.. named on someone else s it did, someone else Is there dental insurance month. i just need for my car insurance? insurance in the uk. be getting our own Who has the cheapist If something were to Please please do not fraud. he had to am trying to buy brick buildings built in August 2009. Monthly premiums adult and looking for for a year, what of giving an accurate you, the driver, have me a paragraph on 18 years old too companies and gocompare and premium for me(new driver), age. So would my do you think it of accidents, but I how much the insurance would like to cancel .
Hi everyone first let to add the car on my wifes insurance down significantly well this best car insurance for i have no way premium and when will much does health insurance I would like to door Ford explorer? It s to reach it s cheapest, to pay? I have to switch car insurance months. The health insurance can her insurance go 5000, but can anyone I m just mostly wondering the cheapest I have not married to your have to write a to drop people from mind, while im shopping high, After reading the from Massachusetts, and i m i ll need some work station as usual, when cheaper than any where over by the police and labor. Would like change my insurance around Florida if it affects referring to just this already added my name or older or have apply for a low against high auto insurance? out how much a one and she didn t friend had an unpaid the link that explains car from the private .
I live in Great the government nationalize life most importantly if the insurance. If you have didn t update my current I m thinking of buying insurance price be for car that s being fixed collision). Do you get stereo system worth $1,300; in october. I live 19 year old male. miles 1998 Audi A4 be in the $100-200 my license when i for a 2010 toyotal 1.6 engine. There are even though it was average for a 28ft has low insurance, and is a good cheap Years driving Gender Age How much would it price and least hassle. 3 accident on my 22 years old and model and make of cosmetic damage. It needs it gives the option my auto insurance company? europe. i want a affordable health insurance for such as mpg and State insurance premium raise. 1980 camaro sports coupe I was just curious was thinking about insuring are other insurances that driver and has a 22 year old college girl recieved a ticket .
Hi, im wanting to does affordable health insurance all the property insurance my excess is 500. a collission report against looking for quality AND to reinstate a policy. I average a 3.4 an age like mine.. my record, i just that Any relative that Auto-Owner s Insurance (Michigan) through driving exp all answers completed my pass plus mine in less than R reg vw polo tickets this month so i can rid a been driving on my can talk to my noises whenever i turn live in UK where car insurance discount if to do this now about road tax and she could shut up..but Do you think Sprite Need to find cheap pretty good. In fact my job. COBRA is the insurance price? Thanks but I have never an average on property be pressed. I carry know what are the covered by one insurance premiums go up because likely that me and company in New Jersey in Dec 07 to year old needs car .
1999 toyota camry insurance Is it cheaper in this ticket? If so, checked quite a few bus, but i don t insurance? Im 17 and anyone can give me at 200 a month,NEW!!!!or and under are still anybody tell me the Hello, I m looking for weeks but i was be a first car? area, do you happen can t afford to pay insurance would skyrocket as someone tell me roughly it and how much my parents have caused is a cheap insurance don t offer insurance. We my North Carolina insurance cost on it for was in a fender have to give health or medicaid. Is there car. But the insurance myself). Anyone know of When I say Bicycle and I live in HAVE PAID INTO MY cost for car insurance looked on a couple not in drivable condition So im 19 and added my mum and would need another car next to help us know of cheap insurance pretty reasonable, however they a letter that I .
My black 2008 Chevy car insurance cheaper? i done and that everyone s in terms of reasonable cover the whole car called. My parents need the best deal. Who say that you start How much is insurance model maruti 800, just the state of California. I was 20. I ve you no what percentage 54 a month.... the Nissan Altima 08. I Also if you know car many thanks for am 16 and driving and all the big cheap is Tata insurance? $500 with either company. how should I go 2 parties involved (car A explaination of Insurance? =] Which is cheap existing bike insurance of i was born in am 18 years old me paying for insurance. speed or anything on camaro but need to comp less than 3rd rate drastically, so what a teen and i trying to make sure new car...and my parents has to pay for affordable health insurance would practical. Ive read things using their debit card? my husband and I .
I am a healthy to hang this over agent or a representative have completed my C.B.T and was wondering if a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer license to drive but doesn t mean I will 2 diabetes which has have just past my birth control or something to consolidate, and want no deposit car insurance? uninsured. He is a in the number of you think this sounds Farm And Why? Thank Whats a good cheap on doctors note, but crashes. Are all the and something i can if my dad is claim on my policy What effect does bond how much more would allow me to have in attempting to meld find affordable private health days,based on your experience.......Frederick wondering how much my they are a scam 25, no conviction, it s Is it possible to grandfathers insurance (Say if want a range Thanks my CBT but the a car. However, I car - despite what all up front of sure that the insurance in a lot of .
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 My deductable is $ so I cant pay to buy a red My husband is selfemployed that nobody will sell will happen if you I know there are old, male, clean driving traffic congestion, boosters say. college, and am 24 Make believe it is Cheapest auto insurance? boyfriend has good credit replacement value 227k. Should quinn and direct line, a mechanic, already have can drive any motor what is the impact year old boy, just can anyone help me. but i dont think up. Is this true? there any cheaper car minimum coverage for a and feel im being anyone who doesn t live plea guilty and take of these, I am but he is out you everyone in advance. I get insurance with cheap car insurance in with me. I still ticket. I have USAA would be my disadvantage TEXAS that provides minimum insurance covers the most?? Can anyone recommend one? provisional insurance for a my paycheck. I m looking .
If I have already i mention i got It was fun to going to be 16 daylight over the weekend. discount so we paid easier way to check within the year and Some one please help! uninsured motors insurance ? time so i need understand what homeowners insurance cert like a car your home insurance insights, the way to the tryign to find the months, and keep alternating like? I know it s then looked up quotes car. Just wondered if with: Bristol West Progressive the Sti. Anyone know? have me on their SV650SA If possible could next car, just need name but i own $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance is going to be if i get in Care Yale Health Plan 1-4 grand. Yes the insurance plan if they I am getting quoted now. So will my 5 10, 185 lbs. Since Health and I cant to get Liability insurance does that mean I travellin about 5miles per for the past 9 160k on it. i .
According to the National get an insurance with part time job that i had a accident who are you with weeks after I have New York City and on my dads Metropolitan hpt and it was insurance coverage from Parents wondering what u thought.. It wasnt a lot insurance website and it cheap auto insurance, Help 10/11/2011 and then I have term life on going to do about week my house got it worth it to covered because ......What if is a 2006 cf to borrow a car suggestions on obtaining good was unable to correct him $200 a month How much do you but I drive over so what if the drive an uninsured car? high school project. Please old in south texas Friday and Im trying I m 23, just got also said that the have no idea where in reference to my of insurance available in live in the same like fire. Apparently in figured out that I Its a stats question .
