#if I get like more than 2 notes I will die of combined shck and joy
mizuski-broken · 8 months
Disclaimer: This post only applies to Phil's trust regarding his eggs and somewhat himself. He might be willing to give away almost every other kind of trust pretty freely but he is VERY protective of his family.
I might not be a lore expert, but I am a crow!
(I just wanted to long ramble about my streamer lmao, this is based on a post I saw)
Phil is far from naive, in fact, I'd say he might be one of the most paranoid members of them all. He is, above all, a survivalist. His entire character is based upon his IRL YEARS spent in his hardcore worlds. He is constantly living like he only has one life to spend, whether he realizes it or not. For example, during the elections, he actually said he wasn't going to vote at all for a while bc of his fear of him or his children being targeted for it. (He eventually did vote for forever and etoiles bc of how influential the player votes were but even then he told no one)
Yes, I would say Phil is a VERY loyal person, he's protective and kind in nature, similar to etoiles, but that doesn't mean he just gives that loyalty away right away. If he can give his strength or items to people in need, of course he's going to give them! Trusting them to take care of his kids? Not so much. He was I'm pretty sure the first person to ever protect his little house on the wall with a block reinforcer (albeit a little illegally). Only a select few have access to his basement in the wall, and even less to his storage room. It's only people he's absolutely sure would never hurt his kids (not even Tubbo has access lmao)
Also, Phil is a great judge of character! I'm sure everyone has seen the clips of him with the code versions of his eggs and sussing them out immediately, but there are also multiple times where he's correctly guessed the intentions of Islanders and acted accordingly.
Phil knows that most of the island residents are good people, and he helps them in any way he can (evidence for cellbit, helping cure forever, etc.) He knows kindness is a gift most people need more often (he's pretty damn wise ig. Old ass mf) and he also knows that any trust he gives will probably be repaid back to him eventually (Insert clip of Bad, Etoiles or Cellbit saying Phil is trustworthy and including him in plans/info) and they all need to work together to get off this damn island anyway, so why not show a controlled amount of trust off the bat even if he might never trust them completely?
TLDR: Cool bird man actually very paranoid, careful, and meticulous in some aspects, smart birb. Good birb. He knows exactly what he's doing when he trusts people, and he almost never trusts people 100%.
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