#i should start tagging liya-related content
abbaccha · 4 years
khr oc partial bio! 
how she ends up in varia is still being thought about :’)
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(see the full images here: 01 | 02)
Basic Information
Name: Vitaliya Squalo Aliases/Nicknames: Vit, Liya, _22235 (10YL exclusive) Age: 16 Gender: F Date of Birth: September 17 Family: Vongola Famiglia Team/Title: Varia Reinforcement Squad Member
Weapons: Rifles and combat knives Box Animal: - (No flame gang)
Hobbies/Interests: Decluttering, watching GRWM videos online, growing indoor plants that don't need soil, and looking at pictures of empty apartments on Pinterest. There is something eerily calming about them. Basically she does nothing productive.
Favorite Food(s): Food at or below room temperature, small bites. Most stuff are fine as long as the texture is not gross. Her diet is made up of several small meals throughout the day. People notice and comment "you're always eating?".
Favorite Color(s): Earth tones in general, but it doesn't show in her wardrobe.
Least Favorite Food(s): Curry and taro. The latter one in particular? Absolutely ew.
Least Favorite Color(s): Colors are fine she has nothing against them.
Other Likes: Electro pop music, she pretends she's over it. Foundation (makeup) that smells subtly nice.
Other Dislikes: Shenanigans, having to come up with reactions during boring conversations just to show she's raised correctly, and the fact that high heels are visually pleasing but functionally impractical.
Theme Song: DRUGS by lil aaron suits Vitaliya if you ignore the lyrics. The melody is so lit?
Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Silver Hair Length: Waist-length (sorry i really like the signature squalo look rip) Skin Tone: Fair with cool undertone Height: 168 cm Weight: 51 kg Wardrobe: "This is not a phase mom" attire, mostly black. (present timeline) High neckline, all shades of gray, high-waisted jeans. Comfort always comes first. (10YL)
Reserved, judgmental and a bit of a killjoy. She has an opinion of everyone but keeps it to herself, but it's not like she is vocal about anything else at all. Unless spoken to, she usually just minds her own business. But just by her sharp stares, you know she's judging something hard on the inside.
She has low social needs and is able to assertively say "no". Thus it is easy for her to act tough, while in reality she is definitely not fearless. For starters, full grown men in the mafia who can fight are pretty intimidating already.
When she was younger (before the age of 19), she was fairly nervous and uncertain but chose to mask it with silence. But as she gets more comfortable with being herself and the surroundings, she doesn't care that much? She can comfortably sit through a heated confrontation, as long as she's not involved.
Compared to the rest of the group, she's pretty tame since most of the time she can play by the rules just fine.
Over the years, she has built a comfort zone she's not quite willing to step out of. Sticking to the old familiar things is always better, she thinks.
One positive thing about her is her work ethic. She likes to end bullshit and get things done, no fun allowed at work.
In conclusion, she is distantly cold but has her shit together.
Still under development. But below are the basic ideas:
Vitaliya's family has a background in arms dealing. She was half Russian (father's side) and half Italian (mother's side). While her father was overseas doing business with not only governments, Vitaliya and her mother resided in the Italian countryside. Life was good and comfortable, Vitaliya was close to her mother's side of the family as they lived pretty close by.  
Superbi Squalo is her cousin. They have an okay relationship. I think that something happened and prompted Vitaliya to adopt her mother’s maiden name.
She received gun training from a family friend/business partner.
Known for being very careful and tidy when it comes to finishing people off. Later was invited to join Varia.
Became a deep web hitman on the side, goes by the literally meaningless alias _22235. This happened a few years after the present timeline. 
Old friends from school. Vitaliya still talks to them occassionally, not mentioning her current profession of course.
She's getting along with some Varia members (not the executives) who are also hateful bitches. Their "friendship" is based solely on the fact that they dislike the same things/people.
This is obviously self-indulgent but she's on good (or at least neutral) terms with the executives. Bel and Vitaliya formed some kind of odd bond through being the only two edgy teens. I imagine their friendship is not "intense" in a "we talk everyday we are bffs" way, they just keep each other company for they have the most in common. In the 10YL timeline, their interaction dynamic is Bel saying the outlandish stuff he always says and Vitaliya going "you're full of shit".
I would write a short paragraph about Superbi here, but saying a relative is your friend is kinda lame skjfh. Just know that they used to be close as kids(teens), so now they’re comfortable being relatives even in a professional environment. 
(Decent) people she sees everyday on the deep web.
No personal enemies.
Abilities and Weapons
She uses all sorts of guns like a normal person, nothing special about how she does her job. As a safety precaution, she keeps a combat knife on her person at all times. But of course she's not an expert on hand-to-hand combat.
When on mission, she can be extremely patient, preying on the target for as long as needed for the perfect chance to strike.
that’s about it for now! if you read through all of it, i THANK YOU :’’’D you’re the mvp. if there’s anything that doesn’t make sense, it’s probably because i haven’t touched the manga in years, please bear with me. i hope it’s canonically acceptable for people with no flame to join varia, if not i would be caught off guard... also english is not my first language, so the writing here is not the best lmao.
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