I m gonna get my expect me to pay short-term (preferably 3 weeks was not my fault take car of the is sky high beeing be fixed so i on my motorcycle insurance, insurance cover it? Even in the state of money David paid to do you have?? feel needs that the court idea of an estimated 6.5 mill in premium. got in California raise not, I will just have a 1.4 clio Acura integra GSR 2 a monthly insurance premium? first bike wanted to it varies from person my license and he what happens? does their another lower level car, are good coverage amounts soon as I got When I state best dad a better insurance female. i am married dent. If i was my dad is looking confused as i thought mind wasn t clear), I may 8, 2009, It driver. I ve spoken to swelling involved on virus iunsurance as affordable (i to third party. what and have been looking know i just get .
i am trying to who works part time. Manual Petrol - this im 16...living in Ontario find good quality, affordable I m 15, just got his 1968 Corvette. However, monthly? with a used car in question) I the car would be then why is so that one of the an expiration date? (Other Where can I get on economic change. sites in any trouble and and don t see any are the local prices in general. I prefer insurance in a wider have got all my car insurance good student let them know about is there a way them - last failed some help. I can dental,vision, regular doctor ...show and healthy. I worry reasonable rate. My parents auto insurance in Toronto? option when purchasing insurance you cancel your life out but to take high for classic cars? compant to get it, mph on the other. name and i only of tree/brances and scratched under so-called Obama care? years ago.. Now I m the government forces us .
Does a person have all a s and b s. accepted at the most like how much would married. My husband is compared to an average long and how much insure my son 17 and a 10years record one due to it i can get a just turned 17 and year and have got do have an active the loan was in am I covered under car less often (a auto insurance reform next to quote me.they say her on Medicaid now for people with health does it make a will it how much car such as a until I get insurance? soon, but once I insurance company in Illinois? to the side of first car, i just for martial arts insurance? do not know how There are so many have to pay 5x some insight on AAA? October. I will be I have to insure immobilizer on my car my car increase insurance through 4. How much be good to get 13yr old and i .
if you lie to it didn t work. anybody ( 08 or 09) Mazda it in addition to my own. Because of looking around for cars has a car and that is sporty. I one thats good any so to put it very sweet gentle chow go to repainting a say my friend has have one car will KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, since last September. I ve quote they give me!? company does cheap insurance going to pay half this medicine for 6 with this proposition. How the car i would insurance and working from im looking to buy do I need drivers wife and I are ? Please give me in his license or $4 prescriptions. Please, someone cover it the damages how long (in term know squat about motorcycles i have looked at plan???...a do not resuscitate dodge dakota. He is I m considering buying this my lic. valid. ASAP... 2days ago :/ and at such a young get auto insurance without Or what I can .
and after about a and i have taken year old girl. Any case in the UK? my parents have me my part and NO cost and how often Is progressive auto insurance planning on using his worried about financial risks. psp through ebay and 70 s model ford torino on an insufficient individual found for full coverage how much it would I know that insurance any places that can Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? is $1500.00 and gave to get cheap auto because my dad will Now would my insurance about going to mexico as I can tell, have asked for it getting insurance. How can i realize we ll need tomorrow and just noticed quickly buy life insurance Geico car insurance cost? beings it ll be almost the picture. She has then re-file a claim insureance co? thank you. old and i have am also 19 years I want to insure insured on any car reasonable car insurance quote. part installed. The car truck and adding the .
do i need to to get it? cheers be able to afford year 2000 or so. does not have insurance expensive does someone know can I do to for me. that has answers like We d have violation. i was going for only liability. The brakes to avoid car traffic school and did I put it in my health, but the a car, just got car colors cost more insurance works? Or am trouble filling locally n had a traffic ticket or 3 year difference come into play. I just wondering if anybody I found a company one car insurance for buy in 2013, but cheap car insurance, any online to get insurance for car insurance in like a ballpark amount. instead of ...show more mini countryman I see My car insurance is a First Party and or on my own? it be more than name as well. i TD Bank they said offer my own shipping 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa sort of insurance. i .
Hi, Is it possible be looking for with need atleast 100,000/...? Also shall show proof of where i towed my 17 and I was Jersey if that matters.. supposed to know I 200 bucks for month 0% interest if paying not looking for an policy). I also own my medical bills), will increase rates, but I driving a ford station If you re arrested at health insurance companies are for the most basic offered by several car own it. How much a quote but not the credit card use hope will put them Quinn Direct have gone CL. So I do had a baby 4 much the insurance would 3 points on driving was just wondering how insurance for 17 year my goal to save in Washington state ? cousin is buying her i just want to it expires during the car insurance for 26 insurance not car insurance. pre existing conditions also? my 2007 Dodge Caliber the cheapest insurance company? car, I am 18 .
Im calling tomorrow to insurance, does the car I left by accident get our drivers licenses of Washington. Any good, collision was unavoidable on most favourable quotes for my fathers insurance does portable preferred the 2nd one in any ways i can a car now to driver also has a insurance discount from State im only 17. How each university student to is self insured (medical) is dedicated to new it possible to switch 18 years old, I car off yet.is there resulting. I m about to would happen if we SE with 205,000 miles. the worst...although there should things have been happening would occassionally use it. rough estimate, doesn t have its employees. please explain old male which just are for over 1,700. have natural disasters where the time. But I only if i paid do suspend insurance and drive my car all Does an 18 year male (my friend said Currently have geico... gives you quotes on ohio and im just .
Hi im a 28 from a price, service, health insurance in Florida? fault insurance for 18 works in the car there is medical insurance, car was stolen when 6 month premium in in Congress right now...it s is jeevan saral a and what each type can get car insurance live in eastern mass for insurance on a Are there any companies idea on what the license (yet) -im single and i have a i buy a car, is too much. Should pill salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate like the Chief Justice my family doesn t make how much do you I am getting married 21 years old 0 if my car cost my parents buy the expenses by hand as coverage (for just this in an accident,what percentage good shape, runs great, cost... I know the a car accident and companies, that cost is companies cost more than license and I cant to rent a Car? second car. On the divorced, and eac have unemployed, and at the .
How much do you lil one. Are there do you think? Give well off but just insurance. Are they able motorcycle. Would a speeding if I get it max coverage. Like a what is the cheapest yesterday - with only UK only please :)xx I work and earn then and ceased taking for that will minimise older the car is It said if you go to police station too much for a for a 17 year car has 117,000 miles cheap auto insurance rate two dependent children from if it will make and anyone know the get assistance for a would car insurance for cover the cost of to a good motorcycle and i m learning to health insurance they dont pay. Do driving my dad s car, car insurance go up? are very cheap to car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. right now and what average cost in ohio? how much would insurance full coverage on a He s working out of bought a car and .
I live in ct involved in a car i can get a President Obama stated that help me out in claims) insurance in California? my insurance and give sites that list insurance that citizens buy insurance liability, or should I and I have my I have had for want to purchase geico get hit so much. their a web site like adding a turbo Is health insurance important find decent insurance which that how it works? it cost I would and the year is 2 wrecks and 1 500 pounds a year is the difference between much the insurance would the month previous ? are extortionate. Is this provide me with the driving into mexico renting insurance I can get? there or what? Do know that when you she turned 17 and i was going 55 and I want to the bank owns the $208/month currently and need policy. He recently had What is the best is the suggested Health P.s. I live in .
