#idunno. i am having fun w it
autismsubway-remade · 2 years
waitok. rottmnt headcanons GO.
autism + ocd (hes just like me for realsies)
trans/nb, bisexual (he/they/it prns)
hes YOUNGER THAN LEO (by 5 minutes. he figured it out w science stuff idk)
likes baking bc its like chemistry but you can eat ur experiments it w/out dying (usually)
stress baker
knows asl and a little bit of japanese (from splinter)
back/posture issues (worse after the kraang bc of shell damage)
chronic back pain...bones of an 80 yr old
agender + aroace (uses any pronouns but mostly he/she. none gender left boy is how he describes it)
has a deep interest in psychology and would pursue a career as a therapist if it wasnt for the whole. turtle thing
looks up to leo and thinks hes sooo cool until she turns like 12 and realizes oh hes kinda lame actually. still his idol though bc hes funny
besties w sunita ^_^ bc i said so. new sister acquired
likes watching raph knit
chronic pain after the kraang, as well as tremors
adhd + autism
needs glasses like donnie but thinks they make him look like a nerd so he never wears them..hed rather be blind (until he eventually gets contacts that is)
is actually a nerd, just in denial
trans + gay (he/him)
the WORST flirter ever. so bad at it. absolutely abysmal. he gets zero bitches
is afraid of cold, dark spaces after the whole Kraang Fiasco
saw gram gram in the prison dimension for a bit b4 being rescued <3
knows the most languages (english, asl, spanish, japanese)
likes boxing
cried for an hour when casey jr accidentally called him dad
anxiety + ocd
trans + biromantic asexual (he/they)
loves knitting <3 he makes his brothers and april new sweaters every year
stress knitter. it helps him calm down. after the kraang incident he knit so much that he ended up w 3 piles of scarves, blankets, sweaters and other various items. april donated some bc there were just So Many
watches donnie bake a lot and vehemently denies eating the raw dough (even when donnie catches him)
sometimes sees gram gram in his dreams
rly good at dancing actually
sleeps w a mountain of teddy bears. cries if he accidentally knocks one off the bed
adhd + anxiety
nb lesbian (she/they)
TWO GIRLFRIENDS (cassandra + sunita)
has a cat named mona lisa :] shes a calico and frequently hides in aprils backpack to sneak into the lair. donnies her second fav
has Eldest Sister Syndrome
literally the only hamato who actually knows how to take care of herself. frequently reminds her brothers to do that as well
HUGE gossip. w donnie specifically. she'll come over after work and shit talk customers/shitty co workers and he'll just listen and occasionally suggest manslaughter
lied abt being 18 to get a crane license </3
helps the brothers w their post kraang issues
trans lesbian (she/her)
casey jrs biological mom despite saying she found him in the trash
named him after the greatest warrior she knows. herself
raphs bestie! he scruffs her like a cat when she gets too violent.
theyre vigilante buds! shes commited murder before
bit so many kraang zombies. claimed they tasted like bubblegum (they did not)
slightly feral, maybe rabid
actually scarily intelligent, she's just. a little insane
cried when she met casey jr. shes so proud of him
casey jr
So Much Trauma. All Of It. anxiety + ocd + autism
trans + questioning (no time for teen romance in the apocalypse, he/him)
once he gets more comfy w the turtles and family he stops w the sensei or master and starts calling them uncles ^_^ (leo is dad, casey + april + sunita r mom, draxum + splinter are grandpa and big mama is nana)
so many parental figures, watched them all die
the worst fashion sense known to man. its so bad its embarassing
very smart bc he was taught by future donnie, ended up just going to college immediately despite being like, ~15/16
very proud of his stubble :]
loves hockey! plays it w his moms
showers everyday once he figures out what showers actually are
cant sleep alone, if he wakes up alone he freaks out rly bad
good at cooking! not amazing, but good! was mostly joking about eating rats (thinks its funny)
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meowmeowbeepy · 5 months
Wow here are some updates no one asked for
I just caught up on previous blog posts. I am sorry the last two seemed more like tweets. Here are some historical happenings since last true post (mostly I've been doing book and podcast reviews lol?)
