#idk i just get nostalgic sometimes but also distinctly not
doeeyeddyke · 10 months
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The Old House
Desi LGBT Fest
Day 18: The Box of Pictures in Ma’s Attic
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go-forth-and-live · 4 years
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name: Spacy age: 33 sexuality: Les-bean relationship status: Still the midwest’s most eligible bachelorette eye color: Green height: Smol
favorite season?: Spring is short af here, but I do love a nice spring day! And the weather around autumn too--love a good Halloween vibe.  favorite movie/s?: No Holds Barred is woefully ignored in discussions of Best Bad Movie and I will SAY IT UNTIL YOU ALL WATCH IT WITH ME-- favorite album?: I don’t have a ton of favorite albums, I guess? In this age of Spotify we all kind of tend to zone in on particular songs we like and skip over the ones on the album we don’t. But I know little Spacy fuckin’ loved jamming to the 1996 Spice album (RIP to Mama Spacy and thank u for playing it for me on all the car rides). Oh! And Caravan Palace’s Robot album has a lot of bangers. favorite quote?: A bunch from Saiyuki, but one that I think I needed to hear as a miserable 16-year-old first watching the show and one I still need to remind myself of now: “You can choose to die. You can choose to run. But dying alone won’t change a thing. Trust me on that one. If you really want things to change, you’re going to have to live.” ... And, on that same vein I think, from Undertale--”Despite everything, it’s still you” really hit me hard when it first came up in game. favorite shirt?: I have a worn out old Sailor Moon t-shirt from the Obama campaign days that has her transformation brooch and “VOTE MOON / LOVE AND JUSTICE WE CAN BELIEVE IN”
smoke?: Nah drink?: Yep write?: Mostly just through RP, though I do write fic from time to time. play an instrument?: Not at all.
your favorite place: The airport. I could just be nostalgic for airports after... well, you know! But there’s something magical about an airport. I’ve been to O’Hare enough that it feels like a second home, but like! Any airport, I enjoy. I love the bustle of it, I love trying to get myself organized in the chaos, I love browsing around the bookshop for books I absolutely am not going to buy, I LOVE when I get in a terminal that has a FUCKIN’ AUNTIE ANNE’S.  Also I get lounge access through my credit card and like. Listen, I haven’t been to a ton of lounges yet, but Grand Lounge Elite in Mexico City Airport is the fucking shit, m8.  your favorite memory: A bunch and they’re all travel related. Walking up to the edge of the Grand Canyon for the first time after an all-day drive to get there! Doing the Saw escape room in Vegas with my best dudes! Pub trivia in Austria with my rad Tumblr buddies! Hiking alone through the Georgian mountains to a neat monastery, going all the way downhill to a holy spring, walking two miles past the holy spring, walking back to the holy spring, and being nearly dead but getting to drink the best water I’d ever had in my life (and the best churchkela, like I still very distinctly remember the taste and texture of it after that crazy long trek)! Meeting a really sweet couple at a cocktail bar in Tbilisi and getting Dunkin Donuts with them in the middle of the night! I’ve got a ton I could pick from.  your ideal partner: Man, I dunno. Sometimes things get kinda lonely, but right now I’m kinda having fun just being my own ideal partner.  your bedroom: Aspiring to Cuteness I guess is the best way of describing it? Bright pink walls that I’m slowly attempting to further decorate. I need to get some fairy lights in there, maybe a cute vintage-y desk. I want to start building a display wall in there for my slowly growing collection of animation cels too.  yourself in three words: Chill, Chipper, Adventurous 
Tagged by: Stolen in a brazen heist from @khasmc​ Tagging: Idk fam do it if you want
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