#i've ridden elephants before too
my-introvert-hideout ยท 2 years
Recent Movement Regarding the Sumatran Tigers at the Denver Aquarium
I've been obsessed with animals for my entire life. That is not an understatement or an exaggeration. I've had a goldfish and two bettas. 7-year-old me got a corn snake for Christmas, and I've ridden horses as well as trained service dogs. I spend my free time researching animals. By choice lol. I shamefully have Wild Republic stuffed animals. I've visited the Denver Aquarium (also participated in their Zoologist for a Day program where I was intently watching the behind-the-scenes of what they do, and was not disappointed), have been to a wolf sanctuary, stopped going to the soo, and semi-regularly spend time at the Wild Animal Sanctuary - because I "adopted" (sponsored) four of their rescues. Two of those four are tigers. I also track a polar bear, elephant, shark, and sea turtle on Fahlo.
While I DO NOT claim to be an expert, I think I kind of know what I'm talking about. Also:
"Captive wildlife for show is a tragedy. These lions (*sigh*) are under constant stress from the smallness of their enclosure and the nearby public. TWAS is an ethical, caring facility. Please move these tigers there." (Free)
[The actual petitions are at the bottom of this post. The sources "Free" and "Re-home" after the comments for each point correspond to those two petitions. PLEASE do NOT send them any hate. If anything, send information.]
I appreciate the concern of these people, but they're... a little uninformed. If they want to bother an actual bad aquarium, SeaQuest is all theirs and I will fully back them on that. Also, it's a bit disappointing that you don't see this level of outrage for things like the homeless population downtown. Oh, wait, you do! In the form of "Get out of my way, irritating homeless people!"
Anyway... More info on the topic below. Please read first before responding. I promise you won't regret it.
Point 1: Aquarium Species
"...least of all, it's an AQUARIUM...for aquatic animals/fish!!" (Free)
"People go to the aquarium to see the aquatic wild life, not tigers!" (Re-home)
Literally every aquarium has non-aquatic animals. I don't really see anyone complaining about the presence of their reptiles (like the emerald tree boa which is DEFINITELY strictly arboreal) and birds (like macaws that are clearly not water-dwelling). They also have a porcupine.
"Does this place not get the idea of an aquarium? It is for marine animals-not tigers or any mammals." (Free)
*eye roll* They have otters, too, which are mammals. "Mammals" and "marine animals" are not mutually exclusive. Y'know marine mammals like cetaceans... seals... sea lions... manatees... Hippos spend a lot of time around water...
"I always thought the tiger exhibit was weird as hell in an aquarium. It makes zero sense." (Re-home)
Facebook comments (that my mom showed me since I don't have or want Facebook) have explained that "the original couple that started the aquarium many years ago owned these Tigers and made a place for them when they built the aquarium." The same person also explained that "It was originally called 'Ocean Journey' to teach visitors how we, in Colorado, impact the whole planet via the Colorado River that flowed to the Sea of Corte and the Pacific Ocean. It was designed and built to teach environmental and ecological messages about ecosystems in the mountains, rivers and the sea. There were two journeys (rivers): the Colorado and the Kampar in Indonesia, hence the tigers, birds, etc. That is why there are tigers there."
Point 2: Tiger Species
"It's important to the world's survival to protect the earths wildlife...it's important to the survival of the human race." (Re-home)
I think they'd have to be not extinct for that to happen. If these tigers were taken from the wild, it was to ensure that there was a population of these ENDANGERED Sumatran tigers, just in case they went extinct outside of captivity.
"I love all animals and I think the tigers need to be outside where they belong" (Free)
"They are wild animals that deserve their freedom from this type of entrapment. We are better than this. Get them to The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keensburg, or another accredited sanctuary where they have the appropriate habitat." (Free)
They DO have an appropriate habitat, just not enclosure. Outdoors would work for mainland tigers (consisting of subspecies like Bengal and Siberian, but DNA tests have shown that they're too similar to necessarily be considered separate), which range from India all the way to Russia. But Sumatran tigers evolved isolated on ONE Indonesian island. They need heat and humidity that Colorado just can't give them. Hence their controlled environment indoors. That, or they need to be moved to a state like Florida or Louisiana, maybe the coast of Texas. Point is, this is no longer a Colorado-centric issue. Also, Sumatran tigers are the smallest subspecies, so yeah, they're gonna look smaller lol.
