#i'm ready to be englightened if someone has more info
slowestlap · 1 year
hi I recently went back and re-watched some of those recent team redline twitch streams and first of all want to thank you for all the beautiful gifs you made!! And secondly since you maybe have been watching them for a while, do you happen to know why they call each other “toaster” as an insult (affectionate), is there an original reference for that or is it just a slang I’m missing (not native English speaker), thank you!!
Hiya 👋🏻
Thank you!! <3
I actually have no idea of the toaster origin 👀 it's been going on for a while but don't know when or how it started but "you're toast" means like "oh you're in trouble now" so i'm assuming toaster comes from that saying and they just use it very freely i.e. basically a synonym for being an idiot
I don't think toaster is really a slang word itself? But just one of the inside jokes that they seem to have a lot 😅
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