#i stopped at 16 in the msa fandom because the people there were fucking diabolical abusive racist assholes
2bu · 7 months
i wish we collectively could have an honest, open discussion about how unfriendly rp spaces still are to people of colour even if they are lead by people of colour, or well-meaning whites.
like, idk, there's still like antiblack events/scenes/dialogues that take place or biases towards white/white passing characters. this doesn' even begin to cover the cliquey nature of rp spaces as is and again, how biased people are and can be even if they claim otherwise. you could have the most open, friendliest space in the world, sure, but even then, they'd still be guilty of at least either: petty gossip or snobbish rpers who think they and the characters they portray (original or canon) are better than you and yours, or hell, just cliquey, exclusionary behaviour.
also, too, usually (i've experienced this myself a lot), if you're a person of colour in an rp space, 9/10 people who are not the same race as you will do just about anything to get your approval with portrayals/creations of characters solely to appease you and not because they have a desire to branch out or challenge themselves to make a character or portray a character that's nothing like them.
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