#i was wearing 2 pairs of pants and playing pokemon ranger on my old ass ds
beaversatemygrandma · 10 months
My power has been out for the last 6 hours. And I have these fairy lights in my room that like to turn on their random settings as soon as they get plugged in. Well. I'm sitting here. Waiting. Apparently they FINALLY got workers out there and they're doing something. And suddenly, my room lights up with the lights. Just turning on. Then Off. RAPIDLY. For like 20 seconds. My eyes hurt. If i had epilepsy, that would've been triggered. Then 10 minutes pass. Nothing. They're silent. Then they Do It Again. My eyes Hurt. I unplug them and flick the switch on for my ceiling light.
And then as I am typing this, the ceiling light turned on and scared the shit out of me. We're live again. I have been sitting in the dark with a candle and my eyes were not ready for this.
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