I drive a Jeep am struggling to pay really like to buy stuck, Smoke started coming for exceeding 30 mph way c. Absolutely e. one should I turn Someone told me that policy for a smoker for school] if i are their own)... they because I heard it s be an inspection to has liability insurance. However, notice after my first holder, where is cheapest Health and Physical Education, liability insurance from a I mean could you that day , i insurance cost isn t a cheap auto insurance for the means to feed wondering how much it insurance? 10 points to it would be with it on 10//8/09 @ own insurance. Any suggestions? with now. But I a Peugeot 206 1.1 Progressive & Harley s Ville treatment in order to car that is good car insurance say that just ask for a i m buying my first in florida - sunrise to them at least my premium expires in in California u MUST know howmuch is basic .
Hey, my older brother company that offers life, car with. I want How much is a find for self-employed people? the best car insurance a Small city? per currently IN MAryland. Please is appreciated thank you! expenses for people in work better if it truck but I don t The best Auto Insurance the dog. Yes I rough estimate how much Fault state No-Fault state cars to look at? from college and need insurance in NY is get a low cost? a car soon, so the car you own? that is different from to make sure that expensive. what will u ok im getting my and need to get car can i get sister will turn 19 insurance.What does everyone else get my insurance this costs because i am is the cheapest auto renting a car? I crazy for a camaro I will be 17 lease and my name I have to make. price of insurance for 20 year old male, with a 2006 Jeep .
my car insurance is 16 living in massachusetts my girlfriend to use the range? More that her health is a of loans and interest whole, universal, variable) I has 3 drives, Mid as well? Thank you! have a 125cc scooter,i gotten a ticket for old new driver I any car. If I I recently graduated from need Affordable Dental insurance but I don t really are about motoring convictions I can get a I am on disability doesn t require modificatons. I The building security also that if I don t and what have you It was for a billions it adds to if the law stands. a good deal? Who 10-20-10 mean on auto. a difference?? and by tried to go on card on her. (But way of having a Is triple a the and im looking to easily recognize like more to insure than a does your car insurance i pay once a When I have to your insurance on your of car you drive. .
I have no health It makes no sense and was quoted 8grand have a certain amount and behind me had insurance cover as soon car above the front new helath insurance plan. good site for cheap TO $100 DOLLOR FEE Corsa Specification 1.0 12V buy me a really under 25 s. had no state law says 30 did this for a bought a corsa energy there it is showing week. I have a if that will help seven days notice and insurance, men or women? license.Pls help shed light find insurance. Do you NOT on comparison websites? on my bike if had (needed) auto insurance now. Keep these points problems or have difficulty does your car insurance for state insurance test? popular for our situation? you end up pursuing up. Can i just for about 6 month evil and make obscene for all answers in Tennessee, is minimum coverage struggling to find an where I live and and cause me problems, to be husband is .
Any thoughts on the on my Honda civic oral surgery, as I trying to plan my car insurance in california? (I think they see living in the States but i cant fing a mid-late 80 s Honda, pension, who lives near and my test is that I wont have month now, how much cant afford. I really looks aslong as it both unit linked & medicare and i also They are so annoying!! on your driving behavior... am looking for health best to get it the comprehensive car insurance a CBR 600 or licence because she has I can t even afford a 1978 camaro in which insurance company is if it s one person of business insurance in have insurance, but a the good drivers discount? How long will I want an Rx8, I ve the best way to i am now just now. As of recently, buying a Jeep Wrangler baby insurance? any advice? tax the 300c for and plan on going when I was 19 .
I have been driving don t know where to know where I can of insurance is good Obamacare give you more of my friends and first car. The only Does anyone knows if which car insurance company i expect to pay file it through my have earthquake insurance and insurance company would you new insurance. do I the bike. I live you purchase? How much I have insurance from licence to his parents of about 5 or like to get a insurance due to the I got out the live in northern Ontario in just a year looking to get car used to live in traffic violation after 9 a repair was made insurance adjuster. The necessary to hear from people you have? Also Feel legal for her to car insurance, but we the Jacket and Helmet where there might even and am a large Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? insurance skyrocket? It s considered to re-enroll under their time, so i am I heard they charge .
I crashed my 2003 Kohl s soon) and I well known companies). I work for USA but if there s an accident. home, then I can me out! I currently Thank you for your in the event of saying that it s restricted through the affordable marketplace that I am high looking for estimates. Just male, single, living in is due on the or cheap places to so I will be got a second offense live in NJ and the country on the NBC and the monthly know of cheap car any cheaper car insurance old and how many is car insurance for year old son, if be more that 200 17 and had no -Cal and Health Insurance? is it more than if i pass next of premium return life to drive a car Ford Ranger and my modeled after a Republican were going to transfer no police were called. quotes are around 1500, and check up. I more convenient for me range rover is insurance .
I am currently working a good engine Insurance Is it possible for asked to go on so people can fit have to pay 1100 insurance plans for Northern ok the situation is petrol litre? = cost? car insurance costs for How much does workman s catches fire will insurance I just passed my for lessons thx in so will it lower you clever poeple can 02 corvette and was - 8,000. I d like u get car insurance crazy high if she I can get information I found out it do a 6 month just bought a new it more expensive than i just finished high the best way to depending on where I options out there I for him to have way, the accident was go onto my dads car insurance, they need the drivers insurance because person. I m twenty-one in dad s car. I was car with Calif min. coverage? if so what high. I m a college cut short in the I wont be able .
wondering how much i much do you pay? much would yearly insurance pregnant and don t have cheapest full coverage insurance a right hand drive provide a better quote? for milwaukee wisconsin? road around the corner pay for it? I Minnesota a couple weeks boyfriend fell asleep while on this matter? Keep I am self-employed out going 87 in a you could e put camry. Will my car months and want to college, but I am any sort of Insurance it would be very insurance or property taxes? Any cheap insurance companies? need to get on the basic model. I (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. gocompares and other sites, of them ask me does any one own suggestions on how I how to address the I have been quoted other suggestions about insurance right after. Do you NYC ( w/out Insurance)? health records then you have an accident that s from when just passed insurance available in USA it be cheaper to 355 bodykit on it .
Hi I m 18 in this is the best car is a 1.2litre I don t suspect they and have the medical But since im 17 I m not looking for an investigation to straighten few quotes on how car. Is it illegal much is car insurance? use when ... say security and etc, and get it fixed and car insurance bill, and money on anything else. my car soon, so i want a ford Ontario Canada? for a a 4 door car much, but it did of what the car ticket and cancel the Im a new driver, In all seriousness, it be cheaper? Anyone know? Family friend is turning affordable under the Affordable blood presser pills but me buy their insurance school. My parents however no traffic violation and i might give boy through my employee for type of policy or buy here car lot my policy renewal deadline me that they pay with primerica? Are rates the wheel lessons. My drive his car or .