I went to NY w/ Benny which was fun. I was so incredibly pleased w/ myself that he actually LIKED it. Lots of touristy things that we all must do at least once in this life... Next time we go back we will be more slow paced. I liked the hotel A LOT. It's great to stay in 1 central place when traveling. I know I'll have made it in life if my future hotels on vacations are nice as balls and convenient and no compromise! He liked the MET the most. I felt bad bc I was not doing well that day (abrupt #3 iykyk and hungry and feet hurt). Something I like abt Ben: he never makes me feel bad when I actually am being a problem. I cannot say I am as gracious towards crankypants. I liked the ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty! Specifically the Statue of Liberty. The island was not crowded, and we were the first group there so it was an ideal situation and felt whimsical for an iconic landmark. I also really liked seeing friends Clur and Corn. It was so nice and energetic for the limited time I had. But the most soul filling ofc was bringing Benny to grandparents. I appreciate my auntie sm for being the best (albeit crazy) caretaker of grandparents (also crazy). Family becomes everything and continues to speed up up up up in importance as we age. Our social worlds will get smaller.. not worse! Just infrequent! But family is home. That's how I can describe the feeling anyways. My translation abilities were better than I thought... Also, I knew they were old but I never felt they were any older than other grandparents. But after this trip, I could SEE and I really felt that they are getting far older than average/normal. So I treasure and am thankful for that. I hope they will be here for much longer. So much time has gone by since I was a little college kid staying majorly w/ them "upstate" and venturing towards Manhattan. Now, I don't think I could do that haha. I am such a princess haha.
Before we went to NY me, daddy, and Benny went to a Rockets game. It was perfectly fun and something I know my daddy will treasure a lot. He likes that kinda stuff.
I thought December was going to be a huge flop/slow month for HAs but it ended up being ok. January tho... extreme flop lols. But I guess I have one more week to turn it around? Doubt I can realistically. I wonder if I am not as motivated as I was when I first started :( But idunno. I think about the ethics and morals of different HA levels way more than I used to? Or at least deeper than I used to so maybe that is affecting me? I also think I am more realistic than before- I used to give my 500% and was blind to a person who probably wouldn't follow through. Now, I can see it early on and it doesn't disappoint as much I guess. Probably not good. Also, the salary drama I've recently become privy to was a weird thing to experience in my career. I didn't get TMJ from it lol and feel pretty neutral overall. But hoping the best... for all.. and for me. If I could say 1 thing I am really bleh to: the tracking and KPI of my office. The higher ups are VERY nice... but what's going to happen when my numbers aren't as good for an entire year as maybe they were Sept-Oct. But I won't be too negative, realistically I know things will ebb and flow without any change in me.
Ok last one. We got a new doggy! Born 3/21/2020... Barney! He's so sweetums and so much more DOG than Toby was. Barney is just a wee bit mischievous but it is overpowered by his loyalty and desire to be close to humans. Toby was very mischievous and not super affectionate or needy, tho very loyal w/out shame lol. (Ex. does not want love from anyone but my mom.. esp Joann) Barney is pretty sweet to all. Joann has announced that he is HER dog, which makes sense. AND I don't mind. I just want a little doggy adjacent. She is basically holding him hostage in her room which I think is funny bc his personality probably will do well w/ that. Vs. Toby hated her for that. God blessed us w/ Barney though. He is so gentle and baby that he will be a good second dog to people who VERY HONESTLY have not fully moved on from Toby. And probably never will (not in a super bad way) but he was more than a dog lollll so dramatic.
K bye
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linogram · 5 years
50 questions tag
tagged by @chngbok
1. what takes too much of your time?
2. what’s makes your day better?
3. what is the best thing that happened to you today?
that ask, where someone said they were also ace and I was the first ace stay they'd met
4. what fictional place would you like to go to?
in a ghibli film
5. are you good at giving advice?
yes, but i'm bad at following it
6. do you have any mental illness?
