Here to rant about how much I love Sky and P’Pai, both individually and together they are two of my favorite characters of all time.
Gonna start by talking about the chemistry between these two. Every scene between them has me either in tears or smiling uncontrollably, I just simply cannot get enough of them. Every scene just seems so natural and they seem so comfortable with each other it's not too cringey or hard to watch, it just feels right you know?
I really love how every time Sky needs P’Pai he’s just there no questions asked, and he just listens, he never tries to change the subject or make it about himself. Another thing I love about Prapai is that he never takes Sky seriously when he says he's annoyed by him or tells him to go away because he knows Sky well enough to see he doesn't mean what he says most of the time. He’s faithful and never does anything he wouldn't want Sky to do, he's a well-rounded character that does anything for those he loves. I wish we could've seen his thoughts and thought process a bit more. And he's obviously hot but that's not the point.
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Sky is such a dynamic character, characters like him aren't rare but there's just something about Sky specifically. He's so in touch with his emotions and always expresses them whenever he's alone but has a problem sharing them with others. These aspects make me feel closer to Sky as a character because he's so relatable. I love the way he's able to find comfort in P'Pai and trust him after all the trauma he's been through, trusting again and loving again is definitely not easy, but Sky was able to overcome the trauma and find his way in the world again, even though he breaks down behind closed doors he's so strong.
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Sky & Prapai
I'm proud to say that Sky and Prapai are definitely one of my favorite couples out of all the 60+ bls I've seen over the last year. The raw emotions shared between the two and their natural love. Even though it's just acting it doesn't seem forced at all, it just seems like we're following two people on their journey to trusting and loving again after everything they've been through. I would love to see more of Sky and Prapai in the future and even if we don't see them again I would love to see Fort and Peat working together again.
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