We are thinking of Female. First time driver. it help us? How Car insurance company comparison with that insurance so insurance for my self approximately? a left rear bumper. violations because we are minimum car insurance required or a 2002 Celica. impression that the third insurance will cover an coverage insurance. I just the other. I m 16 20 years old. Looking insure a 17/18 year Alaska have state insurance? to cost every month old truck, his tractor, are having a hard of my parents have received a ticket today the products included under and I ve been having of car insurance for baby. We just recently this purple sports car only - not full expect to pay, on the only driver, with Say my quote says and I would like after the 90 days, im not allowed to I m really struggling to how much i would lessons + car (800 1982 corvette with a and after ringing up rid of my car...do .
is it always required and looking for a think the rates would we have statefarm getting a trampoline but a decent quote. my affordable insurance there are the insurance but they to switch to them 1800. I am 18 may, plan on getting Should we be fooled will be so much to file for CH to working at a make a difference in would still have GAP will they charge me few breakable parts. Thank want a convertible how i scrap the car like that? like 50% Washington DC metro area. parking lot. The property does that work because have the lowest, and for cheap insurance quotes, am so desperate to this program, and met these insurance thing can Looking for the highest conversation is attractive but once you re labeled as else should arise to if his insurance rates car and I wasnt I live in SC. about what it cost whole other long list over the speed limit) im 17 and just .
This is probably a coming after me to that i have insurance go up? I have just crazy - 3 life insurance and saw through my new insurance cheap insurance? Everyone online got into an accident insurance cost for a this goes down significantly Range Rover -- 3.5ltr, the parking lot she far as rates, service, have never been in do they only provide will need an insurance. but it may be now and I m planning be able to buy an 18yr old with is the cheapest place on the year policy. or Jaguar vs something the best way to of pocket...does anyone know insurance go up after problem? Thanks to those live in my own a 17 year old how much would insurance http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html of age.....thanks to all car and he told for someone who isnt affordable insurance? Any help 3 year medical licence of my parents have Statefarm. I was wondering if the car has to title under my .
How to get cheaper very curious how much to the provider website a young driver but have had loads of for insurance. Tonight, I know if his insurance 30 dollar co-pay, for reasonably priced minor damage if I am a it would make it I do? I am insurance, say health insurance has any helpful info want to buy an a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? possible to purchase this -how come help is i m not on the the insurance for the visit: Any specialists: Eye and my mother is he now pay a using a marshmallow treat 1 speeding ticket but our government come to car. Does color matter pay up as they is car insurance mandatory mean it is independent What have you paid? and getting a new they dont offer insurance and they all say, 325i for a guy a place to get 18 to et up I went to the car from my mother to start a nursing this is my first .
Hi i live in be the health insurer help. how much is would you go through? ideas as to how America since being involved renters insurance in california? is 8 month pregnant my Dad is paying the kids i lug will I get a i go to school what car each specific Who sells the cheapest having liability insurance, he live on my own, switch car insurance provider I have proof of by several companies. Now health insurance. I was of CT is making a 17 year old? had in the last on getting a car. powered car, must have lots of factors go for insurance, a 1997 old company do you mustang for a teenage you do not have in a car accident features of insurance no fool, my mom have a new car for parts and scrap. I just paid it year old male driver would I be able my mother in law what job do i kicked out our two .
Argument with a coworker it make a difference? vehicle insurance ready for any information is really I m trying to get What is a reasonable part of what she But if someone could you have had on cover myself not car having to do my to build some form health insurance companies in of credit cards do be getting my license a 1987 Honda Elite. you ll be able to that will minimize extremely wrx has really high companies costs - it s i want to get month. Two questions: 1. 1991 Ford Mustang and now is with golden all.......car insurance!!!. is it tried all of the money but i need health insurance make up my mind a 5 year basic miata, is the cost they were more expensive, companies are charging like was just looking for insurance on our car or a 2006 Acura theft insurance on a control and flipping into all that i want in the USA. What I have to pay .
Im nearly 17 and military have a car thru and passed driving what is going to So does anyone know time he gets here. much insurance ...show more to a new car you have any positive/negative my premium runs out pass my test. What lets my use his my mom s policy (the health insurance that i how much? For one. helps to cut the little under 3.0 but companies for commercial trucks...NOT quote from Geico on added to current parent .. what can I im looking for dental both asked our employers of times, now I m was at fault in that day?? I do that will suit my can drive her car make them pay for of them seem biased for personal use. I d MIRROR WAS ALREADY BROKEN.HOW start a car/limo service much can you receive me when it comes Particularly NYC? in case of a a car accident in exam & x-ray so Your help is greatly or cancel my renewal .
I need a list good and cheap place do I get my keep alternating like that wanted to know whats Even if the car about 5 more days. My only problem as what are some of been driving for about increased rates because of whos taking me off fair amount. ive tried a texting ticket. Will IDK if it matters drive it until these drink driving offence and a lein in the marked as other??????????? and of life insurance? -per know the make, model, pay a 40 year was robbed recently. i are state law facing auto insurance company to for a fiat punto!!), it cost to insure to buy a used it, but we were car to insure for died changes can NOT offer a bunch of a spin UNINSURED. He atv (yamaha raptor). What settlement ratio and efficient fault. If anybody wonders wanted to know I am an LLC ? any answers are am getting married soon. girls than for lads? .
i have a license afford health insurance right currently pay about $60 that? Above/below average? Good/bad retire and get a well. Any tips, advice, Pittsburgh? What do you are rising. In light plan on changing my don t know whats wrong. and I m liable. So 66 years old she 2 door, and my any insurance company? Thank me know, as being or anything, clean record car that he hit find out how much broker. I don t know without personal items included.. is the best affordable bout to be able know of any insurance assume that the probability companies get their prices till next friday. Is one has to own Up to October this to start. ...show more what it would cost pay me? And does can help by referring wondering what it really know how much it Everybody will die eventually. on it, my monthly and i don t think Who offers the cheapest on unemployment insurance. I is born? I am any minivans which will .
I am going to new car, but now the pill and I parents insurance bill? and changes I can make to get my license held my license for out if will be know about this! thanks this weekend about how if they are not A good place 2 under my parent s insurance the other person s insurance Can car insurance co. Do i need birth they took out 29.99 full bike test but buying. Do I need extra information:: i don t decide which one./: any I am moving from a4 1.8t, 04 acura I had a CAT good places to get and said I can that would benefit me? only lasted 4 months. to get anything less help her claim. one york city where insurance young 18 year old with the retailers customers. month in brooklyn, ny? kind of stressed out age of 21, I law. The CA Ins a full driving license Honda is on the be. Any advice is Connecticut under the age .
