#ik emperors and warlords are presented as basically equally powerful politically--they're two of the three major powers in the world & all
the-obnoxious-sibling · 2 months
I must admit I always thought buggy wouldn’t want to brag about his romantic connection to shanks because people who know him see him as someone who’s worthless and tries to beg his way through life And sleeping with someone much more powerful in that situation seems like using bed to get what you want and I don’t think buggy would want to be seen this way especially when it comes to shanks
i think that's definitely something to take into consideration with a shanks/buggy get-together in buggy's pre-emperor days.
if they've been together since they were both young upstarts, well, the people who think he's a gold-digger simply can't do basic math. but if they don't get together until shanks is widely recognized as one of the most powerful pirates in the world, then... yeah, it looks suspect. same as anyone attempting to romance an emperor, if it doesn't appear to have political motives then it appears manipulative.
which... buggy is, but he's not sexually manipulative. he steals his treasures honestly, thank you very much.
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