#if my ‘felix’ thought he was safe…naur
diddybok · 7 months
me realising that i need to go into hiding after that felix fic:
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FUCKKKKKK. here are some quotes of me to my friend while reading
“Oh my baby, you’ve gone insane. You can’t handle the rejection from him so you’re blaming it on me and now my family too.”
friend: “not so girlboss”
❄️: “oh fuck its goin down” ““youre mine” STFU”
friend: oh nooo
You swallow down the ball of terror that occludes your throat. “I want to go to my room.” You request shakily, “Please.”
❄️: “shes scared-“ “this is not girlboss at all” “Omg we got a letter from the taehyun” “YUHHH IT FINALLY CAME THROUGH” “a maid smuggled it in”
friend: “LOVE THAT MAID”
my reaction to reader wearing a slutty outfit:
me reaction to soobin being scared off by beomgyu:
❄️: “so much for making friends🥲”
“I can do what I want.” You seethe, “You wanted me to be a whore so bad. Why are you mad now when I act like it?”
reaction to beomgyu saying the princess wont ever take y/ns place:
❄️: “EW THE SWITCH UP” and the most german reaction ever “IGITT” which means ew but worse “WE DONT FEEL NEGLECTED WE WANT YOU TO FUCK OFF” me @.beomgyu
him being all nice in town and helping the commoners
❄️: “hes being nice rn” “i dont wanna forgive” “remember ❄️ hes a dick” “NO BC IM A SUCKER FOR PPL WHO DO NICE THINGS” “also a sucker for manipulators so…well”
“You attack your father over that whore?” The king spits, slapping the prince across the face. “I have half a mind to let the guards take her right here in front of you so you’ll realize what she truly is.”
❄️: “mom please pick me up im scared😀😀😀😀😀” no srsly i was abt to shit my pants the part with the king scared the f outta me
your eyes fly open in apprehension to see him holding a dagger.
❄️: “BRO FOR A SECOND I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA FUCKING CUT Y/N” like carve his name into her or smth- I TOTALLY WOULDVE EXPECTED HIM TO DO THAT “this was traumatising” “fucking dickhead” “i wanna hug y/n and tell her everything will be okey ☹️”
i am now traumatized for life and miss tae and want him to safe and accept us more than ever but he also sounded sus in his letters so IDK ANYMORE
beomgyu has absoltely lost it tho and the fact EVERYONE in the castle was in on it???? WHAT THE FUCK
this broke not only y/n but also me FUCKKKKKKK
one thing this goes to y/n if she was real and i could talk to her
baby virginity is a social construct, no man will EVER be able to take something from you and make you be worth-less NEVER is anyone gonna do that, he took you forcefully which means if virginity means something to you… you are still a virgin, if something gets stolen from you its still yours. baby i love you do NOT let him break you
i am so done this was amazingly written seriously you have such a way of getting me immersed? into the story the way you write is amazing and this def was a emotional roller coster
ill out myself by saying i read loser lover many times and also the latest ch. of yamqn probably 3-4 times… and yeah i can see myself reading this ch again as well and then crying some more😭😭😭😭
not you traumatizing your friend with my story 😂
i love the live reaction! i sometimes write lines and think "ohh i wonder what my readers will think of this" lol thanks for the german lesson could always use a more powerful form of ew 😂
sometimes the people who appear the most charitable can be the most evil ✊🏼😔
ngl the king scared me too lol imagine being oc in that moment
ahaha a repeat of iyym felix nooo
tyun does sound a bit sus. it's the hint for his flaw so good on ya for picking up on that
and yes all you said about virginity. unfortunately in a society like where yamqn takes place virginity is a real currency. men won't take her as a wife now that she's "ruined" 🤢
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