#i would had mentioned the greatest marriage but i have tae yeon so i can include that asshole on my list
kdramanetwork · 7 years
ok so after FMW & MSP episodes this week I really wanted to ask is it a new thing to see couples have the sex? Because I've been an avid kdrama watcher since BOF was still airing [not that that's a super long time]and it's super refreshing to see. I can only think of witch's romance/F2LU as another example. Have I just been in the wrong genre?! I need more of it. MORE
You’re right, sex in kdramas is kind of rare and taboo. The only dramas that I’ve seen and where the couple had sex were Personal Taste, Heart to Heart and Healer (not sure about that last one, maybe it’s my dirty mind lmao). Recently, there also was My Secret Romance ! I love seeing that evolution too!! I mean, the kisses in kdramas used to be very chaste. It wasn’t even real kisses, it was just lips against lips. Around 2013 (idk that’s how I feel but maybe I am wrong? tell me your opinion guys!), kisses started to become less fake. I guess it’s natural that kdramas slowly begin to include sex in their couple’s life!
- Cam
tbh I’m a slut for romance and I was high key excited for bot FMW and SP this week lmao but not necessarily for the sake of them having sex scenes??? it’s must just the fact of seeing the actors being able to develop the chemistry between them and that it also shows that sex in kdramas is slowly ceasing to be considered taboo (I think my favorite example of this evolution is Kang Ho Kyung in Ho Goo’s love)
Also something I loved is that even when sex was portrayed in both dramas, it wasn’t done in a way where you needed to watch for five minutes both characters taking their clothes off and like... the whole process of it lmao, which is something that I HATE because dude I don’t need to see five minutes of complete nudity that have no place in the actual plot (yes Game of Thrones I’m talking to you). At least in the dramas I’ve seen with actual sex scenes and not just implied sex (the ones I remember rn are SP, IOTL, MSR and oh my venus) they have been brief cute moments where at the end you just want to scream how cute they are and how much chemistry they have, literally that’s all I could ask, no need to turn a drama into a porn like some tv shows do lmao (yes GoT I’m talking about you again)
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