#i mean what do u expect from someone who claims she is romanticizing asylums ????? people just use big words to feel smart istg
um i don't mean this in like a bad way. like you're obviously allowed to like taylor swift but calling her out on her behavior is not sexist. she literally wrote a bunch of songs about being in love with a racist misogynist and made a music video romanticizing asylums. i'm not saying she's a bad person and i like some of her music but it's not sexist to criticize her or her lyrics.
This is truly the pissing on the poor website, for fuck's sake.
Please show me where I have ever claimed it's sexist to "call taylor out on her behavior." I have REPEATEDLY said that LYING about what taylor's lyrics actually say is sexist and that is my ENTIRE argument, you fucking moron.
Show me where in the song "I hate it here" taylor swift states that she wants to live in the 1830s and is ignorant of how horrible this time period was to women and black people because that is all I am fucking talking about, you dumbass.
It is in fact sexist to LIE about what a woman is saying in order to justify your hatred for said woman. y'all annoying as shit man
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