#if anyone ever has any dnd questions I have access to a great resource right here at home
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Dnd. I don't mention it much here but my dad is a huge dnd nerd when it comes to dnd and so I grew up playing it and have for years.
Ah! Another person who has had a parent's interest thrust onto them! (/lh)
My father gave me star wars and painting 3D models. Both of my parents gave me a general love for sci-fi. I only realised that I know more than the general person about star wars when my friend didn't remember what a storm trooper looked like. It made me feel very nerdy (/lh)
Anyway, my mother gave me a love for fantasy! Fantasy is great. I wanna make a comic combining fantasy and sci-fi one day but I'm not sure how I'd go about it. Maybe mechanically enhanced mermaids? Magic infused machines? Space fairies?? Space whales???
If you have any tips on story creating and plotting and monster creation, I will take anything! Sci-fi and Fantasy can go hand in hand and create some truly monstrous things and I would like to explore lots of it
Heathen! Hello!
Many of my father's interests have kind of just trickled down into me. I am but a sponge. He's a huge reader and so my parents always read to me as a kid and then boom now it's probably one of the most defining things about me. My dad is artistic and likes to draw, boom I am also an artist and draw things (though in a different medium). My dad likes pirates and dnd? boom I also like pirates and dnd. I don't share a lot of interests with my mother, but I did with my grandmother. Sewing and cross-stitch and latchhooking. My mother frequently says that the creative gene skipped her and went straight to me. The point being that yep!! I also have many of my parents'/family's interests that kinda just became a part of me.
Congratulations on the interests! I have watched...2?...and a half? star wars movies? I think. My best friend in middle school was really into star wars, so I watched a movie or two with her. She's actually the reason that I own two star wars shirts. I was like ah yes solidarity in the form of clothing, this is friendship. OH I also have a few 3d model type things!! They're dnd figurines, but I haven't painted any of them. We used to have this whole box of different figurines, but we never use them when we play so we gave them to a friend. Kept a few though. (also I did look up what a storm trooper looks like just to confirm. I did know what they looked like but also needing to consult the internet takes away some of my points)
I don't think it comes as a surprise to anyone that I also love fantasy!! That is...that is basically what this blog revolves around. Oo the combination of fantasy and sci-fi sounds incredible. Looked it up and the name for that melding is called science fantasy, which I personally love. If you're looking for ideas on how to do it you can find lists of suggestions online of science fantasy books to check out to give you some inspiration! Based on the covers I'm seeing on the list several of them appear to be older, but there are more recent ones you can look at.
I have many tips/observations/experiences when it comes to story creation and such!! There are a few posts I've made in the past about different writing related things, so here's the links:
How I plot out stories
Tips to write more regularly
Example of combining two things (this is the bird + dragon ask you sent me!)
Those are the ones I can remember and find off the top of my head that might be relevant to you, so hopefully those are a little helpful! I don't have any posts about monster creation rn, but I can make one of those! Anything specific about monsters you'd want my advice on?
I do a lot of writing so I've kinda figured a few things out and am more than willing to share my experiences!
oh also another thing on the dnd topic before I forget: my dad is a nerd and has a dnd podcast (which I haven't listened to yet). And because he became friends with other people who have a dnd podcast, I somehow ended up on an episode. There is, as I answer this, a dnd podcast episode of a oneshot just out in the world that I am on. I haven't listened to it, but I know it's there.
I hope you are doing well!!
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