#i'm probably only gonna do these at the end of big scenes/sections- like ao3 notes y'know?
hlvrai-stuck-together · 10 months
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...You're really sure they both forgive me for what happened? Cuz I fucked up really badly this time.
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I'm sure. It wasn't your fault, Bubby.
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Well then, I forgive Gordon for stealing my chips that one time too, then. And the dip. And for leaving crumbs all over the couch. And for not washing his damn hands before touching the remote.
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I'm surprised you even remember all that, but umm? Thanks?
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You're welcome, fucking nasty little sewage boy.
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*(The fire continues to shrink in size, becoming a much smaller version of what it was before.)*
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I have the blanket! Apologies for the holdup, I had forgotten that we had taken the large one with us upstairs last night and had spent a rather lengthy amount of time looking for it down here! Hopefully this can help!
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...I may have overestimated the size of the fire. Do you still need the blanket?
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Yes, please. Thank you.
*(The large blanket is thrown over the stovetop. Without the fire in the way, the dials behind it become clear- they're all turned off. Dr. Coomer is able to hold onto the blanket with his limb enhancers, and keeps it in place for a moment while they wait.)*
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Thank you, Harold. Sorry about the mess.
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It's no trouble.
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Just maybe let me do the cooking for a little while.
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Fine, I can do that.
*(Dr. Coomer lifts the blanket. The fire is gone.)*
15 notes · View notes