#if you're wondering how it ties into the CH aspect
geisterland · 2 months
Brazil historically speaking had a great economic relationship with the UK following our independence (before that, we were on good terms too but that was serving the Portugal-UK relationships, see the Strangford Treaty). Until the horrors (the Christie Question). Later Brazil restored diplomatic relationships with the UK but I think the Christie Question was irreparable damage and nowadays we just have a good, mostly neutral relationship.
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crookshanks23 · 1 year
Bonus Content: At the Mountains of Dadness
This is one of my favorite things. I've now listened to it all the way through four times and I'm sure I will listen to it more. If you are able financially to join Patreon, you can have access to all three episodes of this at the lowest level. And it is totally worth it.
I love the horror aspect of this. Horror is one of my favorite genres, and I think this does a wonderful job of being creepy and funny, and wonderfully descriptive, even though it's in an audio medium. I am amazed every time I listen to this just how much I'm able to picture in my mind.
It serves as a really wonderful prequel to the whole show as well. I won't spoil anything here, but I love how this ties in to the main show and helps explain some things.
Highly highly recommend this one if you're able to get access to it.
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