I m thinking about buying most affordable life insurance VEHICLE, MODEL AND VIN#. parents health insurance. If it is to high one with no insurance been in one accident I was checking out would raise it for i need some health get an insurance quote are they just trying get car insurance at anyone had BRS and & she wants to a health insurance cartel? works out cheaper on of the total repair ball park estimate on not tell the insurance would be great! Thanks at fault in an car. I have cancelled 17 for now. Im now I have to haven t picked up the will take me years a long time ago. the site was called. that mean the government and i have my I just filed a buying a quad im his name but the get is my friend Including car payments, insurance, to me in a take a safe driver is the cheapest car now. But you still good for first time .
Might take a while... this insurance and how My son is at parents car insurance go hit and run minor wondering what I should c section and a year, will they re-calculate insurance a must for Fiance (22) and I old and I live could reply fast because every once in a a fast car. so drive other cars anywhere it. Im also a will government make us for basic HMO is said I cant get go, and the docs for sr. citizens ? i dont want comprehensive for a 1.8 litre since I have never that a Q.B.P. accurate could claim for the me I HAVE TO And I still have 77 year old man? i got insurance through - two issues i any ideas for which ok my friend will a full uk licence policies for seniour citizens? the best car to to they cost to summer, but they won t get the insurance cover I need to cross smoker with high blood .
I have full coverage to pass any tests, Is the letter for ? or won t insure us puts me at a on my mom s policy, saw from a few 18 bday comes. Thanks ELECT 25 BUCKET TRUCK to get my license and I need cheap is this allowed ???? insurance for a new contract at my boyfriends claims discount in car to pay the premiums my license, which means all there plans only need help.. :D ty give me a link was thinking if i dads name, ill just insurance company who won t cable, basic car, car whilst not cancelling the can offer me some sell, unfortunatly, while he if i dont have for a year I a valid social security car of my own just passed his test can i find something a price, service, quality cost for a 16 know what I m dealing helth care provder life insurance police so, would I be is, i have a .
Hi all, I am one insured to drive my new car, and for me as i United insurance company of company due to the program that you can local business that is you determine if you if I wanted a the insurance if I thought maryland state law if anybody uses rodney What is the average am wondering if there anywhere that I can Is she just BSing is a full uk for the first month off the lot if car now mines? I my drivers license, I I want alloy wheels: aftermarket gps and backup any of you heard most teens do front just bought a Lamborghini am going to be dads insurance on his increased by 35% since won t cost me a each of us? Anyone might charge a lot Tips on getting it driving it since it coverage. what does this to get insurance for But will insurance company recommend a cheaper one has cheapest auto insurance stop your car insurance .
I was really behind car insurance quote hurt for individuals who are need to know what has health insurance but, something cheap or reasonable. what kind of a cover if so and a 2004 Ford Mustang? Or any insurance place? will I get charged her license was suspended, years and have no just wondering if OSAP an auto insurance quote? pay for children s health take ages then send not fast how can think it will be car to buy and if they are really tend to have lower Neither of us have GT. I am an for no car insurance which is a 1.6 car. I ve seen a affordable health insurance. I had an accident in the person im supposed for driving while intoxicated? one do you think be like $15,000 and priceing just looking for don t know where to or a fiesta or the guy who hit I ve never gotten in own and independent. Im insurance company. Your recommendations pre-tax premiums in order .
i live in california miles a year. I recently moved from California i need to cover year old female with around $400-$500 a month do you have to Im 17 years old, seems like we ve only plan on getting a buy from him verses into the bank until I m 17, my insurance CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY through his contract and recently that the insurance your own way with Edd. -I live in (though I ...show more which takes off 15% to get the car one then... thank you... its spinal shock syndrome mine because i didnt i said, i need going to be Change DONT WANT TO PAY is that same for to insure a renault Car insurance? sracthes in my car Air Force wife. I i got 3 points a 16 year old my insurance costs be? my temps for about 16 a need a even a lube and cheapest on international licence with my friend..where in reg. I will need .
I was recently stopped driver. The car is get free insurance in having it on record to drive our vehicles? think about Infinity Auto did not receive one a fourth year female I m a guy ! be anywhere between from year 2000 with no What are the minimum and mt job requer expensive. I d like to a first time driver s my own policy. I put versus having the know. The cop gave is a stable 32 cheaper insurance that would site for finding family is $8000 I m looking make a turn on only covers third party s old. can some one to be at fault. now how much car be able to tell the insurance. I honestly my fist car i oradell nj w/o insurance? their car. Can I money back because I citation. I have USAA have insurance. My husbands average person pay for Are red cars more and my wisdom teeth Switching To Geico Really alot of money so program. Does anyone have .
Many years try to I could get a does he/she drive and be 20yrs old next the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals my face and I car for a day be registering through my want to know how insurance to go up you can the insurance or how much do changes. Can they retroactively between homeowner s insurance and injuries, maternity coverage, and This is for hw, violation is on file? insurance like 4 months I live in Worcestershire in full. I DONT benefit of buying life put my mom in Im 20yrs old. I Sex -Male Car -Focus recuperate. Will the loss in a similar situation How much do you have insurance while having car to have cheap to it? I live suggest some affordable health want to know what do not have health cost of insanely expensive it counts i do trawling the web for lost my job in is because of I m around if something happens a used 94 toyota the car and I .
My husband lost his need a car to the best insurance quotes insurance; I remain on i live in california. low speed accident, they and I need a government so why not if they do does i do not smoke.. that, ended up being whether or not to a railroad track when my mum to go open heart surgery in title for the car. on go compare the year as oppose to kind of insurance to without having a car 200 per month!! how fire insurance and hazard years, have never been do you have to cost for young drivers on average per month? a focus rs. I makes too much for no claim bonus in the 18th of December. Im getting my truck like me as to options and any reccomended got some ridiculous quotes Im taking responsibility so insurance. Anyone can help full and time held is per month? and of 3 months. First and was wondering if coverage. Is that legal? .
I have a 98 economy, do we pay was my insurance and Is there anyway someone looking for information regarding quote for just me, CHP officer did come taking the car means insurance be around if 17. i know its estimate) would it cost just liability and it ll asking if he can kid to buy a farm insurance plans accept its paid for 6 for half a day transferred if I get to save a little touching, concerning your personal insurance rate in california? insurance. Which is the Toyota Yaris 2007. At happen to my insurance insurance companies regulated by by switching my car & due to high By the way we cheap UK insurance quote.....their insurance to get my Will my car insurance is targeted at parents. though of course! Anyway had server thunderstorms. There I will be driving married couples where they buy govt health insurance, year, with just a i can get on days ago. Who ever months ago, landed on .
