#i wonder if persephone can sense the curse on mikey; too??
revengesworn · 8 months
Mikey isn't the type of person to be bewitched by a woman's beauty. He's never understood the appeal of that sort of thing, to be honest, and it never bothered him that he was missing out, either.
But this woman... he doesn't think it's attraction he feels - rather, there's something otherworldly about her. It catches his attention, but more than that, he almost feels as if she isn't even human, like she's something beyond that entirely... the feeling only lasts a brief moment, but it's a bizarre sensation for him.
Then the moment passes, and he's just a kid looking at some random woman again. Still, now that they're looking at each other, he feels he should at least say something.
"Hey! Nice day, isn't it?" ...And then, after a moment. "You know, I've never seen you round here before. There's a lot of gangs in the area. You should be careful."
@thecs ( starter for persephone )
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