"It is abhorrent that a place that claims to know and care about animals would subject tigers to such depressing and cruel treatment." (Re-home)
Yes, claims to know and care about animals and the fact that these are SUMATRAN TIGERS. I also saw a Facebook comment about how awful (hot and humid, like Sumatra is) the conditions were where the tigers are kept and I kinda wanna die.
Point 3: Appropriate Enclosure
"The tigers should have room to roam and play" (Re-home)
"The tigers deserve better! They need space to run and roam!" (Re-home)
"Because they Should be free to run and not locked up" (Re-home)
These tigers are quite old (18 years!) so they're not exactly spry or the most playful. Also, they're brothers. It's not like they're random tigers that were placed together willy-nilly. But yes, I do agree that they need more space - three tigers are kept in an area about large enough for one (maybe two). They simply need a larger and lowered enclosure. (Lowered because they don't see it as part of their territory; people being on level ground with them is basically the same as being on their territory's boundary / border and stresses them - this is what the Wild Animal Sanctuary does btw.)
"Why do you feel The Denver Aquarium experience is enhanced by keeping captive wild animals on display, in the 21st Century when we all know now how much mental suffering they endure? Do the right thing and relinquish these poor animals to a bona-fide sanctuary, and STOP keeping wild animals captive. It's extremely inhumane for the animals and distressing for people who are capable of empathy." (Free)
Um, all non-domesticated animals are wild animals... And being in a sanctuary is still being captive. "Captive" just means not free in the wild lol. HOWEVER, I think having robotic animals in aquariums and zoos (more info) is an ingenious idea, though! The live animals should be exclusive to sanctuaries and refuges. It's a win-win for everyone, and better yet, not cruel to the animals. [Links for robo-dolphins specifically: 1 2 3 4] While $26 million is a hefty price, robots don't need to be taken care of like living creatures. Medical bills aren't needed, neither is food or water. They don't sleep. Just need engineers (probably specialized). Either way, I think it's worth it.
Point 4: Regulations
"Utterly disgusting...Where in the hell are the people that should be checking this" (Re-home)
Because the Association of Zoos and Aquariums has checked it. The Denver Aquarium is very open about the fact that they're AZA certified. At least look into who should be checking on them. "The people" kinda gives away your ignorance...
Facebook comments (that my mom showed me since I don't have or want Facebook) have also explained that "the aquarium doesn't own the tigers, so this petition is absolutely pointless and will do nothing." Just mere changes to an animal's living environment must go through the people who actually own that animal. Even if the Denver Aquarium wants to improve it (which I don't doubt that they do), they couldn't - not on their own and not immediately.
Posited Solutions:
"Wild animals should not be held in captivity for the sake of human entertainment. This is sick. If they're not sick or being rehabbed, let them go!" (Free)
These tigers were raised in captivity. They have no idea how to survive. They'd die immediately, scared and likely in pain.
"I am calling for the Denver Zoo and the Wild Animal Sanctuary to get involved. If the Denver Zoo or The Wild Animal Sanctuary could get involved, and encourage the Denver Aquarium to release the tigers to a better home, then perhaps these tigers could live a better life." (Free)
Right, because everyone knows how nicely zoos treat their animals...
EXTRA >>> Jungian Typology: This is a pretty good example of judging functions (Fi, Fe, Ti, Te) being dominant in a cognitive stack. They "judge" or make decisions first. As an INFJ - though I'm technically a "judging" type - my primary function is a perceiving one (Ni). It gathers information first. Hence this long dissection of the topic instead of simply signing on a reflex or giving no explanation.
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