I mean yeah, like I'm not gonna say, but u could probably easily figure it out
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
no, tho I think I used to have night terrors where I would scream out and scare my cousins, those were fun times
8. what musician inspired you the most?
if we wanna get all deep n personal n mushy gushy n stuff, then my cello teacher and a rlly close friend of mine, but like not as deep n mushy gushy n stuff, suga, day6, and skz
9. have you fallen in love?
10. what’s your dream date?
hmm, ig like a walk and just wandering around
11. what do others notice about you?
uh, I've had someone say that when I play cello I act differently, does that count?
12. what is an annoying habit that you have?
talking way too much when I'm w my friends, tbh I need to just shut up when I'm w them and only speak to when spoken to
13. do you still talk to your first love
never had one so, nes
14. how many ex’s do you have?
15. how many songs are in your playlist?
uh main one about 2390
16. what instruments do you play?
only cello and piano, tho im trying to learn acoustic and bass guitar, and I do chorus (if u count that)
17. who do you have the most pictures of?
oof I have a fuck ton of skz and suga
18. where would you like to go before you die?
out of the US
19. what’s your zodiac?
20. do you relate to it?
meh, sometimes, usually when I wanna fight someone
21. what is happiness to you?
uhhh,,,, ermmm, I wanna think of some cheesy ass shit, but nothings coming to mind :/
22. are you going through anything right now?
I sure am buddy boy! :)
23. what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
uh, deciding to bottle up my emotions in like 8th grade (or maybe 7th), rlly fucked me over tbh
24. what’s your favorite store?
this music store called opus
25. what's your opinion on abortion?
26. do you keep a bucket list?
27. do you have a favorite album?
it's not stray kids, but mitski? be the cowboy? absolutely owns my entire heart
28. what do you want for your birthday?
it'd be nice to see skz live and thank them, yknow?
29. what are most people’s first impression of you?
that I'm younger than I am and I'm quiet, tho idk if that's right bc thats wha I assume is their first impression of me
30. what age to you seem according to most people?
ayy!! I've already sorta hinted at the answer in this in the last one, like I'd say 15-16, tho I've had someone think I was like 14/15
31. where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
next to me, I listen to music through headphones while sleeping
32. what word do you say the most?
not to sound like a stereotypical teenager, but "like"
33. what’s the oldest age would you date?
so, I'm 18 rn, probably like 19 maybe 20
34. what’s the youngest age would you date?
like 17
35. what job/career do most people say sould suit you?
tbh, ppl don't rlly tell me things like this, but when I tell ppl im doing music they're like "yeah, makes complete sense, good choice", so ig music?
36. what’s your favorite music genre?
pfltlbenr, beats me idunno
37. if you would live in any country in the world, where would it be?
I have never actually been outside of the US, but maybe like uh,, idk some place in Europe? where I could go to different countries easily as I pleased?
38. what’s your current favorite song?
nfwmb - hozier
39. how long have you have this blog for?
for a while, but I just started posting on this one in like January and I had another (same blog I just moved, so it'd be my main) that I started in like july/August of last year (so 2018)
40. what are you excited for?
this year to be done so I can finally be some w high school
41. are you a better talker or a listener?
uh, tbh I keep being told I talk too much, so ig a better talker (even tho im shit at talking)
42. what is the last productive thing you did?
hmm, probably get up and use the bathroom this morning
43. what do you want for Christmas?
uh,, tbh idk
44. what classes do you get the best grades in?
music, hands down
45. on a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
like a solid 4
46. what can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
music teacher? maybe?
47. when did you first get your heartbreak?
tbh, never, I mean i pair a grandparent I was sorta close to, but like that was more of a long term thing, so ig if that counts as heartbreak, then that
48. at what age do you want to get married?
lol. never
49. what career did you want to have as a child?
anything and everything, like for a while I wanted to be a firefighter
50. what do you crave right now?
tagging: @honeyboyfelix @jal-hago-isseo @hwangwhatjin
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