#i'm doing detective work like a chung hok chicken again
meandmyechoes · 2 years
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I’m leaning closer and closer towards it’s not exactly the Plo Koon-Kidnapper story? That backstory is too well-known by now and it makes little sense to retell it when the most important parts are already shown in TCW. 
Here she’s significantly smaller (upper part of mom’s chest vs mom’s entire torso) because she has JUST been born (image brightened)
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this is probably the opening shot of the second act as they begin the day. Mama Tano looks like she’s holding hunting rifle.
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This teaser screencap shows a blue spot down the middle of her forehead while the HD teaser image shows blue paint on the elder’s thumb. Combined with the description, it explains why Ahsoka looks so young and cannot speak. She is a newborn and her mom is taking her to a ritual, likely one where the child’s future is foretold.
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on the way home, she wanders off and meet what i hope is an akul beast. (soka has the blue paint)
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edit: Mama Tano’s name is Pav-ti and the first episode is titled ‘Life and Death’
edit 2: ign recap
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