#i was going to put a readmore for the specific headcanons but tumblr isn't cooperating and i can't be fucked to figure it out
sharkneto · 2 years
any random hcs/thoughts you have that dont fit in your JT/HT fics? something you think is cool but cant explore or dont have time for?
Oh boy, I have lots of little odds and ends that don't fit and probably won't turn into anything.
Lots about Rob and Sarah (some of these details can be found HERE) as I've figured out their backstories and history together. It's turned into quite the tooth-achingly sweet romcom.
Outside of general Rob and Sarah romcom, I think about random scenarios that just don't fit into HIT canon all the time. Amanda meeting our Five (touched on HERE). A fun one where Amanda gets kidnapped with Five (JT Five - Number), Five gets drugged heavily to keep him from doing anything, and Luther and Diego save the day through unwilling team-work while Five is drugged-up but actually pretty pleasant deadweight. Generally, more mixing and matching of siblings with Rob, Sarah, and/or Amanda are things that are thought about regularly.
And then there's the HIT canon stuff that just didn't make it. I should write a little one-shot or something sometime of Amanda running into Five at a house party before the whole Alley Incident because I've only written him when he's a sad, angry drunk but when he's just letting loose he's a chill, fun drunk. He drinks to not think and he is Not Thinking.
Random specific headcanons... - Sarah doesn't want kids and is bad at them, not a maternal bone in her body. She does her best but she just has no clue what she's supposed to do with them. This does extend to pets and she doesn't actually like Mr. Pennycrumb much outside of that he's good for Five and Five adores him. She thought she had a kindred spirit in Five with all this until he fell head-over-heels for his silly little dog. Rob is actually pretty good with kids but doesn't feel strongly about having any and he's a little... just this side of clinical when hanging out with them. How brains develop and kids figure things out is just so cool. He at least has experience with them with his nieces and nephews. - A tangent of the above is Rob's family. Sarah is an only child. Bam, easy, done. Rob is the youngest of three (brother 10 years older, sister 7 years older), and those siblings started having kids when Rob was in high school. Those kids are now starting to grow up and the first one now has a kid of her own. Christmas with Rob's family is A Lot and includes Rob's parents, his siblings and their spouses, his siblings' kids (two and three each, respectively), and his brother's first grandkid. The niblings all think Rob is Super Cool because he was Cool, Young Uncle Rob when they were little and that doesn't just go away. Rob's mom loves all the grandkids (and the great grandkid!) but would really love to have some grandkids from her youngest. Sarah is already overwhelmed by being surrounded by Walters and does not appreciate this pressure and how the Children Conversation is a conversation that somehow happens every time they see Rob's mom. Shout-out to @non-plutonian-druid for the deep dive we went in on this lol. There is a fun potential holiday fic somewhere in here. - Rob doesn't like classical music. It's on constantly at the hospital psych ward and at his office's waiting room for a Calm Mood and he's sick of it. I haven't actually thought about what music he does like. Sarah does 80s rock, but Rob... I like the idea of him listening to Dad Rock (despite not being a dad), but it could also be some truly random 90s stuff from his college days (of which I am not very familiar with despite being alive then because I was young and my dad was partial to the 70s and my mom was partial to classical). - Rob and Sarah broke up exactly once while they were dating, for three weeks. Sarah did the breaking up because she realized Rob was probably the Real Deal after they'd been dating for a year and a half and she Panicked. Rob was crushed but tried to respect her decision and space and hope she'd come back. She did in the form of falling off her bike and getting a concussion and Rob was still her hospital emergency contact. He takes care of her until someone else can come because he's still in love with her and their life is a romcom. Sarah cannot actually remember why she broke up with him because she's concussed. In trying to figure it out, trying to tell him he can be a little overwhelming in how there he is all the time, she says she broke up with him because he's "too Midwestern". Rob is understandably upset that they only broke up because he's from Iowa. They figure it out. - That post went around a bit ago about "what does your blorbo's phone look like" and that legit got me out of a no-words-funk thinking about Five's phone. I think it has exactly one catastrophic crack across the screen from when he first got it, went "I don't need a case", and was good without a case for like a week until he got too drunk and did drop it and it immediately cracked. It now has a Really Good Case - dark blue and slim but was really expensive so that you can practically drop it off a building and it will be okay without being obnoxiously bulky.
That's probably enough for now. I can ramble about my silly little blorbos forever lol
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