#i understand from the beebs standpoint that streaming box sets is all very lucrative these days
lagoonnebula6523 · 11 months
Something I don’t think we talk about enough is how we watch Ghosts and how the existence of fandom and online discussions about the show impacts that.
When series 4 aired, I was surprised to discover that the morning of the release date of episode 1, the whole series was put on iPlayer. I understand that this is done so people who want to watch the show in one go are able to, and it lets people view at their own convenience, but it also removes people from the experience of watching a show as a fandom.
As someone who doesn’t like to blow all 6 episodes of a series I’ve waited a whole year for in one sitting, I end up having to cut myself off from twitter and tumblr for the duration of the show’s airing in order to avoid spoilers. While this is a nice break from social media, imagine a world where they didn’t dump all the episodes on streaming at once.
Imagine across the country everyone in the fandom sitting down to watch each episode together, discussing possibilities about the rest of the series and live tweeting as the show goes on. Imagine coming home from a long week and sitting down on a Friday knowing today is Ghosts day and messaging your mutuals about the episode just after it had finished.
It feels like in todays rushed society we’re getting more and more disconnected from one another and removing the experience of watching a TV show together as a fandom, and as a nation, is just another factor that contributes to this.
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