#if you haven’t watch it what are you waiting forrrrrr
archieyelash · 7 months
Yesterday my coworkers and I went to Karaoke, a song called “true man”and my mind immediately thought about Jack being so gentle and soft with Jann it made me so happy😭
Janack took over my life and it’s been great.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How long would you have to date someone for before moving in together? I wouldn’t know and I don’t have a good basis for this answer, given that I’ve dated the same person throughout high school and college and we’ve been staying at our parents’ this whole time, and we’ve technically waited it out for six years now. Outside of that, I don’t know how long I’d generally be willing to wait before deciding to move in.
Have you ever taken a meteorology class?   I haven’t. That sounds right up my alley though, and if I wasn’t super particular with my free choice electives I definitely see myself taking a class like this.
What’s your favorite kind of sushi? When it comes to authentic Japanese sushi, I like experimenting with more exotic fish so like uni, unagi, and other less-familiar fish. But I also really like Americanized sushi, especially deep-fried ones with cream cheese and come with some sort of spiced mayo dip.
How much was the last bill that you paid? I’ve never had to pay any sort of bill, but I think the last one that arrived at our house was the electricity bill. Didn’t get a chance to know how much it was though.
Do you ever eat fast food? A few times a month, I’d say. It’s not always my go-to purchase, but if I’m trying to save money or if my orgmates want to get lunch delivered, we would typically go forrrrrr Jollibee, KFC, McDonald’s or Bonchon haha.
What was the cause of the worst low point you’ve had in your life? I had two low points, once in Grade 6 and the second time was in my adjustment to college. Both times I was coming from a place where I had no friends and everyone else did, and I was left having an incredibly hard time fitting in or belonging.
Do you think you’d enjoy being a scientist in Antarctica? Assuming this question assumes that I’m good at science and have a specialization in it, yeah I’d give it a shot. I like the cold and Antarctica has always interested me. I’ve never been to an uninhabited area either, so that aspect would be cool for me as well.
What are some of your favorite types of cheeses? I’m not super well-versed in the types of cheeses, but one time I tried feta and my life was permanently changed for the better lol. Every time we go back to that buffet, I always just dash for their cheese section and get a bunch of feta and bread.
When did you last feel like your privacy was invaded? Last week. It was beginning to feel increasingly wrong for me to keep hiding this Tumblr from my girlfriend so I went ahead and told her about it and explained what it’s all about and what I do here. It’s not her fault because it was my choice after all, but in the first few minutes of it I did feel like I gave up my own privacy and in a sense, made myself feel like it got invaded lmao. Her reaction was great though, she was super chill and didn’t press on knowing my URL because she wanted me to keep this blog as just *my* thing.
Have you ever wanted to be a firefighter? I did, as a kid.
Do your parents volunteer anywhere?   No they don’t.
Did anything out of the ordinary happen yesterday?   My mom went back to work yesterday, and it was oddly calming to have some sense of normalcy again, resentful feelings for her aside.
Do you own more than 50 books? There’s a big chance that I do, but I think the count stops somewhere around 50 as well.
Where were you the last time someone took a picture of you? At the exact same chair I’m sitting on now. That time, I was posing with the box of sushi that Angela surprised me with for my birthday.
Were you born before 1987?   No, I came more than a decade after that.
What was the last thing you misplaced and couldn’t find? The earphones Gabie gave me for Christmas :/ I was so distraught when I couldn’t find it and if I remember correctly I didn’t talk to her for like two days.
Do you have a bachelor’s degree? Not yet. I can almost smell it though.
Have you seen snow in the past 6 months? I haven’t seen snow in 22 years.
How old were you when you became financially independent from your parents? Welp, I’ll update you when I actually am lol.
What were some things that were popular when you were a kid? Game Boy, PSP, Pokemon cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, those art sets from the 90s/00s, Legos, Beyblades, High School Musical, the original TeenNick shows... they’re the first ones I remembered off the top of my head.
Have you ever drank Darjeeling tea?   I haven’t, but I have seen The Darjeeling Limited by Wes Anderson and it’s one of my favorite works of his, heh.
When was the last time you turned on your home’s heating? In a country where temperatures can reach 42C and where 27C is cold enough for us to whip out our hoodies, we definitely don’t need heating here.
Does your kitchen have an island? It does not.
Have you ever bought or sold something on Facebook Marketplace? No, I find it sketchy. I prefer closed buy-and-sell groups for the communities that I’m part of, because at least I’m aware of who’s selling and it would be safe if we were to meet up.
Do you know anyone famous enough to have their own Wikipedia page? My great-uncle and a big chunk of my family, maternal grandpa’s side, given that we’re part of a political clan. I also have a number of professors who are well known in the local media industry and they have their own pages too.
You’re having guests over for dinner… what do you cook for them? I’d sweetly ask my dad to make his risotto HAHAHA, because if there’s anyone who can pull off dinner, it’s him.
Have you ever watched The Twilight Zone?   I’ve watched an episode or two back when I was around 10, but given that the Internet was a much smaller place back then, I wasn’t able to find avenues that provided the other episodes.
What has been your most memorable Halloween costume? Dressing up as Sofie last Halloween 2015. It was the most low-effort costume among me and my friends (Chelsea had to buy a pre-made costume of Anna from Frozen and Eva made a frappe costume from scratch) but everyone ended up having a field day over mine lol, even though all I did was wear a little black dress and mess up my hair and make it frizzy as fuck, and wear heavy winged eyeliner, just like Sofie. 
What was the last appointment you had? Opthalmologist appointment.
Are you having a good day today? It’s been nice to me. It’s not too hot this afternoon, my thesis had just gotten 100% approved, and I’m having coffee.
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