#i refuse athlete ive seen too much lmao
mrswagtastic · 2 months
can you explain what about outliars reminds you of cartman? i enjoy south park but ive not seen enough of it to understand that post lol
Sorry for such a late rely but of course I'd love to!! To me atleast alot of the lyrics really remind me of and match his character, so I'll go through some here:
- "Did you know that the hole in the apple didn't come from the outside in? It was eaten from the core and out to the skin and that's why you'll never find the worm in it" - this one makes me think about how alot of the reasons Cartman is the way he is is because of his family, such as his mom being an enabler for his bad behaviour and self-centered attitudes, or the rest of his family just being AWFUL like dude didn't have much hope from the start. It could also symbolise how on the outside, Cartman can play an innocent kid act to get his way if wanted, and so it's harder to see him for he truly is.
- "Well this disease is defined by its treatment You people make me sick" - Cartmans just genuine hatred for pretty much everyone around him and how he constantly blames others instead of taking responsibility for what he's done
- Why's you come into this world Or come out that way? - Cartmans narrow view on the human experience and how he's unable to understand perspectives or people different than himself, such as him hating other races or cultures. I imagine him saying this to someone lol
- "I am the shadows cast aside by gallows And you, the red-hot sky" - Cartman is a very yknow shady guy and is usually told by others to go away or excluded, such as when they all ignored him after he ate the chicken skin, and the red-hot sky is Kyle because well he's Kyle
- "And if you're believers, then why Would you grieve for the dead Instead of a devil that you never prayed for?" - reminds me of how the other boys complain about Cartman being awful, yet its shown that in post covid he gets better because he left them, showing that they make him worse and are the ones causing said issue here.
- "You've become immune to my toxic fumes, my Dose-dependent presence in your life" - how the other boys have all become somewhat used to Cartman by now, that his toxicity is pretty normal for them and so they're just not surprised anymore, almost tired of him, and so usually able to wuickly shut down or refuse his tactics when he tried to get them all involved in a scheme.
- "Too weird to love, too scared to die" - Cartmans too awful of a person to ever truly be loved, and despite trying to act scary he is quite weak in reality, as shown with how easily he gets injured and starts sobbing when given a light tap
- "Horrified at the sight of my reflection in your eyes" - this makes me think of moments that other characters have acted or been called Cartman-esque, such as Kyle when he joined the cracks baby athletics association and kept trying to justify it, or Heidi after she'd turned into basically the girl version of Cartman.
- "Who'd want to belong to anyone? I mean, what do people even do?" - this line makes me think of how when Cartman git an akexa, he started falling out of love with Heidi, since his desire to have control and love was nor being fulfilled by a machine, and he didn't need her anymore
- "I doubt that you would Even if you could change" - Cartman is seen as. A lazy irredeemable monster that's unable to change, and especially I the new post-covid timeline, he peibably never will even if given the chance now
I hope this has helped you to understand my vision!! Obviously you don't have to agree with this it's simply my own interpretation and a product of having both a South Park special interest and a Will Wood special interest at the same time lmao. Honestly even just the music itself feels very like Cartman to me, something that starts off quite innocent but as it goes on you see more and more of those dark undertones, and it could be seen as quite comedic yet villainous music if that makes sense? Heck even the title of the song reminds me of him because of Cartmans often hypocritical and deceitful nature lol. Anyways hope this helped! Sorry if it's confusing I'm awful at explaining my thoughts so lemme know if you need any clarification on anything!!
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