#if: zhi qianxie
vermillioncourt-if · 4 months
Oh who is that personal guard big bro 😏?
Also can we mess up with our older sibling?
I imagine lunsu being in a meeting with counselors in front of him, behind them there's a window and here comes MC doing funny faces to make him laugh.
Gonna take me a while to remember every names -sarah
Hello! Don't worry about the names! I barely remember them too LMAO!
As for messing with your other siblings, maybe. It depends since all the siblings older than Shuailu tend to be really busy. That being said, I do want to include MC meeting with all of their siblings (either separately or in a small group of 2-3) at some point in the story! I think it's definitely possible to mess with Lunsu, especially during the social event where he's Supposed To Find A Fiancée but is instead just being a wallflower.
Shuailu's personal guard is actually a lil' lady! Her name is Zhi Qianxie and she's about 27, so a little older than him! She's also only an inch taller than your maid, Xu Chanyu, who's 5'0, so little lady is literal, LMAO! He's had a crush on her for a While, ever since she saved him from a would-be assassin (thanks Consort Xing).
More about them under the cut!
So, traditionally, the Xiatian Kingdom likes to have the personal guards match the gender of the royal person they're guarding so they can be with them Literally All The Time. It's just a bonus to keep them around the same age. A lot of the time, if the royal has any milk siblings, their milk siblings tend to become their personal guards. They want to make sure the personal guards are close to their charge. This is the case with most of MC's siblings.
But since Shuailu was picky and stubborn and wouldn't nurse on anyone but his mom, he has no milk siblings! This meant the Head of Guard and Security had to do a deep vetting process to find a guard for Shuailu. Around this time, they also remembered that you/MC would need a personal guard soon and you were just like your brother so you don't have milk siblings, either. And on top of both of you, your older sister, First Princess Kutuo, had just lost her personal guard since she retired after sustaining a training injury. So, the head of the guards did a wide search for all three of you.
Their search ended up with 3 different candidates:
Si Huaiqiao, aged 12, who was meant to go to your brother
Zhi Qianxie, aged 14, who was meant to go to First Princess Kutuo
Yang Yihou, aged 11, who was meant to go to you
Shuailu found out that Zhi Qianxie was picked and pulled some strings to move the assignments around, giving you Huaiqiao and Kutuo getting Yihou, so he could have Qianxie.
The rest is history, so to speak, Huaiqiao has been your dutiful personal guard for years now and Shuailu got to make a fool of himself in front of Qianxie for 13 years.
If you do go down Huaiqiao's route and make him your fiancé in the end, Shuailu will try to take all of the credit for getting you two together, although notably during that route, he and Qianxie will not gotten together yet, which you can tease him about.
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gamsiinhq · 4 years
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a gamsiin academy dá as boas vindas aos mutantes zhi lan e shen qinyun!
sei, não se esqueça de conferir a checklist.
enquanto mexíamos nos documentos da gamsiin academy, encontramos informações sobre zhi lan, um mutante em seu terceiro ano de treinamento com habilidade de phobikinesis. quase confundimos a foto dele com song weilong, mas vimos que era só coisa das nossas cabeças. ele tem vinte e três anos, se identifica como agênero (ele/dele) e foi alocado no dormitório 6C do bloco um. ouvimos dizer que o governo está de olho nele porque ele é muito aleivioso, mas há quem diga que isso é bobagem, porque na verdade ele é bem afável. bom, esperamos que você tenha a chance de conhecê-lo por aí e possa ver o que ele é capaz de fazer.
enquanto mexíamos nos documentos da gamsiin academy, encontramos informações sobre shen qinyun, um mutante em seu terceiro ano de treinamento com habilidade onipsiônica. quase confundimos a foto dele com yiyang qianxi, mas vimos que era só coisa das nossas cabeças. ele tem vinte e um anos, se identifica como cismale (ele/dele) e foi alocado no dormitório 5A do bloco um. ouvimos dizer que o governo está de olho nele porque ele é muito insurgente, mas há quem diga que isso é bobagem, porque na verdade ele é bem empático. bom, esperamos que você tenha a chance de conhecê-lo por aí e possa ver o que ele é capaz de fazer.
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vermillioncourt-if · 4 months
Which RO is the favourite to court in opinion of mother, siblings and grandmother? I saw consort Xing being red of fury if the MC ends with Shen or You
Hello! ❤️ I'm only going to do MC's full siblings, but if you want the others, the other consort's opinions, or your father's opinion, just let me know!
Putting it under the cut!
Consort Huo Qinwen: Consort Huo doesn't really care about who you decide to court, as long as you're happy! That said, she does have a slight preference for Si Huaiqiao or Xu Chanyu. First, she loves a good Servant/Liege romance (literally how she got together with your father), but also because they've been with you for a while and she thinks they know you the best.
Second Prince Nan Shuailu: Shuailu doesn't mind who you romance, but he would definitely prefer Si Huaiqiao. As mentioned in the post about Zhi Qianxie (Shuailu's personal guard), Shuailu arranged for Huaiqiao to be assigned to you. If you two ended up together, he'd be extremely pleased about it. (He's also living vicariously through you two since he's too scared to ask his own guard out LMAO)
7th/8th Princess Nan Liangxu: Liangxu, like the others, doesn't mind/care who you romance. She's a bit young to understand the political implications of marriages and relationships, so she can't really have a true meaningful and impactful opinion. But, if she had to pick, it'd be Wu Nahou. She remembers seeing her perform at different social events/festivals and she think's she's cool and pretty!
10th/11th Prince Nan Qiongkuai: Right, so Qiongkuai is a Literal Toddler at 2 years old. He has no real idea what's happening and really doesn't have an impactful opinion on this. That said, his favorite ROs are Wei Duqiong, You Kounao, and Xu Chanyu. He likes Wei Duqiong since he gets gifts from him every time he visits, he likes You Kounao since he plays with him and can match his energy, and he likes Xu Chanyu since he sees her around a lot and she also sneaks him candy!
Dowager Queen Nan Niexing: Dowager Queen Nan Niexing also doesn't really care, as long as you're happy. That being said, she would prefer you to marry someone "of your station" so that would mean either You Kounao or Shen Sandong! She also wouldn't mind Si Huaiqiao since he's been with you/the palace for over 10 years now. But if you don't romance any of those, she won't make a fuss. She's just thinking about how to best protect you from court enemies.
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