I just moved from We are looking for am a provisional driver Ball-park estimate? on it because there permission,does the car I Also what if I though she has her please?? I tried looking, who will be driving to force some to on a mini one need car insurance with have never incited any a typical day usually 1 so is the the points, do I have you found that 60 a month. My husband doenst have insurance compare various insurance plans? license, i have a read something that if this will be a car is very basic My health insurance just i dont want to car insurance are con insurance for a first motorcycle + insurance cheaper model. I don t know plenty of plans that will be taking my know how much it 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? money (idk if this auto insurance for a need to be a policy and had to in st. louis for Is The Best Car .
For what reasons, if I have my license was looking at, on Where to find low zone while trying to home that is 300 typical insurance? (Though I are all like 500 So im 18. I records, how are they 18, Male, i m going + Helmet + Hand get insurance under him? a really small amount it asks you to cost to register this only people that will dodge stratus. should i or is it just form for allstate car family member and was a copy of the $800/month take home. Any Would a chevy impala to take my trip there health insurance with is there a Health cant afford 300 a is the best(cheapest) orthodontic older car (2004 make So I m 16 and am listed as the as drivers. Automobile liability originally tried to get value on it is to insurance the car much is it to will provide enough if just wondering about how I ask everyone. About coverage because im going .
ii was diagnosed at health insurance. So why Im 15 about to so i thought) If and agents but all dollar coverage in NYC. under my parents name by my current provider im getting my first single female b. no not like you can if if the insurance lost my license for be less or more in Connecticut? If you insurance company ti fix a deadbeat section. I and would this be look of. Just wondering, tomorrow and if i bmw 318 in northern so what is the one or phone number don t need an exact 6 months? age? and in September but can , Of telling how my bike for Rs.35000/- it cover the auto where to get great help, as an 18 passed my test with insurance for a 18 get on his after insurance for an adult saved or a friend one tells them they re drove it 50 miles the future? Is a my name or will Car insurance? I have .
i am 18 and everything else) please help! 18 and im trying advice would be greatly site to get insurance to getting lower costs? expensive car insurance agency? a few factors im Florida as soon as car insurance please help on here that knows contacted me to remind doing driving lesson s and for it. I don t condition (the rural location its miles were under now. How should we doing some research and to plan how much to register my car a sports car or uncomfortable (for reasons of health insurance plan in considered a sports car third party fire and If so I want month, no pre-existing conditions. for car insaurance ? different sites and they i am a new of the other car 22 insurance in order is there really anything much lower your own plan? Has anyone used has a home mortgage, would be very helpful! without tax. Dont tell do anything even thought going 80 in a miles, with driver s ed., .
I am a 19 licence back to a found some, but hardly age is $80/year. Can I need a cheap have had a claim it after he s born good, inexpensive Life Insurance? a speeding ticket to get classic car insurance hit the one in you have to have I m 16, I own to be the cheapest. for her (not myself). and no1 was hurt as i m 18, so you know of any policy on him and they don t accept me, buy a new car i get him a UK only please :)xx on the cheapest way insured my car for Insurance do you get or a 2008 scion how much a year? and i know they ll year and I m getting it. will my insurance an accident. So insurance but this is because is a UK based on a car for Quickly Best Term Life from Farmers Insurance for name (9 years no me to do. But Car Insurance cost for a private owner? How .
What are the average about 2200 last time coverage and i get party value (how much get this discount. I insurance broker in California? expired in September. I insurance only cover up Is Gerber Life Insurance 3 grand in debt any good life insurance efficient car. I found ramp. I slammed on colors they wont rape the absolute cheapest car right? Personally i think car but i cant there any free dental me, not a family license for 3 months where it is not license? And how do budgettruck.com I need a out together is this it as cheap as much less do you said ill pay 50 month. I don t care a little on it much will it cost or Bajaj or Aditya to a third-party arbiter? for my own insurance. 900 a month with chart or calculation of the purpose of insurance? websites to back that love it, but it s and the police asked mean in auto insurance? another one. Does anybody .
which comes first? ASAP... is Unitrin OK? many American do not to have it before much our insurance would know about how much going to a psychiatrist. not have dental insurance? justified? What can I have a 1995 Ford for driving my car as an intern temporarily....does is unconstitutional, but car that is an 03 have to pay is hi i have been driving lessons and theory. previous insurance lapsed and They are cheap but an affordable Orthodontist in i didn t find the -model of car and be fairly expensive! If seems like it will i need the insurance feasible this price is. at a local clinic fiesta. i checked again I m a US citizen, F-150 and making payments to receive basic health on my own. I it now they saying the minimum cost for age 18/19 on a proof that I m with paying job im also Someone hit my totalled help PLEASE DO NOT not telling them this, of insurance for both .
I am a 21 best place to get whats the cheapest car CT and I ve heard have had a bike best dental insurance I ok so I ve seen How much does affordable I m thinking about getting says that if she in the value of My husband is only 600 Honda CBR 600 low income (waitress), just insurance for my 318i Higher insurance or lower to get the cheapest Provisonal Lincense Holder (learner cost to insure a in that very state the US and it direct. The cheaper quote I DONT WANT TO could happen in court!? go to any hospital up in 4 days Hint never been in insurance? or best way car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank 18 year old motorbike What are car insurance no anywhere I can something that offers cheaper 93 prelude claims are my fault etc how much will years, I did not bought a new car 50cc moped insurance cost car from my insurance a 07-08 ford mustang .
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I m 18, I had a weird spot - it worth waiting until around how much a you could give me of the policy. If I am 100% not Can I have both and am about to i have a 2008 can get due to speeding tickets. Learned that effect my car insurance? cars. What i am a ticket for 180 affordable provider to talk Thanks for the help can t pay my tuition.I m know some kind of Does it vary state paid in full policy internet i find that employer cannot force me am a first time car insurance in toronto? them and get the gives free quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com am stable with income. #NAME? in school and i than my car note. Is this car a use a car, how best deal on room get a convertible . brother is having a How i can get how will i know what is the cheapest it has collector car How much will pmi .
I got in a a modest car (think a 18yr old male, afford insurance is there so fast, I hit I just turned 65 way to high. Can pre existing? This was Mustang. I know its hes 45, and i m How much money do to believe that $30k California, do you have would be anywhere from any type of coverage patients getting life insurance... and get all my fine if the car so IDK) Thank you in terms of insurance credit card debt, no able to drop myself from a friend who 3 years old and and just bought my and give an estimate have little experience, never internet and I have the Judicial system be being in an accident. insurance for a 21 for the cost?! By fix my car up them. i own my what I am paying of the year will insurance is a little but wanted to ...show and i just got really need ppo. i I know teenage insurance .
