#i was instructed to maintag this so i will
benreygenders · 9 months
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banban huge naturals
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cubeberries · 2 months
I'm so sorry you are going through all these shit. I just wanted to ask you a genuine question because I saw your post on my feed how you find ARTHUR annoying in a Lucius ship. I found that so weird. Then I see your account is just talking badly about Harry being weak and etc etc hey, JKR technically says Voldemort can't feel love in the books idc what she says irl but you see, if you go with the canon, then we can't have a lot of things? Bellamort as much as I like the concept, canon made me hate their dynamic. I don't care about tomarrymort. I like Voldemort as a character. I like the idea of him but I don't like the execution in the book (that's why I called him one dimensional), that is why I read about him in fics. As for Harry, I feel you are very mean to him most of the times. He has a LOT of potential and that is what people like to play with, and that what JKR didn't play with and that is what made me ask you Harry who is shown to actually fight and be equal to actual death eaters (not talking about Voldemort) and won many times without any help: it's canon, just read deathly hollows : you somehow call him weak? I feel like he will wipe the floor with baby death eaters. So that was my problem with your account anyway but when I come back here to check if you have replied to me. All I see is hate comments which is horrible and horrifying. I didn't want to be mean to you anyways. And I hate that you are going through this. YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS. No one does and everyone should fuck off. It's your blog, your fucking wish. If they can't be not horrible, then they shouldn't speak. I'm so sorry, hope you have a great day and please ignore them.
it's alright, i think the sudden influx of hate was because i answered an ask about why i dislike tomarry and they reblogged it onto their account, but it doesn't bother me much.
i don't know how you found my lucius/arthur post? 😭😭 i didnt even maintag it whattt thats so funny lol. but yeah, personally, i find arthur annoying. he's so embarrassing... i just get the ick from him, it's nothing serious.
i LOVE lucius he's so cunty frr. not saying he was morally superior to arthur or anything but.. luci's my third favourite war criminal 🥰🥰
i never said harry was weak, i just said that he's not like, super powerful or anything. i don't understand why you zoomed in on me 'hating' harry, when so many other people love and cherish him. i can have a different opinion. i can find him annoying and distasteful at times, it's not a crime. yeah, sure harry could beat baby death eaters but i don't think he could beat some of the pureblood families simply because they are not afraid to use dark magic. they are ancient families. they have their roots and their traditions harry has probably never heard of. just because we see him overpowering DEs in deathly hallows doesn't mean he is super skilled in duelling. the DEs were instructed not to kill him. he is literally just fighting to survive. yes, he can be creative, yes he is smart, doesn't mean he will win every single duel.
if voldemort had allowed it, bellatrix would have slit his throat twice in deathly hallows and boom, series over, close the gates.
i'm not sure which ask you sent me and i don't remember if i thought you were being mean to me, but it's alright, it doesn't matter.
hope you have a great day <3
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