#i mean i know WHY wyll is largely neglected by the fandom. we all know why right
nicnevans · 4 months
12 and 21 for hater asks please!!
:> okay. i think both of these might end up being xiv-related (on my not-xiv blog, the scandal)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Fordola. Fordola rem Lupis. I love her. Yes, she did war crimes, but listen. She's like 19, she was raised in a society that was crushing her and her people, she thought it was the only way to survive. And her experiences hardened her so terribly. And yet! When given the opportunity to be good! and to do good! she chose to do good! sure okay it took her a sec to come around to it, she's been beaten down and made cynical by the life she's lived but she is far from irredeemable, and once she begins to see that actually having a little hope isn't always naive denial of reality she tries. Also, Lae'zel and Wyll for BG3. I think these are less "unpopular" and more just... chronically neglected by the fandom right now dfjghf. Like, Lae'zel has so much depth to her, and she's ridiculously patient with Tav and whatever bullshit they drag her off to do for the entirety of act 1. Wyll is the quintessential Hero Who Works Too Hard And Is Too Hard On Himself, a trope people usually go absolutely nuts over, and I'm honestly baffled that more people aren't head over heels blorboing him.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Honestly most of Endwalker. And frankly, also SHB to a degree too. SHB is incredible and my fav expac but it's not better than HW was. A thing can be incredible and overhyped at the same time. Endwalker is... fine? Its pacing is a little weird to me, and I think the entire Elpis section should've been in the patches. ALSO. A wild mass effect opinion has appeared. I think the entire Garrus romance is overrated and overhyped, it does not shake me to my core and I don't understand why so many folks act like it's the romance for a mass effect run. Honestly, chatting him up in ME2 gave me "workplace harassment" vibes lmao. He's a great character but I think he needs a bestie, and he works best in the role of a bestie, and I just think there are other romances in the series that make for a better narrative arc.
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