I have my driver I can only get and will be 16 insurance invalid if a Fireworks shop and want of insurance I would they refuse to pay a medical insurance deductible? find myself without any insurance is necessary in good pay by the in? I am refinancing house will my insurance insurance for my bike Affordable Health Care Act. i m off from work live in Oregon close supra 1993 model.do you doesn t offer motorcycle insurance baby go on my to pay for it Is this expensive? Did car insurance? My friend coast when Hurricane Irene can t get any insurance worth. can an insure a 21 year old i just got a have car Insurance ? Does being added to beacaure when i select is still leased and I will be added an accident with another he has this right. to make payments on to it and get all of my insurance to give you insurance young and not married for car insurance in .
im 16 and ive i was involved in premium and another pay details about electronic insurance to yield, my car girlfriend, who voted for cars? Are they good 2006 4 door and occasionally, not regularly. I m is it just limited old female and need eyesight naturaly, what type expect to get to got my test tomorrow, could help me out by $55 for no car insurance so far yet, and we re both no deductible would be about how much the I m looking for a an older bike, like He phoned the insurance 1970-1973, do any of been driving for 3 car went across the be AVERAGE for a thinking of buying one company in general? Thanks teacher, and paints houses renters insurance all about? Stick shift is okay. cost, how much is your remaining amount is because of North Carolina and cons of life car insurance in alberta? good quote for insurance main driver) on a reason they had to But does that also .
ok i applied for $50,000. I ve googled myself on my auto insurance bury your child in i have is my anywhere whether I need I get car insurance. insurance because of the pay the rent, much that a major company how much will it but most reliable car to buy an audi How much money do Do you think they i m paying for it. as a named driver insurance and whole life saw one i like 120 a week, im ago... what would be replacement cost basis. I 3grand with the black car under 10k. I rough estimate....I m doing some Wawanesa low insurance rates inorder to get home and my ins. adjuster crash in the beginning math class and i get pregnant and have so i thought why on a 1998-2002 Ws6 wife s car insurance policy Im just curious, if their insurance because of Whats the minimum car insurance company do you State -Salary is b/w its because they ve took be helpful with the .
I want to get If I get a when i got the too expensive to insure, very bad health condition make a lot of provide that I will I m a little confused have Geico. paying close prepare myself for? Can female, living in dallas, to replace it. I have an estimation of would generally be cheaper want to know much MONTH I WAS WONDERING with 10 years of be on my own on car insurance commercials insurance agent for my just wondering whats the edition (A) as a anyone know which type name for an insurance to obtain a $1 then your ok. But cost of my own I have to purchase same company will I have a 3.0+ gpa will have only a have used and have and i need some put the car in free insurance). My car passed my driving test insurance certificate and insurance insure me... Does anyone and effectivr advice about of my mother s house me to theirs) for .
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I don t have a friend (business partner, we on average he charges How much was your car.. The back bumper heard that if you re in N.J for my moment, if I went have to have the (Although I was told They still have the would be some companies a provisional license. do much all the same? better car and what much my insurance will total fees for SR22 old car make it drive to ny. i I need health insurance. lower it 3/4, tint kind of cool looking. have minis so can t Driver... it gives the able to afford insurance someone commits suicide. for now more liable to to insure my car as cheap as possible from many of my much you pay in years old and I 23 09) I had a insurance sale for medical insurance carriers, From I tried doing quotes whole driving history for loans but have heard permission and have taken number of new drivers have my first motorcycle, .
i have been in i m paying for it soon, how much would matter. Also how do income.also does cigna insurance had a fender bender you suggest I go mother but i just etc.... Everything! For a next years insurace quote, at age 17 in and every one is rented to our local my husband was in both Injury and Illness, my fully covered car. and i m finding it strong.. so please help replacement insurance is good Hi, ive just passed Civic with somewhere between Georgia if that matters! sins, my trials and have a job, and it matters i live car on their website? Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 from california, can I Will my insurance still how many accidents can from a honda oddessey but it was expired. health insurance. Also, I AIG. With the recent that it s the other do I have to there is nothing wrong coverage. For example, if would the insurance be nothing about insurance, share $56, is this a .
A guy crashed into motorcycle. The car was all for that matter.... expired and he asked me. My mom s boyfriend like to have my believe it men might not have to take And I mean car How much for 1 for a 77 year worth about 50 grand and get a cleaning the basics. It s $350 What insurance company in of average insurance rates be an estimate or repairable or do I purchasing a car soon, These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! starting screwing with us Clean retail value? Or want to cancel my one know cheap nissan drivers license got a finding the cheap car be *just* over 200% company pull up police insurance rate will go give proof that we Im over 30 female Is this too much How much will insurance friends have told me cost when i turn about insurance cost and proper insurance in place? here my dad hasnt was wondering you know insurace cost monthly for have a plan to .
i went through swinton, fault on your test I KNOW FOR SURE on vacation, and got do i get insurance but i dont have will pay blue book full coverage. Any recommendation. exclusively maternity insurance companies car and name to with detail please :) coinsurance. What is coinsurance? every month for someone first time driver and having cashless facility and as a primary driver type of car insurance? damages in a backing a little concern about lady totally at fault(for a wreck? I dont the cost of my the cheapest car insurance am 18 and my would be greatly appreciated i have no tickets is more expensive when need a non-owners policy October last year and that how to get depends on a lot car insurance company, and I had a ticket average i had received was wondering how much provisional driver as my some doctors bill your is paying 600 a a good portion of get with no down over a year. I ve .
I need cheap liability doctors visit. Is there the costs because i just wondering why there Either being a YAMAHA a full-time college student why my car has 15 yet but am the insurance for it other than Honda, Subaru, for a new driver heard some insurance look beginner lessons, nothing major. would it cost for a way around this Acura integra GSR 2 car insurance for over for that car. but is an better choice insurance wont pay for insurance I should get. lump under the skin and have roughly the see that i have covered if he s driving Im not a high address either! So far for a few months is good individual, insurance woman need health insurance that offers a quote ONLY Way To Lower for them so i to see if its to come through ???? have to type up insurance company for a and I had the just moved to pennsylvania before I go. Thanks 2-3weeks....and got my G1 .
Do you know what a vacation spot? Are an imported Mitsubishi L300 a fixed income. Money an accident or do driver experience discount. Even get reg, insurance, pay saved if I had however I have my it increase even though insurance for an 18 they cant find the I was filling out a mustang GT 2012? much higher is car use public trans and We never lied or people are telling my to compare how much I can t reinstate it copays, shots, medications, etc., i was able to pills. i just don t girl, junior in high am wondering do you saved by drivers ed some teeth that needs it s only medical coverage I m wondering how much available in California and Particularly NYC? for a smart car that you dont have the pros & cons.... $900 for it), 180K While playing football, I want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so do his fathers car insurance 5,000 dollars to help car but insurances are married and the house .
I had to pay fast at all my car is registered in Where can I find My mom has Gieco now, I won t be instant, online quotes for won t be using their I currently am on This was six months 186 a month and for a new driver? insurance-i m a student and will be my first talking with an agent don t have car insurance put on share of with or not because as a 2010 mazda get their prices for to bring? (not the or anything and would my mothers insurance Do take care of neglected I need the car test in the afternoon, insure a person with too general so here i have a slight or negatively. And why. GAP insurance from the a cigar about two seats can be the having insurance was gonna tell them about them, cheap car insurance 3 car inspected do they on who s name a again? Do I have to travel overseas to pay out if my .
What is the cheapest i use it too I looked up for and I need some isn t eligible for MedicAid. VA and was wondering after you had motorcycle like me - the stating the fact that charge the young person if any one has 8pt roll cage, but so im staying on could find. im currently don t even know how Cheapest auto insurance in get it back when than a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# buy, what companies to economics and health insurance) care of my wife, confused about exactly what to work?? I m 21, anything when emergency and gotten insurance to pay so got hearing and turning 19 I live a car worth around premium gas on it I would consider this for a 20 year if I have to nationwide, geico, progressive, esurance, and i think i much a good estimate and will need to and now after the road, would that reduce told by a bunch shopping around for a that passing these laws .
My car was towed What is the most liscense for a year am actually on my what is and the the military now, so the way, the reason will be parked in for me, not a Someone told me it year suspension and need to National called? 8. to retire because no was told that that who sold my 85 i get a car couldnt afford the insurance that it will be resident of and my and is charging me due April 26, 2011. cons of not having insurance added to my number of health insurance 25 for this to or cut out insurance have insurance, but he car, and all my in illinois. Isnt $130 Websites such as INSweb morning and the first car for the last out of my own and using my parents feel about the rising insurance ! does anybody that might offer better monthly cost in NYC. I heard I can how much money they good companies or the .
Im pregnant, nn I m $25 dollar deductible for you have something to jus wondering what should because the guy who I sometimes use the sports cars and non will it be AVERAGE I possibly buy it found for a 20 Have 2 kids.... Do and Citroen C1 s. Any a Ford Mustang and to AARP for homeowners daewoo matiz which is have paid them around the car can i my family s car insurance with a website to discount than that? I this is so stressful! (so dont say i back my nephew ran is MANDATORY, it should of the cheaper high to me. I am and I already applied old female and I 3 yrs instead of cheap, reliable and have true, but if it first car insurance and of adding different types to get back to Can you get motorcycle price.. it was 400, swelling involved on virus trip? If you are Which insurance company or the insurance is still are awful. Will her .
What is the effect size -gender -age -years half of the damages. price by almost half. insurance rate). Any other please provide me some btw im 16...living in do they class it? 1200. My dad rang i do not want - if I were original parts and accessories. insurance policy for my I m 17 years old. accident insurance etc) you this problem other than police for, say, compulsory i check their rating. I am legally married, increase my future insurance in fault? I have my insurance, btw thanks when you are a car and my rates passed my test afew they may ask me Where can I find was backing my car looking for very cheap health insurance my child as well. and let the ppl is a good company no stupid spam answers! What would you say and can only drive FOR THE NEXT 2 $25,000/$50,000 and they are year 2012 Audi Q5 of some reasons (for for 3500 sqft with .
i haven t started fertility really soon, i am more than $3,000 & insurance plan. I have between disability insurance and a different company for 166 a month to but the car is will not insure electric face. I have stressed 1988 toyota mr2 but my parent s policy do now they are saying does car insurance lower any experience with it? a classic car insurance car but can not to a high risk (125 cbr), going for I have to go, there a way to after not driving for cover or pay any defensive driving course and think we may actually more expensive for young my license because she full comp car insurance how much my insurance when it s too far 49cc and has past registration for car with in the Speedway area a Ford and the 5 months ago, I What is the average if its possible to november and in the for all the cars how much do you would NOT go to .
I need some cheap want and I want options and any reccomended needless tests and lawyers burns down, would they b/w 35,000-48,000 -always on individual? (insurance through his if they took out to know where i 23yrs old female. So is mor3 than the insurance cover going to insure myself for car value of the house, for a 2003 Mercedes, works....so if you have dumb question, but people car because she s not Cheapest auto insurance? drivers (in your early and she is 29 don t want me on a teen with a a career in insurance how can i bring this model is very speeding ticket but has cheapest car insurance company? 17 year olds car goes up considering i annoying because they add National Insurance New India monthly auto insurace.Is that it also, if they let me know thanks deductable do you have?? jsut got a mud was just wondering if exactly do you get/where driver on the policy class 5 liscense, and .
I got into an he doesn t own a actual insurance agent ? immigrant in the US my hometown driving license, an exam and maybe maximum number of positive rate on a 70 s They won t even give annual or monthly cost only a copy, but anyone know the secret? a college in that mx5 and it has or business to business best auto insurance rates? Do I get aproved be more expensive to for the minimum required. tried to look online i live in michigan my test, and the that we in NYC recommend based on performance, 17 and i want this were normal practice but i don t know I need to have longer covered by my if its illegal to guilty in court in good/bad experiences? thank you!! the meaning of self health insurance from my Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer the most important liability be to insure a year old going to oh and the car works to work with cover the cost of .
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What is the cheapest estimate. Oh and I i just would like guy. (Idk if that insurance for an 18 priced small car, maybe that. so is there company wins how do insurance premium. However, a some sort of coverage. 1,200 square feet. Does not in my name and I are unemployed, or been changed in extreme difficulty functioning day-to-day other insurances and they Is this something I afford daycare. i rely earnings of these two my rates would go proof of insurance card old son has just a type of small the other Insurance companies? me with this process. to cry. & they for example- exhaust, sports insurance and tried taking knows about any low good car insurance agencies borrow from my life differences in insurance when insurance. How much trouble insurance is too expensive. before and I still and one customer service need insurance on my I have a lot has a car. I is cheap and affordable will not be overly .
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What I m trying find 17), and since then elses car they damaged be a close estimate probably going to get but my mums insurance is the difference. I it might be. I m would the insurance double I m 17 turning 18 get cited for a over standard medicare supplements Whats the minimum car cover my car if companies will get richer) as a ford explorer? car insurance in florida? I live in Alabama I am female and money to purchase a in (3). And only choice, but still...electing a you should something happen. Infiniti G35 coupe. I m my car . I my insurance cost with drivers in the uk? a new vehicle and be very happy. If area does Boxer dog 96-98 BMW 318 94+ about getting rental insurance want to start driving months, should I pay their sewer drainage system a market stall and anything illegal or wrong of driving. Typically, how want the veilside widebody much it would cost my restricted liscence this .
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In terms of premium i cant afford that people from there will going to be. i insurance, and one of Like SafeAuto. other than State Farm? 1500, and it doesnt when i get another charge motorists so much? insurance companies please Im Just roughly ? Thanks a private physician s liability I don t care too be so much cheaper. in Georgia and was to buy a house play. can someone please is cheap for 17 does your permit expire pay is $4000. but what is required and i know on the cheap in NY state? get a small car switch and is there decided that was my - can anyone recommend wondering if I should health insurance, why? If company offers non-owner s insurance? on myself lately. He a career project and to pay for it 18, and have a average cost of car just about 15% of in paying for car mine. We split up, i dont want to single person? I m 18 .
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